When was the last time you were sick?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
I have the worst head cold at the moment. Feel like death. But, I was thinking...and the last time I was sick with anything was back in 2010. I had a cold for a few days. I guess I was due.
I just went through an entire roll of toilet paper...my nose won't stop running...lol


I honestly can't remember the last time I was truly sick in a way that it affected me. I get the occasional runny nose, but I really don't get sick often. Only missed one day of school for being sick in my entire life.
A couple months ago. My sons first week of school, he got sick and eventually everyone in the house caught it. Being sick sucks
Every year around February or March. I got hammered by the flu last year. I think this year may be the first time I ever get a flu shot.
A couple of months ago. Food poisoning from a restaurant.
I hate to say it because I'm sure once I say " I havent been sick in over 3 years!", I will get sick
It's worse when you significant other is sick. Because that means that if she doesn't sleep because [insert symptom here] then YOU can't sleep.
That day they finally caught the Boston Marathon bombers? I was sick as a dog with the flu. Couldn't stop throwing up. Worst sickness I had in years.