Day One Plans?

Ditto on the watching the UPS site. (Assuming the MS store using UPS).
I will pick it up at midnight at my local Microsoft store where I have it reserved.
I'll skip the midnight launch and get a good sleep and it should be delivered to my door on the release day with a next day courier service.

Then I'll crack open the box and take in that nice new console smell. Set it up, download the update, download FIFA. Grab a coffee and spend most of the day playing games.

I would go to a midnight launch but there isn't any stores near enough for me to want to make that journey. I'll appreciate the extra sleep I get though.
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I have both X1 and PS4 preordered through Amazon, so I too will be watching UPS (unless they use someone else) tracking info as if my life depended on it. I have some games preordered at Gamestop, maybe I'll try to rush over there as early as possible to pick them up before the systems are delivered. I'm kinda hoping it's like last gen, and a handful of games are quietly released the week before the system launches, so I"ll have them waiting at home, ready to pop them into the systems ASAP.

I'll likely have a new job by November though, which means there's a possibility I'll feel awkward taking 2 days off from a job I've only been at for a month or two. Hopefully it won't be awkward. ;)
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No midnight launch for me... I have an Xb1 pre-ordered on Amazon so I'll be watching the tracking all day until it gets delivered.
I'll get it release day from Amazon.

I'll be at work.. my girl will probably tease me with pictures of the box (maybe 2 boxes :hehe:) and I'll suddenly come down with a cold.

But fo real probably won't be able to mess with it until later that night and won't be able to really delve into it until the weekend.

I generally don't take days off work for that type of thing. Thanksgiving being the next week will give me plenty of time for deep diving into PS4/XBO since I have nothing resembling a family to visit, lol.
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Actually I just remembered despite my 2 boxes joke meaning something else I also have a 2nd XBO on order from MS Store.

That one is going in the bedroom. Will be messing around with the multiple account thing and maybe filming some porn.
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Took the day off, wait for my baby nervously. It better arrive on time cuz I ordered from MS store and last year my Surface was delayed :mad: so to say sorry they gave me £50 off code :cool: which I applied to my XB1 so I'm only paying £379 :D
I'll probably be taking the day off, but that's mostly because I've had issues with UPS. If, Gods forbid, there's a problem and I'm not able to get it off of the truck by Friday evening then I wouldn't be able to get it until the following Monday evening. I really don't want to have to break into the UPS center to get my package... :)

Once I get the system, then it's going to be downloading BF4 and whatever else I decide to get.
The night after the launch I'm having some from friends over from KI Gold days to play, I'll have time to learn some the combos by then lol
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Hit up Best Buy for my Midnight Launch Pre Order. Then play til sunrise

I have both pre-ordered at BB.. I hope they don't f*^k something up! Unfortunately im leaning towards cancelling my PS4 pre-order. I was going to get it just to have it, but I think I am ultimately going to wait until there are some better games available. I dont know.. maybe. Knowing me, I will probably just get them both on launch day...:smash:

Then play the crap out of DR3, Ryse (maybe), KI, and COD ghost!
I'm hoping to see news of shortages so I can sell mine for profit, honestly. I'd really like to keep it, but I'm going to start this gen w/ PS4. I have both consoles through Amazon like others, and I'm not doing anything special for either launch for the first time in almost 20 years of console launches.
I'll be at home waiting for both my console and the one I bought for my girls for their house. They'll be getting theirs as a Christmas present though!!
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I assume it will be delivered on the 22nd but I won't be getting any games initially so I will set it up, download the update and go back to playing the PS4/PS3/360 until I decide on which games to buy.

In regards to the games, I will wait for reviews and or the general consensus between gamers on any particular game before deciding what to buy. I'm only buying FIFA 14 with the PS4 other then that I will be doing the same in regards to games.
Actually I just remembered despite my 2 boxes joke meaning something else I also have a 2nd XBO on order from MS Store.

That one is going in the bedroom. Will be messing around with the multiple account thing and maybe filming some porn.
Lucky dog, Would like to be filming some porn.:(
To expand upon my day one plans: I currently have four titles reserved, Madden, Dead Rising 3, Ryse, and Battlefield 4.

Battlefield I am getting for sure, the others are a toss up depending on reviews and such. After I get it home and set it up, Ill snag Killer Instinct as well.
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Picking up the console at midnight. Will head home and set it up. Probably end up playing to some ridiculous hour.
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