Why Do You Like Nintendo?

I love Nintendo for the games! This is for the players!

At this point, my love for Nintendo is running on nostalgia fumes. I just think they've lost the plot of who they are. I know the Wii U has a few good games, and im not against getting one if a new Zelda, Mario Galaxy, or Metroid hits. But they've been going in this weird direction since the Wii that seems to be catering more to the niche gamer. How I would love them to just grow some balls, put out a system with the power to put the PS4/X1 to shame, and get back in the good graces of third parties. They say they aren't competing with MS or Sony, but I don't think until they try to, they'll be anything but most peoples "third system".

I stuck by Nintendo for years. I got an N64 before I got a Playstation, and I got a Gamecube before an Xbox or PS2. Those days are done for me, unless Nintendo has a complete turnaround in their current direction, and to be honest, it looks like video games are going to become less of a priority for them as time goes on. I still think they have the best first party potential of the big three though, but in all seriousness, im to the point to where I wish they would just go the way of Sega and make their games for Xbox and Playstation.