Popular game series you never played?

For me, the list is pretty intriguing.

Dark Souls
Guilty Gear
Elder Scrolls

I'm probably forgetting a few big ones too.
You need Witcher 3, then get the next Deus Ex.
You need Witcher 3, then get the next Deus Ex.

I agree on Witcher.

I can see why plenty didn;t get the first 2 games, but Witcher 3 is a masterclass of game development IMO. If you like good games then you need to give Witcher 3 a go.
Haven't played Witcher 3 either. Want to go back and do the 2nd again (only got a little ways in) before I do.
I'm so proud that everyone has played the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen games. Those games were industry, nay, culturally defining.

My unplayed series, that I can think of...

Police Quest
Myst sequels
Uncharted series
Monster hunter
Soul calibre
Most racing games

I had the Uncharted bundle ordered, but I refused to get another console until my backlog thinned out.

And I hadn't played a CoD until last year.

I've also never played a Transformers game, which is stupid. Considering how awesome the licence is.
I never found it be anger inducing. If anything, I found the series to be one of the most satisfying I have ever played. And in truth, the difficulty is derived by our affinity to rush in and button mash. If you take your time and actually pay attention to the move sets then they can be a lot easier to defeat than you may think.
I disagree with the "our affinity to button mash" bit.

I love RTS, I love RPG's. I hate arrogant design.

Obviously the game is great. It does what it does well.

The game is obviously hard, and is punishing beyond reasonable expectations. There's a large voice asking for an easy mode. But no. f*** you gamers. They want you to spend 3 hours working on the fame, only to lose everything. And why?

Because. Waaaaah. If they offered an auto save option, or a less fatal option, it would spoil the game for other people? Suck a dick.

Also, I've never played a Total War game. Or any game that has "Simulator" in the title.