Worst game of the year so far?

I haven't played many new ones but Guacamelee is the worst.
It's not bad, just meh.
Watch Dogs, probably.
I'm with Andy. Watch Dogs was my most disappointing game I've played so far this year. It's not a bad game, but it failed to keep me wanting to play more.
It's just like every single major Ubisoft game. You get tired midway through the game and the campaign fails to keep you interested.
From the little I played? Watch Dogs.

s*** felt like "If GTA was made by 9 kids with kickstarter funds".
watch dogs and infamous ss, which is odd because I usually love open world games, both of my choices just bored me to death, even after multiple attempts to keep going.
The biggest problem with Watch Dogs, for me, is the game really has no idea how it wants to be played. Obviously the game advertises stealth and hacking, but for how easy hacking is, the design becomes redundant. Obtaining money is painfully easy and you can use the money you acquire to purchase any of the guns, outfits, and cars. Because of this, the emphasis turns back to a combat oriented game and since Aiden goes down after, quite literally, three shots, the game becomes unfair and more of a tease.

It's a good game, but can definitely see how it came up stale for a lot of people.
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Ground Zeroes. It was an overpriced demo/preview of the actual MGS5: Phantom Pain game coming.
Watch Dogs for me. It's the worst I've played this year.
Hmm aside from the PS4 exclusives that came out this year I didn't play many other new releases. If alpha/beta counts I would go with Titanfall and Destiny.
Watchdogs - the driving segments were such a chore that I avoided doing any of those side missions but the last few chapters of the game the main missions were driving ones and sucked out any remaining joy I had been feeling for the game. Was a game that was so full of promise and the most hyped game for the last couple of years and it fell very short of that promise.
Watch Dogs is getting killed here, haha. It's funny to think that an open world game like Dead Rising 3, a launch game and a third in a series, does everything better than a game that has been worked on for almost a decade.
I unfortunately bought Watch Dogs at launch. Have yet to play a second of it. Not sure if I should play a few hours of it, or just trade it in before wasting any time.
I unfortunately bought Watch Dogs at launch. Have yet to play a second of it. Not sure if I should play a few hours of it, or just trade it in before wasting any time.

I beat it. It's not too bad as long as your expectations are tampered.

On another note, want to help me beat Resogun Veteran Difficulty with custom ship without dying to get the trophy?
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I am debating on selling my copy of Watch Dogs. It's an interesting concept but ultimately falls flat.
Maybe Watch Dogs for disappointment, but I still think it's a pretty good game. I'm enjoying it even if it's little more than GTA 3 with gadgets.
Here's some guy's list of "worst games of the year." He includes Watch Dogs, Thief, Murdered Soul Suspect, and ESO. It's pretty clear that he's talking about biggest disappointments.


What would your list of worst or most disappointing games of 2014 be?

Just thought I'd point out that it's not one person but all the site's writers putting their own individual worsts!

That being said, I'm the guy who chose Thief and I stand by it as the worst I've played this year. I know there were likely games worse out there but for what I got my grubby paws on Thief stands out as an awful experience for me. I can see that it looks more like disappointments rather than an actual 'worst' game for a few of the guys though. Thank christ I didn't have to play Yaiba, Tactics, or Basement Crawl though... all three of those are way worse than Thief.

Thanks for linking it though! I'm glad to see that the TeamXbox forum goers are still yelling at each other here. I'll have to speak to Eric (one of the founders of TeamXbox) to let him know you guys are up and prospering, if he doesn't know already that is!