Virtual reality on PS4 and Xbox One


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013

Mounting evidence suggests that Sony and Microsoft will each launch firstparty peripherals for PS4 and Xbox One with virtual reality capabilities.

Development sources have told us that PS4’s own “Oculus beater” will launch much sooner than Microsoft’s own wearable tech, of which little is known. It is expected, however, to be an internet-connected headset more akin to Google Glass.
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I don't know if I want VR but many years back I almost bought a Sony device that you wear on your head. Basically it simulated a 60"+ monitor and surround sound (was a whole headset). I think that would be pretty cool but VR? /shrug

I guess if done right it could be pretty interesting. Not holding my breath though.
I'm really considering getting the oculus rift as soon as they announce when it will go on sale. This is coming from someone who has never bought any console on day one or anytime near launch. I couldn't care less about the 3d from current tv's but what interest me is how everyone is saying that it is on a whole 'nother level of immersion.
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Seems very thin on the xbox/MS front.

On the Sony front though it seems it will happen at some point. Bit hard to get excited with no news on specs, or capabilities, or even what sony envision for it.
VR is the most exciting tech in years for me. Ever since Lawnmower Man I have wanted VR and it seems like we might be finally at the point where it is a worthy experience
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