Farewell teamxbox

Who's in control of the TXB Twitter? At least let that live on.

They even took the logo off. :(
Welcome to the newest member Qellzuf!

I'm sure he/she/they/it will feel right at home there.
Getting a database error again this morning.
Oh here we go. Guess someone was watching the place? Got the lights on the way out.
Still no problems loading the site on my end.
Yeah, now it's cleared up.
database error for me as well, the spam is starting to clog the ol' arteries I bet

I like how the 'contact them' is a blank mailto: link
There are some quality threads over there right now.
Hello again...

Managed to find this place after checking out what's become of TXB since I heard the mods finally abandoned the place a little while back. Sad to see the place full of bot posts.

Noticed a few threads here like this one and saw some old timers posting so decided to sign up and give an update.

Ever since TXB was no longer what I did, I just couldn't get back into this whole thing. TXB was my baby and nothing else would ever be the same so I couldn't bring myself to bother with anything else. That combined with having gone through a lot of drama with the gaming industry as a whole it pretty much turned me off to the gaming world all together. I'm forever turned off to the gaming industry/business and I haven't found myself as interested in the games themselves for a long time. Even before the demise of TXB, I was always more into the community of TXB than the games. I guess I reached a point where I just wasn't feeling the games anymore. Maybe it was because I was too close to the industry and saw some of the negative things going on behind the scenes. Particularly with personal relationships with supposed friends and whatnot.

Anyways, since then I've been working as an Art Director at a social media agency in NC. I do a lot of design work for clients like Samsung TV, Chrysler (including Jeep, FIAT, Dodge & RAM), Apothic Wine, etc. We run their social channels like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It's kept me busy and content with things.

It's nice to have a 9-5 again that I can disconnect from at the end of the day and go home and focus on other things. Specially now that Riley is growing up and takes a lot of time and attention. But he's also very much into gaming and he's really good at it too, so it's inevitable that I still somewhat pay attention to things but mostly for his sake and to keep up with stuff he might be into. He loves Halo and Mass Effect, so that's cool with me. Recently got him into the Legos games like Batman and Star Wars.

Ok, not going to let this ramble too long. But the short of it is, I'm in a different place in life now than I was when I was TXB and I'm a saner, happier person for it I think. I'm older, maybe a little wiser, but I do miss the community we built.

Don't know that I'll post here much, but I figured I'd chime in and say what's up. So, what's up?

It's funny because since I was out of TXB the raise of social media has taken over and I've spent a lot more time on Facebook interacting with friends and so forth. And I think most people these days are more used to that than forums like this that are somewhat more old school. But I still think the forums are so much more engaging and tight nit than Facebook or the so called social networks ever will be. Kind of miss these places.
Nice to see you around, Shockwave. Appreciate you checking in.

Sorry to hear you got burned by the gaming business. Although I'm in a very different business, I can sympathize at least a little. After that happens, it's hard to feel the same about it.
Nice to see you around, Shockwave. Appreciate you checking in.

Sorry to hear you got burned by the gaming business. Although I'm in a very different business, I can sympathize at least a little. After that happens, it's hard to feel the same about it.

It's ok. I still have some scars but I'm doing well. A lot of two faced people in the business and a lot of if you aren't scratching my back I don't care about yours type stuff. There are a lot of people I thought were friends who acted like they never knew me as soon as they realized I couldn't promote their s*** on TXB anymore.

But there were a few people who were still cool and stayed true regardless. People like John Lenaway who I knew from the early days of TXB...he was one of those people was cool personally and I still keep in touch with him here and there.

It was weird because the year I got let go from TXB, I missed E3 that year. I decided that I wanted to go to the following one even though I had nothing to do with the business. I guess I was looking for some closure. I saw a lot of people including some IGN people and a lot of the people I used to work with day to day. Most of them were dicks and acted like I had the plague and acted all weird. But some like John and the people he works with were still great as if I was still on top of TXB. They didn't hesitate to treat me as if nothing changed, taking me behind closed doors, giving me peeks at things, introducing me to people, etc. Felt good to still be cared about even if I wasn't there to help them do anything. Also got to talk to some people who missed the old TXB and it was a good way to close that chapter.

But ya, the end result of the whole thing was I was glad to be out of gaming. Now it's more something I do very casually and I might play a couple games a year (like right now playing GTA 5, and I've got a One preordered, but I have no clue what game to get for it). But I'm sure as Riley grows up and plays stuff, I'll play with him.
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Sorry to hear you got burned by the gaming business. Although I'm in a very different business, I can sympathize at least a little. After that happens, it's hard to feel the same about it.

That's how I feel about the TV business. I can imagine it has similarities to the Gaming business.
I will echo shock. Since the birth of my son and many life changes/much less foruming I've found myself missing foruming a bit but not really all that much. I got caught up way too deep in the dram and quiete frankly was a total dick. Sigh, live and learn. Happy to poke around here a bit though. Man I'll miss TXB.
And for reasons I can't define TXB is still working fine for me. <3
I have to agree, foruming is a lot better than "new social media" in my opinion. I think there's just something about forming a community with people you don't actually know that is really great. Get to see points of views that you wouldn't have a chance to on a site where you only talk with people you already know.
Well, it's nice to see you again Shockwave. You should download counterstrike so we can relive old times!
Ha. I made a thread in the otl then it crashed for me. Fitting.
I have to agree, foruming is a lot better than "new social media" in my opinion. I think there's just something about forming a community with people you don't actually know that is really great. Get to see points of views that you wouldn't have a chance to on a site where you only talk with people you already know.

It doesn't feel like you can have an in-depth discussion on Facebook. All the Topics/Updates trickle down the "Wall" of status posts. On forums any good discussion will get bumped back up with new posts.
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Wheres that d1ck Notbehindyou been hiding out?

Glad to see you shockwave, eventhough we didnt converse directly at all , I admired you from afar!

Since i quit my job and work on my own at home with some business trips here and there I find myself less on FB and more on this forum. Its like wearing a pair of comfy women's underwear.
Wheres that d1ck Notbehindyou been hiding out?

Glad to see you shockwave, eventhough we didnt converse directly at all , I admired you from afar!

Since i quit my job and work on my own at home with some business trips here and there I find myself less on FB and more on this forum. Its like a pair of comfy slippers.

Good question. Always hated that prick.
I'm not exactly sure what it is about forums that I like. I think it's something to do with the familiarity of seeing the same names over and over..and talking sh*t with them. I tell some of my friends and they think it's weird that I post random stuff on the internet. Maybe it is. Haha.
I'm not exactly sure what it is about forums that I like. I think it's something to do with the familiarity of seeing the same names over and over..and talking sh*t with them. I tell some of my friends and they think it's weird that I post random stuff on the internet. Maybe it is. Haha.
I don't tell my friends. It's probably for the best.
That's probably the sensible option..

My gf calls them my 'online friends'. I'm like 'they're not my friends, just people I talk rubbish with'. She finds it impossible to understand why I do it but in a sense it's just another way of finding out bizarre news and chatting nonsense. That's why I pretty much only visit the OTL.
Wheres that d1ck Notbehindyou been hiding out?

Glad to see you shockwave, eventhough we didnt converse directly at all , I admired you from afar!

Since i quit my job and work on my own at home with some business trips here and there I find myself less on FB and more on this forum. Its like wearing a pair of comfy women's underwear.
Nby is notbehindyou.