What TV show have you seen recently ? Episode one

Watched the first two episodes of Fallout and really enjoyed it, not a fan of the games but it works great as a show.
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Kinda could use a new show, I've sort of ran out........

Or I could go outside on a beautiful day but probably not.

Hmmm. Gonna have to do some digging and figure out my mood.
Everything is amazing. The sound, just the whole thing.

Apparently this is the first actual adaptation of the novel. That is what I read. So I guess The Talented Mr Ripley must be a bit off as far as adaptation.

Let me look it up: the eight-episode limited series is the first adaptation of Highsmith's novel to a series.

Ok, so first to be made into a series. The other is a movie.

I just also love the old Italian black and white vibe of it too. Again thanks for the recommendation.

Edit a day later: Holy s*** what a series! Caravaggio!
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Outer Range season 2 - After 2 seasons I'm still clueless about what is going on. Lol. Enjoyed it, though.
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Watched the first episode of The Acolyte.

It was average.
They killed trinity off in the first 5 minutes lol.
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Watched the first episode of The Acolyte.

It was average.
They killed trinity off in the first 5 minutes lol.
I'm hearing it sucks.

But it's hard to know with the Star Wars nerds out there.

I will judge for myself right now.
I read that it was woke as woke can get.

Enjoyed the first episode. It's just a show right?
I’ve only watched the first episode. No hate from me, just thought it was average.

I enjoy Star Wars while not allowing my criticisms to turn into the toxic garbage the most vocal “fans” have become.
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Workin' on True Detective.

I'm into it.

Some good shows coming up soon. The Boys, Game of Thrones dragon thingie, The Bear (can't wait for that!)

How do you guys find new stuff to watch? I used to use Rotten Tomatoes but the past couple years it's not the best.

That's what I came across to get an idea of what I can watch coming up.
People assign wole to anything nowadays.

Not seen much wokeness thus far.

I don't even know what woke means.

My sense is that there are minorities in important roles, like people who aren't white, gay people, even women of any race (unless there's a lesbian scene?)

It's pretty dumb to write off a show or movie because of those things, and yet those people (who call stuff woke) are out there everywhere. Thankfully they really love to label their pickup trucks with these types of things making it easier to know who not to take seriously, or interact with.
I don't even know what woke means.

My sense is that there are minorities in important roles, like people who aren't white, gay people, even women of any race (unless there's a lesbian scene?)

It's pretty dumb to write off a show or movie because of those things, and yet those people (who call stuff woke) are out there everywhere. Thankfully they really love to label their pickup trucks with these types of things making it easier to know who not to take seriously, or interact with.
Technically woke is used out of context now, but examples of it in entertainment are...

The little Mermaid being black faced - Kinda obvious this one.
Mulan no longer struggling to become the hero - Because woman power and woman can't fail.
The whole Gay episode in The Last of Us - This was more a passing comment in the game.
She -Hulk - A whole show about Man hating.
Workin' on True Detective.

I'm into it.

Some good shows coming up soon. The Boys, Game of Thrones dragon thingie, The Bear (can't wait for that!)

How do you guys find new stuff to watch? I used to use Rotten Tomatoes but the past couple years it's not the best.

That's what I came across to get an idea of what I can watch coming up.
I just search youtube for TV show trailers.
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The Sopranos - Season 1

Never watched this show until now, flew through season 1 and I'm already a couple episodes into season 2 in just a few short days. Show has completely wrecked my sleep sleep schedule this week and resulted in several rounds of takeout Italian food!
Been watching Preacher. One of my favorite comics from back in the day. Been enjoying the showing. Nearly done with it. They did an admirable job at adapting it overall I think.
Watched the first 3 episodes of The Boys season 4 and saw the first episode of season 2 of House of the Dragon, enjoyed them all and glad these shows are back.
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