Thor 5

I feel like there is a lot of uncertainty going on with how to handle characters that are OP. There is a weird tendency to Nerf them which in the case of THOR in the first movie loses worthiness to weild the hammer, let him wallow in being Fat Thor, or then later the hammer gets destroyed so must start over on the path of regaining his full power. The character is stuck in a loop of being getting 'lost' and arcs of 'finding himself'.

I think Waititi Nerfed him on a character level not sure whether he's a serious stoic viking hero or fish out of water goofball that is careless. I guess what I mean here is while ultra powerful, nerfing his character diminishes him as a character to not be taken seriously. It's a clumsy way of putting him on relatable level to other characters like GotG.

One the strangest things in the MCU is characters are their most OP potential when fighting other heroes like Civil War or Age of Ultron.
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Would probably be one of the weird Space God level characters since they dropped in a character like Eternity.

It might be interesting to see a teamup with just the most hardcore powerful characters like the Hulk or Captain Marvel. Yes, Capt. Marvel. Unfortunately, I don't think that character is finding the right niche spot in the MCU, but is again a character that is Overpowered and they don't know how to balance that with character development.

Otherwise, I think some conflict is Hercules is teased which seems dull story wise.

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