The End of the World: A Political Thread. A New Hope coming soon!

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It is sad that people still fall for this. This isn't a political opinion, he's spouting bulls*** and can't even get the words out.

I love too how he basically validates everything in the op-ed piece. If if was all made up, how would he even know it was someone in his circle? That proves that at least parts of it are true.
Anybody seen this?

Well, the video is talking about a wall that began construction in 1991? The length is just under 50 miles?

Quick look on Google says the entire border is 2000 miles. I'm sure there is a variety of terrain to deal with and there are issues because of the river that construction would have to cut through private property. At that point, Eminent Domain could come in to play demand homes and businesses be vacated.

I think the idea of a Wall along the entire border is just Trump being grandiose and I'm doubtful this is realistic. In the mean time, we could be using other tools like existing border patrol or drone surveillance where it isn't practical to build a wall.

I also think we should be looking into American presence and influence inside these Latin America countries where we oversee the War on Drugs. We like to step into conflicts and choose a side to hand of guns and money to. If a regime plays along with our interests in fighting the drug cartels, they will probably receive U.S. aid which helps to prop up corrupted officials.

NAFTA was also a bad deal for everyone including the Mexicans.

It seems like for decades we just keep wringing our hands on how to deal with the symptom, but never the root cause because that would interfere with making profits.

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A border wall is a stupid idea for a ton of reasons. Under Obama, parts of a fence were built, but it was stopped (agreed on by both parties) because:
-cost too much
-ran into eminent domain issues (gov't had to steal land from citizens)

The problem today is that most immigrants aren't sneaking over. They are seeking refugee status, so basically they look for a border agent and surrender. A wall isn't going to do a damn thing as they'll just show up where the gate is. What we're seeing now is completely different.

Immigration is a dog whistle issue that Trump greatly exaggerates. Illegal immigration was a little higher under Bush and was a little lower under Obama (Obama was actually fairly tough on the border). Now with Trump and all his screaming and horrible policies, illegal immigration hasn't dropped significantly either.

This is a very common political tactic - use something as a wedge issue without actually doing anything to fix the problem. Trump needed an issue during the primary to separate him from the rest of the GOP. Something they were weak on he could hit them on. Immigration was that issue.
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Alex Jones has completely lost it. Dude needs to take a break and get help.

Apple also removed Info Wars from the app store earlier this evening.

Alex Jones has completely lost it. Dude needs to take a break and get help.

Apple also removed Info Wars from the app store earlier this evening.

He needs to be ignored now unless he makes threats. Everything else is him trying to get attention back on himself and get free exposure.
Alex Jones at one point had like 5 million listeners. I'm sure that's dropped off, but that's still a ton of people. This guy may be a nutjob, but he's not on the fringe, he's pretty mainstream.
Anyone who supports this wanna-be dictator after this needs to stop pretending they give a s*** about the Constitution. We are a nation of laws, of rights, and of freedoms - not one where questioning the second-leading vote getter in the last presidential election is a crime, or a matter of national security.
The dude can't be that bad. I mean, would a wanna-be dictator boast about an endorsement like this?

Edit: just to clarify, that is the Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Not the Kim Jong Un of Canada.
More gems from breitbart.

Mikey D'Rookie FalcnEddie14 hours ago
hey if they can fabricate a moon landing..."lets roll" etc etc...they can pretty much fabricate ANYTHING....and the sheeps will love them for it...

ladywarrior tomt_12313 hours ago
....the irony is....the Russians really did do it....for Killary and the Dimms....but no one is looking at that for prosecution....

Drywall Dan Gadfly14 hours ago
He's the mentally toughest President-perhaps ever. No one else could withstand the lies and abuse like him.
It bounces off him like leftist arguments bounce off of a sane person.

Flayer Drywall Dan13 hours ago
Because he has dealt with worse and smarter people than the MSM and Leftist. Remember they were the ones coming to him on bended knee asking to ask for contributions and to campaign with them. Pretty please. So he's got their numbers, Also he doesn't give a darn about anything except doing the best job for the country as his probably last career. He never aspired to it and was successful in other areas. As he said, if I lose then I'll go back to working in my amazing company. For others they can't survive outside in the economy and need government jobs to give them the trappings and lifestyle of a multi-millionaire.
If Trump pardons himself, or even pre-pardons himself, does he have to announce it? And does he have to be specific about what he is exhonerating himself about?

It's seems like a really f***ed up power to award to a President. It has "war-crimes" stamped all over it.

The other thing that's been bugging me about the news we've been getting over here, is in regards to the Op-Ed article. People are saying it's cowardly to hide behind the anonymity, but anyone with the memory span of a gold fish would look at the administrations history of firing people, and the entire point of letter. It was saying that there are people fighting and putting their loyalty to the people first, and not to their party. Kudos to them.

Both sides seem to be attacking the person's intentions, and MP's are boasting about how they do things openly (even if they try to hide who their campaign financiers are, or the 14 year old girls they grope, or the guys they blow in airport toilets, or their racist emails...), but there's more than one way to do something, and only an idiot wouldn't use subterfuge in a similar situation, unless they wanted to fired 5 minutes later.

It's like when you see reinactments of the civil war, where everyone is standing in a line to shoot each other. It's stupid, and redundant. Throwing your life/career away for a purpose of chivalry? Idiotic.
If Trump pardons himself, or even pre-pardons himself, does he have to announce it? And does he have to be specific about what he is exhonerating himself about?

It's seems like a really f***ed up power to award to a President. It has "war-crimes" stamped all over it.

The other thing that's been bugging me about the news we've been getting over here, is in regards to the Op-Ed article. People are saying it's cowardly to hide behind the anonymity, but anyone with the memory span of a gold fish would look at the administrations history of firing people, and the entire point of letter. It was saying that there are people fighting and putting their loyalty to the people first, and not to their party. Kudos to them.

Both sides seem to be attacking the person's intentions, and MP's are boasting about how they do things openly (even if they try to hide who their campaign financiers are, or the 14 year old girls they grope, or the guys they blow in airport toilets, or their racist emails...), but there's more than one way to do something, and only an idiot wouldn't use subterfuge in a similar situation, unless they wanted to fired 5 minutes later.

It's like when you see reinactments of the civil war, where everyone is standing in a line to shoot each other. It's stupid, and redundant. Throwing your life/career away for a purpose of chivalry? Idiotic.
The op ed author is a coward who's posing as a savior, but in reality, they're just trying to save their party and their agenda. It's crazy to see what this person is doing, but the person is doing it so they can make abortions illegal, give more tax breaks to the rich, and destroy the environment completely.
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