Using the PS4 controller with the PS3 and other devices

Has to be a wired connection.

He only played a couple games, so it's open question how many it will work on. I would assume most, but that's an assumption. I believe I read Fifa has a part that requires a wireless connection, so that may be what messed it up.

Lucian pointed out in the PS4 thread that without the ability to configure the triggers/bumpers, it's going to be awkward in shooters.

Nice option for PS3 owners, though.

I had PS3 from launch day. I like the DS3 but the dpad and the joysticks were very annoying. I later got the 360 and loved the controller. But the dpad on that wasn't the best too. I am beyond words on how big of an improvement they have done from the DS3 to the DS4. From the feel and size all the way to the triggers. The controller is the best I have ever held. I tried the xone out too and that in all honesty it wasn't too big of a jump. It's a solid controller, very nice but The DS4 tops it.

You can buy it now at Gamespot for those that didn't know

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I've read elsewhere certain games not working at all with the controller, but idk myself.
Has to be a wired connection.

He only played a couple games, so it's open question how many it will work on. I would assume most, but that's an assumption. I believe I read Fifa has a part that requires a wireless connection, so that may be what messed it up.

Lucian pointed out in the PS4 thread that without the ability to configure the triggers/bumpers, it's going to be awkward in shooters.

Nice option for PS3 owners, though.

Most shooters I played this gen are easily configured in options.
Merged the two threads discussing this issue together.
I checked my email last night, and I had a notification from Amazon my DS4 shipped, which was surprisingly. Should have it Wednesday. Looking forward to trying it out with some PS3 titles.
I am going to use it on the pc though.
It comes with no usb cord to charge it..thankfully I have em from my other devices.
Need a longer one to hook it to the pc.
How does it feel? Thumbsticks, accuracy, deadzones, etc.........I'm dying to know.

I don't have a long enough micro usb cable to test it out (ordered one today) the controller feels pretty good though dpad feels better as do the shoulder buttons the sticks feel almost the same as the ds3 (not sure why people say they are tighter) and the controller feels light (not sure how I feel about it feeling light)
the sticks feel almost the same as the ds3 (not sure why people say they are tighter)

I've heard the dead zone is about 1/100th the size of the one on the DS3, so it's definitely tighter in that sense.
I am going by feeling both..I haven't hooked it up yet to see as maybe the responses are tightened.
I personally never had a issue with the looseness of the DS3(the closeness and non concave tops I didn't care for though)
Saw this over at GAF, a list of PS3 games that the DS4 works with. Long list. There are a few that it doesn't work with, though, among them GTA V and Resistance 3.

- Must be connected with a cable; cannot support wireless
- Vibration, Motion Sensing, and the Playstation Button do NOT work
- Connect a DS3 as a second controller, and use that for the PS button.
- Share/Options work for Start/Select, similar to DS3
Sony should make a PS3 patch for this so we can use to PS4 controller for our old PS3s.
I just recently purchased a PS3 and I've been a long time xbox/xbox 360 owner. I'm having some difficulty adjusting to the PS3 controller. I'm just so use to the 360 controller and in my opinion it's gaming bliss to me.

Do you guys suggest a PS4 controller or a 3rd party PS3/360 controller if you know what I mean?