Is anyone sticking with the Xbox 360?

No one can deny that the 360 is a marvellous machine, Only dark spot is RROD in the early years.
Sherlock Holmes is not bad, I played Testament of Sherlock Holmes. Start off rather slow though. Its a one time experience kind of game though, & frame rate is sometimes choppy. I get more motion sickness playing Sherlock Holmes than most shooters.

Along with Anderson, thanks for the info! That is great to know. I don't buy consoles during the launch window anyway. I look at both systems and evaluate which one has the most games I still want to play. Heck, I just bought Halo 4 for $9.99 today. (Backlog will have me busy for a year or two)

I do enjoy reading impressions of the new system when they are released.
You could always net in the price of the games and gamertag.
I thought about listing it on Craigslist with everything but I am not crazy about losing my gamertag, plus emails and personal info on the Xbox, I might just try selling my turtle beaches and my controller, forget the name of it but its great for shooters, got it at best buy, I'll look up the name later. If anyone is interested let me know, I hav some brand new are beats I'd sell too, I need Xbox one money, lol
As in keeping it, yes. Still getting my next gen on though. I'm also keeping my PS3 too. Just too many good games still available on both systems to just throw them by the way side.
Borderlands 2 GOTY is finally coming out so that's going to keep me and my mates busy for awhile.
I've just cancelled my launch day Xbox One order from Amazon because I was buying the console with no intentions of a launch game. There is nothing in the line up that I want, play or need and anything that I may consider is also coming to the Xbox 360. My position has not changed financially could I afford one, no doubt but I just don't need one right now.

It's just the PS4 for me at launch and again it's only because it has Fifa. It's the only game I buy every year without fail.
I've just cancelled my launch day Xbox One order from Amazon because I was buying the console with no intentions of a launch game. There is nothing in the line up that I want, play or need and anything that I may consider is also coming to the Xbox 360. My position has not changed financially could I afford one, no doubt but I just don't need one right now.

It's just the PS4 for me at launch and again it's only because it has Fifa. It's the only game I buy every year without fail.
Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems odd that you're buying a new console for a game coming out for your current console. Seems to me like the best option would be to wait a year and buy a PS4 or whatever you want. That way you can buy FIFA 14 for the current gen and have the next iteration be that much more of a superior experience when it's getting made more so for the new consoles.
Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems odd that you're buying a new console for a game coming out for your current console. Seems to me like the best option would be to wait a year and buy a PS4 or whatever you want. That way you can buy FIFA 14 for the current gen and have the next iteration be that much more of a superior experience when it's getting made more so for the new consoles.

I already have it on the PS3 but with the new engine ext it's a must for me personally.
I have a massive back log on the 360, so I will still play on it.
I'll be keeping my 360 mainly cause I won't be satisfied with the money I get back for it if I trade or sell it. I'll no doubt want to play GTA online for a good while yet anyway.

Yeah. Even if I wanted to get rid of the 360 there is honestly no point in selling it. For the crap money you can get out of one (especially the older models) you're much better off using it as a DVD/Netflix player.
Thanks. I'm trying to stretch my 360 out another year, so that was helpful. I wasn't aware of the Sherlock Holmes game or Raven's Cry, so I've added those to my "maybe" list.
Sherlock Holmes game is a must buy!!!!!!!
it was moved out to next year
I believe it was to have come out in sept of this year
next ben 10 game comes out in a few weeks as well

so yes I will be keeping my xbox 360 for games such as this
and still playing the new console
tropical games, anyone?
I am sticking with 360 at least until some must have RPG or ARPG comes out for Xbox One. Right now ARPG/RPG genre is a little bit (aka: a LOT) under represented. I play games from other genres sometimes but RPG's and ARPG's are what keeps me a gamer. I just love the genres. I have Diablo 3 right now and very much enjoying that and can easily see myself doing new playthroughs of Skyrim, Mass Effect 1-3, Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma again.

For awhile I was on the fence about which new gen console to get into or if I would switch (back) to PC gaming but I am pretty sure Xbox One is where I will end up. Just not right away. I'll let you fine folks beta test that new machine for a year before I bite down. Thanks TeamXbox! (<---cheese)
i have to wait until next Spring here in Japan anyway....
got a lot of games i haven't played yet on 360 so i can wait.
Yup. I like the ORIGINAL hardware and not the emulated BS. 360 has a nice collection of games I would like to keep including the rare arcade games like Outrun 2 Online and Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves. What exactly do you gain by selling your console and losing money? I think it's dumb.
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That isn't a lot of games, considering they came out with over 4000 games in 8 years.
That's a ton of games considering how much people will actually play within a given year. Especially considering that this will be after the release of a whole new console. Anyone who thinks 60 games isn't big, just in terms of quantity, has got to have way too much free time available. I'd hope they would at least be rich because that electric bill alone would put a hurting on anybodies wallet.
That's a ton of games considering how much people will actually play within a given year. Especially considering that this will be after the release of a whole new console. Anyone who thinks 60 games isn't big, just in terms of quantity, has got to have way too much free time available. I'd hope they would at least be rich because that electric bill alone would put a hurting on anybodies wallet.

My electric bill is all over the place. They can charge people anything and get away with it. 600 to 700 + is a LOT for someone that isn't home most the time... ridiculous.
That's a ton of games considering how much people will actually play within a given year. Especially considering that this will be after the release of a whole new console. Anyone who thinks 60 games isn't big, just in terms of quantity, has got to have way too much free time available. I'd hope they would at least be rich because that electric bill alone would put a hurting on anybodies wallet.
If the Xbox 360 has about 4300 games (according to their website), that is 537 games a year. Far cry from 60 games.
Yup. I like the ORIGINAL hardware and not the emulated BS. 360 has a nice collection of games I would like to keep including the rare arcade games like Outrun 2 Online and Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves. What exactly do you gain by selling your console and losing money? I think it's dumb.
I've talked to a few of my co-workers about that. And they were surprised when I told them that the XB1 wasn't backward compatible with any of the 360 games, disk based or arcade downloads. They were really hoping on using the trade-in money on the new system.
I'm keeping my 360. Going to buy a small tv (maybe 32") and have it in another room. Don't want my handful of disc games, plus 30+ XBLA/Indie games to go to waste!
I keep all my consoles. And I still have a massive backlog to work through. Launches are usually followed by a down period where I plan on finishing up most of the backlog. Though with the issues I'm hearing about the next generation, I just may hold off and wait until the spring.
Keeping my 360 hooked up next to my XB1. South Park, Fable HD, and Dark Souls 2 are coming.
I've talked to a few of my co-workers about that. And they were surprised when I told them that the XB1 wasn't backward compatible with any of the 360 games, disk based or arcade downloads. They were really hoping on using the trade-in money on the new system.

The hardware is similar right? Not sure why they chose no BC. I can understand Sony but not Microsoft.
Hey all, Just signed up for the forums, I use to be on Teamxbox, just didnt post much. Yes, I am keeping my 360. I have so many unfinished games, and a couple I can never get tired of. I really cant afford the XB1 now, maybe not until early I'll continue to play what I already have.
I'm a casual gamer that is holding onto my 360. In fact I might pick up another new one when it hits clearance bin territory. I have a impressive backlog of games including quite a few AAA games. The days when I had to have the newest, bestest, ZOMG games is waaaay behind me.

That list of upcoming games still to come to the 360 fills my heart with joy.