Destiny Alpha Access

I got a code from amazon....funny though, I don't recall ever applying for beta.
not sure why I'm getting smashed in pvp. I have decent weapons i thought but it seems like it get 1-2 shotted alot, whereas i takes me 4+ shots to take someone down.
Anyone on now? I can play for a bit.
There are a couple on but not sure for how long. Can't say I'm a big fan of the game yet. I'll try it again during the beta but after a few matches it left me feeling meh.
I must be getting better I did a raid and killed the most and dead the least. Also got stuff upgraded now and using ruefully packs for weapons.
Need one more, obscene jester and I are on, about to do the level 6 one, devils lair.
pffftttttttt all you did was the robot dance while I killed everything.
Topdawg, obscene jester and I just beat the devils lair mission. That was intense. Is that the last mission for the alpha? I got to level 8 though so I'm happy. I think we all got muted or something because I couldn't hear anyone talking halfway through not sure if you guys heard me?
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Topdawg, obscene jester and I just beat the devils lair mission. That was intense. Is that the last mission for the alpha? I got to level 8 though so I'm happy. I think we all got muted or something because I couldn't hear anyone talking halfway through not sure if you guys heard me?

It is the last mission.
Topdawg, obscene jester and I just beat the devils lair mission. That was intense. Is that the last mission for the alpha? I got to level 8 though so I'm happy. I think we all got muted or something because I couldn't hear anyone talking halfway through not sure if you guys heard me?
Yeah it was good times, not sure what happened to the voice chat, I thought everyone just got really quiet. Anyway, it was a lot of fun made level 7.

Yeah I have several level 11 items too. Ugh.
It's such a tease!
This alpha seems really polished overall, I have nothing but good things to say about this game.
Did the Devils Lair mission game is such a blast and can't wait for it to come out. I sucked compared to the other 2 guys on my team though. I hade like 10-15 less kills about 4 more deaths and the precision kills I had 9 while they each had 30.:(
I'm assuming precision kills mean headshots?
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Did the Devils Lair mission game is such a blast and can't wait for it to come out. I sucked compared to the other 2 guys on my team though. I hade like 10-15 less kills about 4 more deaths and the precision kills I had 9 while they each had 30.:(
I'm assuming precision kills mean headshots?

Precision does sound like headshot kills.
After going back and giving the game a second shot, I'm not a fan of the game now. I like some things, the character customization, the fallen artstyle, the UI is the best I've ever seen, and Tyrion from Game of Thrones as the Ghost! Awesome.
I can't stand the visuals, everything in the distance looks grainy, not sure if its AA or what, but its not as clean as their halo games, it does sort of remind me of Reach visually, just 1080p plus a sci fi coat of paint.
I don't like the AI at all, its beyond terrible with enemies just having tons of health, its not any better than Halo CE. Overall, I just don't think bungie was risky enough, halo controls with borderland gameplay, sure its safe for sales and it will review well, just not for me.
Did the Devils Lair mission game is such a blast and can't wait for it to come out. I sucked compared to the other 2 guys on my team though. I hade like 10-15 less kills about 4 more deaths and the precision kills I had 9 while they each had 30.:(
I'm assuming precision kills mean headshots?

that'll change once you get good weapons and gear. this game is odd when it comes to that. your stuff is s*** or it's good it does not seem to just have ok gear and weapons it goes from s*** to good stuff. once you got the good stuff you'll drop things much easer I know I did.

I also learned last night you can upgrade your weapons. so highlight them and you can upgrade them you can make them more powerful or make them have less recoil. Seems you have to use the same gun for a bit for it to be upgradable.
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so are most of you guys getting the game? I never buy games when they come out but if I got a group to play with I may go ahead and get it.
does anyone else experience extreme notification lag? my kills/hits have a clear delay.
I've put in about 5 hours total over the past couple of days, got to Level 8, played a Crucible match, etc.

I have mixed feelings about it so far, but for an Alpha version it does seem very polished. I felt like the MP gameplay felt a little too slow and methodical, but perhaps that is because I've been playing Titanfall a fair amount. I think the gameplay and enemies "feel" like Halo, but the structure is more like Borderlands.

The level of depth to be had here, however, is crazy. From the different modes (Exploration, Strike, Story) to be able to take your character to MP, to the Tower and the crazy level of customization, it just seems like they've taken the best parts of a number of franchises and melded them together in a truly unique way. We'll wait and see, but I am definitely optimistic.