What Are You Playing Now? PS4 Edition

The new pinnacle of racing games DriveClub.

Some NBA 2k15 later and for the year to come. So good.

Got 2k15 today and going to get Alien Isolation tomorrow. Also need to include Destiny and Mordor some how and with FH2 for the X1... too many games!
NBA 2K15 and shadow of mordor, taking a break from destiny until Tuesday when I can challenge the raid again!
been playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor for the past few days. great game, parts Batman and Assassins Creed game play.

Oh... and great use of the joyous speaker.
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Since I just got a 4 I picked up some used older games on the cheap. I got ISS, Watchdogs, Madden 15, AC:pirates, NBA Live, Destiny, and I have Call of Duty: AW ready to go for Monday. I'll get GTA V and then I'm good until February.
Been playing Fifa,Driveclub and Infamous mainly. Just finished Infamous and beat the final boss, what a tough battle. Now I am going to finish off the D.U.P once and for all.
Trying to finish black flag's main storyline. Donit want to delete it from my hdd (i love the ship stuff too much) but want to at least get a tick in the storyline. Ghosts is next on admartian's backlog run...
Beat Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor fun ass game. The last two boss fights were odd but fun none the less.
Still Destiny. Working on my third character to get to level 26. Almost, then I can do the raid for this week and get some raid gear.
Finished AC4 BF. Now onto Ghosts. Backlogs are tedious - (the idea of going through them ,not the actual games - Ac4 was a blast! Still installed for when I wanna pirate).
on PS4, been playing Hohokum (but trophies not unlocking), next up will be Assassins Creed and GTA.
NBA Live, Destiny, and CoD: AW are taking up my time with a splash of AC: BF which is much better then I thought it would be.

Next payday I shall have either GTA V or Dragon Age. I'm not sure which one yet.