Are Gamers Their Own Worst Enemy ?


Starfield Gazer
Sep 11, 2013
What ever happened to the simple times of enjoying the software, seeing the positives more than the negatives. Praising games for the great experiences they provided.
While some of these things are not exactly new, it does seem the modern world has made gamers far more interested in consoles wars and resolution/FPS differences than the actual games and experiences.

Tomb Raider, Driveclub, and Ryse are but a few examples of games fallen victim to such nonsensical jibberish. Drive Club supposedly not worth owning because it is only 30FPS, Ryse knocked because of Resolution and FPS regardless of it being one of the most visually impressive games on offer today. Tomb Raider is currently eveloped in a console war struggle.

Such things can be found everywhere, from forums to Twitter to Facebook and all social media in between. You would think that with such powerful forms of communication Gamers would be more intent to put fourth constructive criticism and good suggestions to help better the software we have today or will come in the future.

If it simply stopped there though it perhaps could be managed and waded through to find a few good nuggets of feedback, but it does not end there. Gamers go to such extreme lengths that it forces devs to quit, to give up on their dreams, to question their sanity for ever wanting to be apart of this great interactive entertainment medium.
I know know this developer is not popular, but Phil Fish is one dev to quit. He is selling his Fez IP and Business because of the constant harassment, and the hacking of his accounts and private information. He is not alone either as Zoe Quinn a dev on Depression Quest has been harassed and hacked lately too.

With Gamers acting in such an unacceptable and immature manner it is hard to see how this can ever have anything but a profoundly negative affect on gaming.
Add in to this the hacking and threats to major hardware makers like the recent DDOS attack on Sony and the threats that forced the Sony plane to land, and one has to wonder just how much more this business can take before it goes away for good, or developers and CEO's simply close themselves off to the gamers.

Either way it is not good for us.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So... if I'm my own worst enemy, I'm also my friend?

I approve this message; it's definitely a love-hate struggle going on in my head.
Gamers are IMO, finding it easier to be negative than positive. That and everyone is apparently an insider, computer science expert and financial strategist. No one is just a fan anymore.
It's no surprise to me I am my own worst e-nem-eee, 'cuz every now and then I Kick the living s*** out of me!

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It's no surprise to me I am my own worst e-nem-eee, 'cuz every now and then I Kick the living s*** out of me!

What's going on with all of these déjà vu threads?

I feel like I'm reading the same thing over and over and over... AND over.
Just the tip of the iceberg. A lot of Americans and some other 'Westerners' have become over competitive to the point of losing perspective. To them, gaming is becoming less about casual fun and more about status.
I think it starts when a game someone likes doesn't succeed and never gets a sequel or the dev goes out of business. They get told sales were low and that sparks it all in my opinion. All the bias and overly researched topics simply follow. Sony and MS are killing it, Nintendo is gonna be okay overall, PC is more than profitable, and the whole industry just seems to be positive to me at the moment with added benefits of stuff like Kickstarter, Project Greenlight, and tablets/phones. Doesn't make for good headlines though, unfortunately. Nobody makes a video saying keep up the good work gaming industry. Not to say everything is perfect, but it seems like a nice huge chunk, if not most of it, comes simply from platform wars.
Most gamers are fine, just that the whining & fan-boyish minorities that are usually the loudest. People who talk trash on game forums & act like 12 years old are minority. Most gamers do not even join gaming forum. I wasn't active until a while also.
Oddly enough, I heard the same kind of crap when I was a commercial driver.

If you want to hear lots of b:tching, just turn on a CB Radio. I sometimes wonder if there is something about these kinds of communication cause users to become the biggest Sh:t-Talker ever. Or rather, if it just attracts people to it who are already Shttalkers.
Isn't this like the third thread on basically the same subject in the past few days? lol

But yeah, people need to stfu and play the games. Have your debates and your fun jabbing fanboys and companies or whatever but don't straight up bash someone because they have a different preference than you. It's beyond the point of sad.
I genuinely think a lot of these so called 'fanboys' just do it for a reaction on the internet. In real I'm sure we are all good and able to have a sensible, mature discussion in regards to consoles, games ext.

Don't bite.
As much as I enjoy my small amount of involvement in the video game industry, I am in no way a video game industry expert. There are folks out there who simply watch youtube video rants and claim to be industry experts, and they post on Neogaf.