Lords of the Fallen - 5 hours of gameplay

One thing you cannot knock this game of is visual. It looks properly next gen.
I just watched that developer's response to some of the early play through comments and I must say my interest in this game is peaked. Still going to wait for some Dragon Age reviews, but right now Lords of the Fallen went ahead of Mordor on my list. There can be only one (fantasy RPG in my game collection this holiday).
Game is a bomb and a flop.

Actually...i think it could be a big surprise hit really. Not for everyone, but if you love these kind of games, i think you're gonna love it. I wish MS would put it up for preload so i can download it before its release.
Actually...i think it could be a big surprise hit really. Not for everyone, but if you love these kind of games, i think you're gonna love it. I wish MS would put it up for preload so i can download it before its release.

It will probably get there a few days before release. They only put up shadows of Mordor for pre load about 3 or 4 days before it came out.
It will probably get there a few days before release. They only put up shadows of Mordor for pre load about 3 or 4 days before it came out.

Ok good to know. Well i believe it comes out next tuesday? Should happen in the weekend i guess then.

This is a cool little tidbit by the way, about if there are any real big differences between the versions, except for 900p vs 1080p:

  • I’ve praised the game’s graphics in my previous articles, at least for the PC version (which is the only one I’ve seen so far). Will there be any difference in terms of texture resolution and/or effects with the PS4 & XB1 versions? ****Also, what kind of configuration do you reckon will be needed to run the game at 1080P@60FPS with every setting maxed?****
There won’t be any substantial difference in graphics effects across the platforms, and texture quality will be the same on both consoles. Regarding the resolution, PS4 will ship at 1080p while Xbox One at 900p.

  • Speaking of the future of development, many teams have stated that there could be massive performance gains by using Compute, especially on PlayStation 4. Do you agree with this? Will you switch to Async Compute as well whenever possible?
Asynchronous Compute is not a new console bound technology, titles using Mantle can take advantage of the powerful AMD GCN architecture as well, and this is surely one of the most interesting aspects to dig into. Our engine supports heavy compute based features, such as particles, hair and grass simulation. We didn’t manage to use them for this project due to time constraints but those are a great starting point for us to experiment with async computes. We also started to redesign our render process to completely hide the cost of some expensive passes. I am expecting great improvements going in this direction.
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Cool. Personally I don't give a s*** of those kind graphics issues.
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Ok good to know. Well i believe it comes out next tuesday? Should happen in the weekend i guess then.

This is a cool little tidbit by the way, about if there are any real big differences between the versions, except for 900p vs 1080p:

That is what the cloud is for, right, passing off CPU calculations from the main hardware.
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720p, God save those who do not connect to the internet before starting a game. Every game seems to required a patch these days.

FPS player confirm. Painful to watch him play.
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I've seen several streams on Twitch now and i asked some questions. According to the streamers it was very similar to the Souls games in terms of challenge. All streams were PS4 and i didn't see any tearing at all. Odd...on Gamefaqs they say it has plenty tearing. Now......now i just want to see some X1 footage and i want to see the damn thing appear on the X1 marketplace > : (

Since we haven't seen any X1 footage....i post this here, cause they stream that version here:

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Cdkeys.com has this for $32 but for some reason I was unable to order from them using my debit. Blah.
The game is still not available for preload on Xbox One, but while watching a livestream on Twitch on X1 of it, i clicked on 'Play Lords of the Fallen' and it brought me to a page where it said the game is only 5.5 GB. I sure expected the filesize to be much larger. Good compression i guess?

Anyway...so far every game for Xbox One has been available digitally, right? Or have there been exceptions? I just want it digitally no matter what. I am done with physical copies.
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I actually think this game may be decent.

I had it in my Steam Wishlist since the day it appeared on the Store Page.

I thought the developer response to some of the early previews had good info.

No sign of it on the x1 marketplace. I can only find it on the PlayStation US store, its not even on their European store. The game download size also has me a little concerned. 5gigs is absolutely tiny even when you take compression into account
After watching more video, the game looks pretty but empty. Fighting one or occasionally two guys at a time looks dull. The AI looks pretty bad as well.

Love the visuals but I'll wait for reviews and user reviews.
Supporting a souls-like since we need many more. Bought on Steam. Also bought Saints Row 4(amazing!) for under 7 bucks
No sign of it on the x1 marketplace. I can only find it on the PlayStation US store, its not even on their European store. The game download size also has me a little concerned. 5gigs is absolutely tiny even when you take compression into account

Odd huh? Nothing to find, except when i watched a livestream of it and i pressed on 'play lords of the fallen' it brought me to a special page/hub/whatever about the game. That's where it says 'unavailable' where the option to purchase/download should be. My guess is this will happen on release day.
A few people on GAF got a hold of it early. They're saying it's pretty good. Like Dark Souls lite.

Now let's hope the new PS4 firmware update on Tuesday doesn't make anything explode.
The marketing for this game is atrocious. It could be pretty fun, but it's not going to sell because no one knows about it.
Been hearing this game is a major disappointment. Even watching it on Twitch, it's been pretty bad.
Been hearing this game is a major disappointment. Even watching it on Twitch, it's been pretty bad.

Really? That's sad to hear. Maybe it's better if i just wait for some reviews before buying it on the Marketplace.