What's your next big game for the summer?

The Evil Within
Elder Scroll Online (possibly)

The next game I'll be playing though is Child of Light in 11 days.
Oh I forgot about Murdered: Soul suspect. I'm interested in how that game is too.

I'm surprised at just how few people have listed it.

Why are so few interested in it ? looks very good to me.
Wolfenstein possibly. If not that, probably won't buy another game until Destiny comes out in Sept, unless I pick up a ps4 after the bar, which then I will pick up infamous and the last of us port.
Watch Dogs will be the big game of the Summer for me. Other than that i'll probably be playing Titanfall and Final Fantasy XIV for quite awhile.
MLB the Show, Last of Us remake and Watchdogs on PS4.
Mario Kart
On X1 I may get Plants vs. zombies, Thief or Sports Rivals in the near future.
wolf or watch dogs on Xb1. Hope there some good indie games coming out soon.
That sucks. So you're getting the Remastered version?
Yes. So I have to buy it twice I guess. Kinda. I did sell my Last of Us on eBay once my PS3 died. The PS3 dying was my fault mostly. The fan was INSANE loud..like a jet plane (I had a 40gb model). I decided to follow a youtube video to try and fix it myself. Took it all apart down to the last board, cleaned it, etc. Put it back together, and still loud. Then I decided to try again just to see if I missed anything. But when I did it a second time, I broke the black plastic ribbon latch that holds the mother board ribbon onto the wifi/bluetooth card. So when you stick the ribbon in, you need to clip it down. So I gave up on trying to fix THAT, and decided to just play with my USB controller and I plugged in the ethernet cord (since the wifi/bluetooth card wouldn't work any longer without that ribbon connected). But as I played Last of Us more, the fan noise became bother some, so I said "f*** it". Sold all my PS3 games on eBay. THEN, I tried to sell my PS3 as a used "broken" unit on eBay (along with the controller, USB controller, official bluetooth headset). I stated how exactly it can be played, and what was wrong with it. Sold it for $108.00. But after it got there, they messaged me back saying that the ethernet port was NOT working for them (yeah right), and that when they started it up, they got an error message number, which they claim Sony support told them it meant faulty hard drive (yeah right). I shipped it completely reformatted like new, and tested the ethernet and game before it left my house. They asked for their money back. I said yup, no problem....ship it back to me and once I get it back, I will refund your money.

UPS dropped the package at my door last week...I picked the piece of s*** box up off the front door stoop, walked through the kitchen, into the garage, and threw it into the garbage. Didn't even bother to look at it or open it. f*** YOU PS3. PS4 is where it's at now.

Ok...off my soap box!
Yes. So I have to buy it twice I guess. Kinda. I did sell my Last of Us on eBay once my PS3 died. The PS3 dying was my fault mostly. The fan was INSANE loud..like a jet plane (I had a 40gb model). I decided to follow a youtube video to try and fix it myself. Took it all apart down to the last board, cleaned it, etc. Put it back together, and still loud. Then I decided to try again just to see if I missed anything. But when I did it a second time, I broke the black plastic ribbon latch that holds the mother board ribbon onto the wifi/bluetooth card. So when you stick the ribbon in, you need to clip it down. So I gave up on trying to fix THAT, and decided to just play with my USB controller and I plugged in the ethernet cord (since the wifi/bluetooth card wouldn't work any longer without that ribbon connected). But as I played Last of Us more, the fan noise became bother some, so I said "f*** it". Sold all my PS3 games on eBay. THEN, I tried to sell my PS3 as a used "broken" unit on eBay (along with the controller, USB controller, official bluetooth headset). I stated how exactly it can be played, and what was wrong with it. Sold it for $108.00. But after it got there, they messaged me back saying that the ethernet port was NOT working for them (yeah right), and that when they started it up, they got an error message number, which they claim Sony support told them it meant faulty hard drive (yeah right). I shipped it completely reformatted like new, and tested the ethernet and game before it left my house. They asked for their money back. I said yup, no problem....ship it back to me and once I get it back, I will refund your money.

UPS dropped the package at my door last week...I picked the piece of s*** box up off the front door stoop, walked through the kitchen, into the garage, and threw it into the garbage. Didn't even bother to look at it or open it. f*** YOU PS3. PS4 is where it's at now.

Ok...off my soap box!

FYI..The fan on the 40GB model is loud as fook. So you tried to fix something that wasn't broken.