Worst game of the year so far?

Just thought I'd point out that it's not one person but all the site's writers putting their own individual worsts!

That being said, I'm the guy who chose Thief and I stand by it as the worst I've played this year. I know there were likely games worse out there but for what I got my grubby paws on Thief stands out as an awful experience for me. I can see that it looks more like disappointments rather than an actual 'worst' game for a few of the guys though. Thank christ I didn't have to play Yaiba, Tactics, or Basement Crawl though... all three of those are way worse than Thief.

Thanks for linking it though! I'm glad to see that the TeamXbox forum goers are still yelling at each other here. I'll have to speak to Eric (one of the founders of TeamXbox) to let him know you guys are up and prospering, if he doesn't know already that is!
Welcome, Shawn.
Just thought I'd point out that it's not one person but all the site's writers putting their own individual worsts!

That being said, I'm the guy who chose Thief and I stand by it as the worst I've played this year. I know there were likely games worse out there but for what I got my grubby paws on Thief stands out as an awful experience for me. I can see that it looks more like disappointments rather than an actual 'worst' game for a few of the guys though. Thank christ I didn't have to play Yaiba, Tactics, or Basement Crawl though... all three of those are way worse than Thief.

Thanks for linking it though! I'm glad to see that the TeamXbox forum goers are still yelling at each other here. I'll have to speak to Eric (one of the founders of TeamXbox) to let him know you guys are up and prospering, if he doesn't know already that is!

ha, thanks for chiming in, I'm glad you noticed the link and said something. Appreciate the recognition. And thanks for the clarification and the original article as well. Food for thought.
ha, thanks for chiming in, I'm glad you noticed the link and said something. Appreciate the recognition. And thanks for the clarification and the original article as well. Food for thought.

I'm always watching out for who's reading our stuff! On top of that I like to join great communities too so I'll def be posting more.

When you're running a small site it's always nice to have other communities to flog your stuff on too :p
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Watch Dogs for sure and i like the game. It's like Assassin's Creed to me. Solid game but you're left wanting more. I still haven't bothered finishing it.
I'm always watching out for who's reading our stuff! On top of that I like to join great communities too so I'll def be posting more.

When you're running a small site it's always nice to have other communities to flog your stuff on too :p

Indeed. Glad to hear you're sticking around. :txbsmile:

Feel free to introduce yourself in the new members forum, if you are so inclined.
When games like Theif, Watchdogs or Titanfall are labelled as the worst games of the year, then you know that quality assurance has come a long way in the last decade. Shelves used to filled with truly awful games.
I haven't played a game I consider bad yet. So my worst of the year is still good: Ryse (not a 2014 game, but didn't play until 2014).
I'm with Andy. Watch Dogs was my most disappointing game I've played so far this year. It's not a bad game, but it failed to keep me wanting to play more.
It's all because it's missing a decent storyline. Half the things in the city you are not introduced to and wonder how to do them.
Wow. So much hate for Watch_Dogs. I quite enjoyed it, but I also left my expectations at the door. They did a LOT right in that game-especially in the mechanics department, and making average encounters fun and even challenging.

My biggest problem is it suffers from a lack of identity, a far too ambiguous lead character, too little emphasis on art direction, and some missed opportunities.

It's got great, smooth controls, the driving can be very fun (once you get used to it), and there is actually a pretty good variety in side-mission styles. I just wish the main missions didn't feel exactly like the side missions. This was a case of being TOO consistent, imo, but I think there is great potential for future releases.

It was a very good-even-if-not-so-Great game with some neat ideas.
From all the ones I have played for this year (if you include launch titles), KZ4.
Watch Dogs, probably.

I should maybe clarify that I didn't play Watch Dogs myself -- I'm just saying that because of what I've read about the game.

My actual pick would be Beyond: Two Souls. I know it's not a 2014 game, but I only got around to it a few months ago. I expected to enjoy it a lot more than I did. It felt like I was just pushing buttons so that the next part of Cage's movie would play out. And I didn't like the story much, thought it was full of holes.
When games like Theif, Watchdogs or Titanfall are labelled as the worst games of the year, then you know that quality assurance has come a long way in the last decade. Shelves used to filled with truly awful games.

Or maybe Gamers have just got better and weeding out the downright awful. So when they speak of their worst game, it ends up being a fairly big name game with a somewhat split opinion on it.
When games like Theif, Watchdogs or Titanfall are labelled as the worst games of the year, then you know that quality assurance has come a long way in the last decade. Shelves used to filled with truly awful games.

That's exactly what it is. I don't think any of these games are necessarily bad. It's just we've seen it all before and we know what we like. I enjoyed what i played of Watch Dogs like i said. I just didn't feel like putting the energy into finishing it and that's very rare. I finish 98% of the games i start. Probably because i got it for the PS4 and i would have finished it for the achievements if i got it for the One. So the Quad is going to be end up being my exclusives machine again this gen, i think. Kinda sad, i know, but achievements just keep me going when i start to lose interest in a game.

I mean, the only game i really thought was bad that i played last gen besides cheesy achievement games was Alone in the Dark. It had such awful controls, but i still liked the idea of the game being a survival horror fan. To me, gaming has reached a point where i can find enjoyment in just about any game. We're long removed from truly awful games like you'd see in the NES, SNES, and early PS days. As long as it runs, i'm there. I guess i'm just easily satisfied. They're games.. they're meant to entertain us.
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Watchdogs....and I haven't even played it.
Just from watching vids online of gameplay and the s***storm that is the PC version.

Just a big pile of 'meh'. I was going to buy the game on launch as well.
I didn't mind WD, i didn't have high expectations for the game which helped me enjoy it a bit more then what other people have from the sounds of it! I liked the stealth opportunities and pretty much always got through with stealth even against the odds, and the gunplay was fun and intense.

Just too much hype as the next best thing. Watch Dogs 2 will be better.
I am enjoying Watch Dogs.

My worst was last week my son brought home Plants vs. Zombies to play as I've been a big fan of the mobile games. I know people have much good to say about the title and I wouldn't doubt that there is a great game in there somewhere, but for me my 1st impressions were enough to send the game back immediately. I was already not fond of the idea of it being online only and my first (and last) 3 matches I played on it were glitchy messes. The first match the enemies were invisible. The second match was a stuttering mess where my character could hardly move about. The third match was just a bunch of idiots running about acting like fools. So after 30 minutes of install and another 45 minutes of stupidity my patience had run out completely and I moved onto something fun to do with my leisure time.
Ground Zeroes. It was an overpriced demo/preview of the actual MGS5: Phantom Pain game coming.

Ground Zeroes should be included purely on principle, no matter what it played like. Just creating a precedent for a paid demo is incredibly dangerous and it's shocking how many people went along with it. People just don't care about putting their money in good places, they're stupid and will do anything that's fun in the short term.
If we're talking about disappointments, count me in for Titanfall.
DayZ for me. I had such high hopes that it would develop into a great game after loving the mod and it is just awful. Can't believe I paid $30 for that garbage.
Biggest Disappointment for me would be Titanfall and Killzone. I haven't really played a game I would label as the worst though.