Quantic Dream: "Great news coming in January!"

Yeah, I wouldn't be much interested in a port of Beyond.

Hubbub over at GAF suggests that Indigo Prophecy may be involved. That would be more interesting to me.
Never heard much of Indigo Prophecy

The first half of the game is really good, at least if you like David Cage adventure game type stuff. You play as both a murderer and the cops out to get him. The game has a good sense of atmosphere. There are lots of nice little touches and interesting gameplay bits that you don't see in other games. Unfortunately, the story really unravels and becomes absurd during the last third of the game.

From what I'm seeing, the graphical upgrade is pretty modest. Not sure I'll rush to play this one, but it's nice that it's available in a moderately upgraded form.
I bought Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 for $5 but haven't gotten to it yet. I'd take an updated version though.
Got to part where you had to crawl through glass, like anyone would do that in that situation. Game was too stupid to bother with after that.