What game(s) are you playing right now?

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I'm playing Red Dead Redemption and Saints Row the Third. Love both games. When I need something different I've been playing UFC Undisputed 3.
Had some free time yesterday and thought I'd continue with Uncharted 2, never played 1 although I own it and have 3 waiting but with GTA out tomorrow I don't think I will finish any of the games in this trilogy.
Got back into Borderlands 2 a little over a month ago, and ive been pulled back into it an extreme way. I bought the other two DLCs I never played for it, Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt, and Tiny Tinas Assault on Dragon Keep (one of the best pieces of DLC this gen), now with Digistruct Peak coming out a few weeks ago, ive got My level 72 Siren with Overpowered 8 weapons, and ive never had more fun with this game.

Definitely the best co-op game this gen, and easily in my top 3 games this gen, if to be honest, not my favorite period. I think ive put well over 500 hours into it, if not more, and the fact that its been out right at a year now and im still playing it is a testament to just how good a game it is.
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Been playing Bioshock Infinite on and off and just some Starcraft 2 when I'm free.
Got back into Borderlands 2 a little over a month ago, and ive been pulled back into it an extreme way. I bought the other two DLCs I never played for it, Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt, and Tiny Tinas Assault on Dragon Keep (one of the best pieces of DLC this gen), now with Digistruct Peak coming out a few weeks ago, ive got My level 72 Siren with Overpowered 8 weapons, and ive never had more fun with this game.

Definitely the best co-op game this gen, and easily in my top 3 games this gen, if to be honest, not my favorite period. I think ive put well over 500 hours into it, if not more, and the fact that its been out right at a year now and im still playing it is a testament to just how good a game it is.

Easily in my top 5 this gen too. I have yet to play Tiny Tina's yet, looks awesome, gonna dl the ultimate vault hunter 2 pack before I tackle it.
last games i played were Arkham City and Bayonetta, thought they were both terrible so sold them off and now waiting for gta
I am now on Halo 4. I just bought Champion Bundle and waiting for the download to be 100% completion. After that, I'll be playing Halo 4 for a while.
Been thinking about getting the CB so give some impressions please.
Finished Tales of Xillia. This is my new favorite JRPG of this generation. A fighting system similar to Star Ocean but dialogue and story written sharper the Lost Odyssey. Can't ask for much more.
Marvel Heroes on the PC pretty much 100% of the time. The only other games I play right now are a couple on my android phone and ipad.
Lost Odyssey - started playing again and haven't stopped, remembering why I love this game. Man, I wish they made a next gen. version of this game!!!
Black Mesa, just started it but im having a blast. Never had a chance to finish HL1, a well made remake for free, cant ask for more.
Right now I am going through Diablo III on the PS3. I'm really impressed with how well the game looks and runs. It's also, at least for me, more satisfying to use a controller rather than a mouse.
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Black Ops II and Payday 2 on the 360, Pikmin 3 on the Wii U, and just yesterday I started playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the 3DS again.
Gta V (played about 2 hours)
I'm sure the vast majority of you are playing GTAV at this point. I'm busy getting into the top 50 players in the world in SC Blacklist. Maybe I'll get bored at some point and finish the single player.
was mostly Black Ops2 till madden came out, most likely Madden and GTA till next Gen, don't see myself buying anything else for the 360. At some point I need to go back and finish Charlie Murder and maybe when Ghosts gets closer I'll play some Black Ops2

a little jealous of those playing hot shots golf, I love those games, that golf game coming out for the Xbox one better play just like that.
Diablo III, while GTA V sits on my shelf, waiting until I hit that point where I want a break from Diablo III.

I'm thinking about playing Diablo III right now. All of those legendary items, not being picked up by me, right now. The horror... And to think I have a job, a wife, and a kid getting in the way of sweet loot-whoring. The horror...
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