The rage against Adam Sessler

In that big thread on Neogaf someone said; "He only meant that it was sad that everyone is talking about resolution when it should be about the games".

Then someone replied to him (and this seemed to be repeated by a lot of posters); "so when ps3 has the worse resolution and FPS its a big deal, but when xbox has it, it doesn't matter?".

My thoughts on this is and always has been that it didn't matter to much if PS3 looked slightly inferior. the difference was not that extreme in many cases. What was extreme however was the extreme-unplayable levels of framerate drops in some ps3 games. Bayonetta dipping to the 10-15 fps is unacceptable and borderline unplayable. An animation is 7 FPS, so it's very close to the most basic slide show.
And so I think it's unfair to put these two things up against each other. a game dropping into the 40s and 35s is not the same as a game dropping into unplayable levels.
But several posters at Neogaf are mad not only at Sessler. But also at Digital Foundry(Eurogamer) and other news outlets. they are convinced they are shills and paid by microsofts. I have no idea how many feel this way on GAF, but it's very loud voices that seem very anti-Microsoft right now.

I've played 2560x1440 on my pc for a couple of years now, so I am tired of this console discussion. I think it's silly and redundant. I think frames per second, smooth animations and advancements in AI is a much better thing to focus on. I feel that once again it's numbers being turned and nuanced to further someones point. I have quake 3 engine based games that run on pc in 2560x1440. I played Jedi Knight II yesterday in that resolution. I really don't see the point.

My Iphone has a higher resolution than what PS4 and Xbox One has. Is this really an area where all gamers passion should go towards?
I feel bad for anyone the "game journalism" industry or in the game industry right now. You are literally one tweet or video away from having your audience turn on you and spew the worst kind of venom at you.
Watched his interview with Phil Spencer. Nothing but crude comments about the both of them. It's shameful. I don't know where this all comes from.
Yes ok, you can turn the math around to say that.

Math pretty much speaks on its own, unless you're claiming that numbers have some sort of liberal/conservative/pro-MS/pro-Sony agenda. :troll:

But it is fair to say that people misunderstand numbers and context frequently. 1 + 1 = 3, for large values of 1.
I feel bad for anyone the "game journalism" industry or in the game industry right now. You are literally one tweet or video away from having your audience turn on you and spew the worst kind of venom at you.

I think there is a reason why the quality of gaming journalism is turning sour pretty fast and only a few new sites still write good articles. Nobody wants good articles. They either want flamebait or just want to feel superior for having certain products and hate things that do not 'respect'(=do not pretend to bow to) them, nothing more than that. It is almost a pity to see how abominations like Gaming Blend have more traffic than solid ones like Polygon.
lol Sessler is hypocritical? What is he, some religious figurehead?

He can't gain understanding, knowledge, or even change his mind on the topic of video game consoles?

I like Adam Sessler more now than I EVER did when he was on G4TV.
Why did he even say anything? What does he think hes going to do change everyones mind? He should had said something when PS3 was having low res games.