X-Com creators new game prototype released to the public.

Dr D Wayne Love

First Presleyterian Church of Elvis the Divine
Sep 11, 2013
As part of a Kickstarter

Chaos Reborn, the upcoming turn-based action title built by the man behind the original X-COM, is now available for free in the form of an online prototype.

Julian Gollop, who directed the acclaimed 1994 game X-COM: UFO Defense (known as UFO: Enemy Unknown in Europe), has released the Chaos Reborn playable code as his Kickstarter campaign enters its nail-biting final hours.


The prototype is a turn based multiplayer wizard fighting strategy game!And a lot of fun to boot.
I've backed it.
You can play it for free in your browser here

It's struggling to reach it's goal though :sad:
Julian Gollop will forever be a legend in my eyes because he made Rebelstar and Laser Squad.

Amazing games on the 8 bit Spectrum and Amstrad CPC, absolutely amazing.
I played them all on my Spectrum.
Chaos was my favourite when used to get loads of crammed around one tv and a rubber keyboard playing multiplayer :txbsmile:

Earlier today Julian played the lead designer of the the new X-Com, Jake Solomon, at Chaos Reborn on Twitch.

Jake won, calling the game a master class in design :txbcool: