Trials of Osiris gameplay


We The North 🦖🍁
Sep 12, 2013
Anyone else hyped for this? For those who live and die for the crucible, this sounds and looks like so much fun. I'm close to tripleWRECK's community and have been hearing great things brewing for the future of Destiny. I'm going to be in it for the long haul. Anyone else?

It looks cool. But no one plays this game with me anymore since I recently got back into it. Also, I’m not very good at the Crucible, although I did play a few matches after I got the Vex rifle and did pretty well. But I think the weapon was the reason and not my skill.

I’ve been watching more vids for House of Wolves and it looks pretty good. I would have liked a raid. But it looks like Bungie put a little something in there for everyone with competitive, cooperative as well as a couple new story missions. So I’m pretty excited for it to release.
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I suck at the Crucible. I just crave PvE content but there's not enough of it.
Did you watch the Prison of Elders reveal earlier today? Its another PvE mode coming with HoW.

I tried but my phone is being dumb with videos right now. But from I've read, it's a horde mode. Is that right?
I tried but my phone is being dumb with videos right now. But from I've read, it's a horde mode. Is that right?
Its an arena setting yes, but there are objectives, and gameplay modifiers that make it a little more than just simply killing waves of enemies.
Its an arena setting yes, but there are objectives, and gameplay modifiers that make it a little more than just simply killing waves of enemies.

Is it matchmaking? Please tell me it is. Is it all new enviornments?
There are four separate difficulties, and the lowest(lvl 28 ) has matchmaking. The other 3 are like the Nightfall. You only get loot once a week for them, and they have no matchmaking. The environments are new, static, and themed towards the species of enemy you are facing.