The Official: Let's get in shape thread!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
Let's encourage each other to get in shape, be healthier, live happier and longer.

My goal the past year and a half has been to get healthier, lose body fat and gain 10lbs of muscle.

Almost a year ago, I started out at 145lbs, did not work out much and had lots of flab around waist, legs and face.

I am today, 152lbs, smaller in waist by 2 sizes and feel stronger and much healthier.

My workout regiment the first 6 months was to tone up and lose fat. I am now trying to bulk up. My goal is not to be super buff, but athletic and healthy looking.

My workout regiment includes:
- Monday: Legs
- Tuesday: Chest
- Wed: Cardio + Abs or rest day
- Thursday: Backs and biceps
- Friday: Cardio + Legs
- Saturday: Chest + Abs
- Sunday: Full rest

I eat mainly 250-300g protein a day, vary my carb intake from low to high throughout week. Low sugar and low fat intake.

Let's go team!!!
Eh, if it's been your lifestyle for the better part of 20 years working out as you get older isn't bad. For me it's almost easier because of the muscle memory I've built up over that time. I can take a couple months off and it only takes about three weeks to get my weight and muscle back to where it was before I take a break.
I was thinking about doing the Mike Chang opposites routine. Chest/Back, Tri/Bi etc. etc.. Also this video popped up on Youtube one day from Arnold. He was saying that flexing actually helps with muscle growth so I might try that also. I just haven't been consistent at all, though. Starting off with a really easy workout and trying to go from there.
I was thinking about doing the Mike Chang opposites routine. Chest/Back, Tri/Bi etc. etc.. Also this video popped up on Youtube one day from Arnold. He was saying that flexing actually helps with muscle growth so I might try that also. I just haven't been consistent at all, though. Starting off with a really easy workout and trying to go from there.
That's the problem and a problem many have. You can't make progress if you have no consistency. It's the biggest reason why so many people fail to make strides when working out. You can do almost any workout and see progress as long as you continually increase the load in some way, weight, reps, speed, supersets, etc and are consistent.
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I need to get in shape, badly. But I'm lazy. And when I'm not doing school s*** I want to be enjoying my time. I don't find working out enjoyable. It's boring.
I need to get in shape, badly. But I'm lazy. And when I'm not doing school s*** I want to be enjoying my time. I don't find working out enjoyable. It's boring.

It's always like in the beginning UNTIL results start showing up and you'll get MOTIVATED to keep going. Everyone is like this, the battle is in the mind. If you want it bad enough, you'll do it.

Think of your body as a high end car, you'd take care of such a car right? Why wouldn't you with your own body?
It's always like in the beginning UNTIL results start showing up and you'll get MOTIVATED to keep going. Everyone is like this, the battle is in the mind. If you want it bad enough, you'll do it.

Think of your body as a high end car, you'd take care of such a car right? Why wouldn't you with your own body?

Eh I lost weight once. Got me a bitch girlfriend, became complacent, and put it back on.
Who said you can't eat and be healthy? s*** i eat 6-7 meals a day and eat hella good and still able to be fit. If anything working out enables you to eat more! :banana::bang:
Eh, if it's been your lifestyle for the better part of 20 years working out as you get older isn't bad. For me it's almost easier because of the muscle memory I've built up over that time. I can take a couple months off and it only takes about three weeks to get my weight and muscle back to where it was before I take a break.

So I started working out heavily around September of last year and lost a lot of weight and got into great shape. Around May I went to Vegas and it went down hill from there; good bye working out and hello party life + crazy eating! I didn't get back into the gym until literally three weeks ago and in just three weeks, I'm back to my pre-Vegas shape. God bless muscle memory.
Congrats to everyone working hard/consistent! Not easy, but like my one of my old Chinese teachers said 'the hardest part of moving a boulder from one point to another is to get it rolling.' It's hard to get back into the swing, but once you get past the hump it just becomes part of the routine.

And if you get bored, set some goals....even something simple like increasing weight on any lift.

Now that the Summer is over I'm getting back to eating more :) ....but not too much. I'm actually going to try and gain a little weight by next year for fun. I weighed 221 lbs today and that's the heaviest I've ever been, so I'm on my way.

As far as cravings/snacking goes, anything protein/healthy fat based personally, or something with a lot of bulk like produce. It's also been shown that foods that are hot in temp and/or spicy tend to decrease cravings as well. I read an article about chewable L-Glutamine being great for sugar cravings, but I haven't tried it yet. Sometimes being dehydrated can also make you crave food.

But ultimately, if you're trying to lose weight, it's going to be a bit uncomfortable. For every time you overindulged, you have to 'suffer' just a bit to balance it out. You just have to expect it and deal with it as it comes.
I was thinking about doing the Mike Chang opposites routine. Chest/Back, Tri/Bi etc. etc.. Also this video popped up on Youtube one day from Arnold. He was saying that flexing actually helps with muscle growth so I might try that also. I just haven't been consistent at all, though. Starting off with a really easy workout and trying to go from there.

Don't waste your time on split routines.

All you need is lifting 3 times a week.

Monday (workout A):
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Bent over barbell rows 5x5

Wednesday (workout B):
Squat 5x5
Overhead barbell press (military press) 5x5
Deadlift 5x5

Workout A

Next Monday:
Workout B

Rinse and repeat.

Start your first workout with just the bar on all these lifts and add 5lbs to upper body lift every time and 10lbs to lower body lifts every time. When you cannot hit 5x5 on a lift, repeat the same weight the next time. When you miss 3 times in a row, drop 10-15% and work back up. When you have to drop 3 times for each lift, do 3x5, and go through the same deal. When you have to drop the 10-15% 3 times in the 3x5, do the same thing for 1x5. I guarantee you that you will see better results than any split routine.

This will even make you lose weight if that's what you're going for (as long as your diet is good), but if you want a bit more just do some cardio after workouts.

I'm not saying this trying to be a know it all, but it kills me to see so many people waste literally years of their lives doing pointless workouts in the gym.
Jogging at least an hour a week (and not pigging out) will keep you alive well enough. Been jogging every Saturday since I have knowledge and I'm fit as fiddle...mostly.
Don't waste your time on split routines.

All you need is lifting 3 times a week.

Monday (workout A):
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Bent over barbell rows 5x5

Wednesday (workout B):
Squat 5x5
Overhead barbell press (military press) 5x5
Deadlift 5x5

Workout A

Next Monday:
Workout B

Rinse and repeat.

Start your first workout with just the bar on all these lifts and add 5lbs to upper body lift every time and 10lbs to lower body lifts every time. When you cannot hit 5x5 on a lift, repeat the same weight the next time. When you miss 3 times in a row, drop 10-15% and work back up. When you have to drop 3 times for each lift, do 3x5, and go through the same deal. When you have to drop the 10-15% 3 times in the 3x5, do the same thing for 1x5. I guarantee you that you will see better results than any split routine.

This will even make you lose weight if that's what you're going for (as long as your diet is good), but if you want a bit more just do some cardio after workouts.

I'm not saying this trying to be a know it all, but it kills me to see so many people waste literally years of their lives doing pointless workouts in the gym.

hmmmm, video podcasting you make?

seriously thought, i do like to see how people go about their workouts, like proper techniques and such.

just fyi, ive started (again) to take walks/hikes along the hills each evening and doing situps and such at home in the morning.... for now

oh, how bout a hiking group?
hmmmm, video podcasting you make?

What? Not sure I follow.

Edit: But if you're asking if I record any of my workouts, the answer is no. There's plenty of places online you can find proper technique for the main lifts though. If you can't find any and you really are interested I could find plenty for you.
What do you guys usually snack on when you're up late? How do you deal with cravings?
Depends... Are you leaning or gaining? If leaning then cottage cheese, chicken breast, turkey, etc. if gaining then eat away just stay away from too much sugar or fats.
Depends... Are you leaning or gaining? If leaning then cottage cheese, chicken breast, turkey, etc. if gaining then eat away just stay away from too much sugar or fats.

Cottage cheese is really a great option. In my opinion it's one of the best foods you can eat. The protein to fat ratio never ceases to amaze me.
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Cottage cheese is really a great option. In my opinion it's one of the best foods you can eat. The protein to fat ratio never ceases to amaze me.

and it's quite inexpensive too! i normally eat eggs at night too
I ruptured my bursa on my left hip, have plantar fecietus or how ever it is spelled on the left heal, and a bad back. I kind of over trained in the spring/summer for my club team and did a lot of damage at Nationals in Colorado this past July. I was pretty much out and resigned to a life of pain even with lots of PT and stretching but I just got a cortisone shot and feel like a new man! I have had a cortisone shot before for my left knee but it didnt help too much. So i was skeptical. but my god, the pain is gone!
Cant really get into a routine yet bc my wife just had ACL surgery and the kids schedules are all FUBAR'd right now.
I do get in the gym and do some light lifting but can only get in maybe once or twice a week but I should get back into to full swing soon. . I think I am going to start some yoga too.
I deadlifted 440 for 6 reps yesterday and that felt wonderful. I'll attempt 455 next week as long as my ankle heals up. It's been a bit sprained these past few weeks and deadlifting yesterday was most likely a bad idea.

My bench is still just at 245 and I still haven't squatted one pound more than 500lbs. Still curling 125 lbs. I'd say my lifts have nearly all stopped going up in weight aside from my deadlift. Though I can do more pull-ups these days.

In short, I've stalled. My plan is to keep changing things here and there until I break this plateau.