The New Gameplay of Assassin's Creed Unity

I quite liked AC 3( past the very slow beginning) and Watchdogs. I think Watchdogs was a bigger disappointment considering how it was sold, but I had scads of fun with it anyway. I just hope this new character has more depth of character than a certain vigilante- Aden Pierce has got to be the most bland non-characters out there next to Nameless Space Marine.

I liked watchdogs too, but only because I continually compared it to the borefest that was gta5.
I have to finish Watch Dogs (started it couple weeks ago). Connor has been my favorite so far. Unity looks absolutely amazing though.
I have to finish Watch Dogs (started it couple weeks ago). Connor has been my favorite so far. Unity looks absolutely amazing though.
Connor your favorite!? He was alright, but how can he top Ezio?
Honestly I personally never really got the allure of Ezio. He was fine in AC2, but nothing that made me think, "I hope they make 2 more games focused on him!" By Revelations I thought he was a total bore... Can't say I really prefer Connor though, he was a bit on the stale side.
You realize you're all talking about Assassin's Creed narrative elements here people. Please re-read that and let it sink in.
You realize you're all talking about Assassin's Creed narrative elements here people. Please re-read that and let it sink in.

You do realize that games are a sum of their parts, right? Do you think Uncharted or TLOU would be as highly lauded if the narrative wasn't there? Especially when the actual game-play is nothing special, but works well. Same here.

The scale of AC games and the varied capabilities/items/weapons are also nothing to sneeze at. The Characters in AC can do far more actions than the characters in the aforementioned games, and I personally think they work on a fine level. Sure there is some bugginess, but given the complexity of some of the interactions, I can give them some slack. AC:U looks to be addressing a number of these issues.

Some people want more direct control of the Parkour, but that isn't necessarily what they are trying to emphasize about the game, and given the pace and myriad other tasks and abilities, it would just make it unnecessarily complicated, imo. It's not a platformer.