Wanna Be The Elite of Elitists ? $3000 GTX Titan Z graphics card



I know a guy who would probably buy this. We always made fun of him. He has a really big ego & has to out-do everybody. He kept increasing his internet over the years more & more & more even though all he does is game & really doesn't need that much bandwidth. He wouldn't ever play with us on Xbox 360 unless he got to host the room. Then he'd always say, "I'm boosting you guys up because of my connection." We all made fun of him a lot behind his back. haha.
I know a guy who would probably buy this. We always made fun of him. He has a really big ego & has to out-do everybody. He kept increasing his internet over the years more & more & more even though all he does is game & really doesn't need that much bandwidth. He wouldn't ever play with us on Xbox 360 unless he got to host the room. Then he'd always say, "I'm boosting you guys up because of my connection." We all made fun of him a lot behind his back. haha.
I know that guy. He's a tool.