Star Wars: Lore, Canon, Extended Universe And All Things Force Binding


"I had an overall arc that in mind that [JJ Abrams] wanted to do," Driver continued. "His idea was that [Kylo's] journey was the opposite journey of Vader, where Vader starts the most confident and the most committed to the dark side. And then by the last movie, he's the most vulnerable and weak. He wanted to start with the opposite. This character was the most confused and vulnerable, and by the end of the three movies, he would be the most committed to the dark side. I tried to keep that arc in mind, regardless if that wound up not being the journey anyway, because it changed while shooting. But I was still focused on that."

Driver said Rian Johnson took Kylo Ren's original arc in "a different direction" with "The Last Jedi," although "it still tracked with the character." That wasn't the case with "The Rise of Skywalker."

"The last one, it changed into being, you know, about them and the dyad, and things like that," Driver said. "And evolving into Ben Solo. That was never a part of it. He was Ben Solo from the beginning, but there was never a version where we'd see Ben Solo when I first signed up for it."
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"I had an overall arc that in mind that [JJ Abrams] wanted to do," Driver continued. "His idea was that [Kylo's] journey was the opposite journey of Vader, where Vader starts the most confident and the most committed to the dark side. And then by the last movie, he's the most vulnerable and weak. He wanted to start with the opposite. This character was the most confused and vulnerable, and by the end of the three movies, he would be the most committed to the dark side. I tried to keep that arc in mind, regardless if that wound up not being the journey anyway, because it changed while shooting. But I was still focused on that."

Driver said Rian Johnson took Kylo Ren's original arc in "a different direction" with "The Last Jedi," although "it still tracked with the character." That wasn't the case with "The Rise of Skywalker."

"The last one, it changed into being, you know, about them and the dyad, and things like that," Driver said. "And evolving into Ben Solo. That was never a part of it. He was Ben Solo from the beginning, but there was never a version where we'd see Ben Solo when I first signed up for it."

Yeah originally we had some kick a$$ fights for Kylo Ren, and I was super excited then it all changed and JJ didn’t want any of it. I wanted action like we saw in game cinematics like force unleashed and knight of the old republic etc mixed with hong Kong and anime inspired action.
All got dumbed down and was deemed ‘too over the top’, I am sure SW fans would have loved it.
Yeah originally we had some kick a$$ fights for Kylo Ren, and I was super excited then it all changed and JJ didn’t want any of it. I wanted action like we saw in game cinematics like force unleashed and knight of the old republic etc mixed with hong Kong and anime inspired action.
All got dumbed down and was deemed ‘too over the top’, I am sure SW fans would have loved it.
Yo, I would’ve loved it. I get some people hold this or another franchise close to the heart, but part of it is that that’s where some of its sourced material is from. They kinda touched on it in the tv and animated series. I hope it happens, maybe you can be part of it?!
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In 1977, following the unexpected success of the original Star Wars, George Lucas set about laying down the groundwork for his new expanded universe. He did this with a series of in-universe character accounts that explained everything from the rise of the Empire to C-3PO's origins that bear a striking resemblance to the prequel story (these are available today in J.W. Rinzler's exhausting The Making of Star Wars). The most striking of these is a section explaining the mythology of the Force, including a clarification on what it is to be "strong" in the energy that used the science of midichlorians:

"It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells."