Games you've played through 3 or more times


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
What games have you played through at least three times? For me they are...

- Dark Sector
- Singularity
- Mass Effect 2
- Gears of War
- Ninja Gaiden 2
- Earth Defense Force 2017
- EDF Insect Armageddon
- Gears of War
- Halo 3
- James Bond Blood Stone
Half-Life 2 and I think Mass Effect 1. Can't think of any others at this time...
Only one, Jade Empire, and that was because of 3 RRODs that had me dragging my original Xbox out of the closet, looking for something to pass the time until the replacement arrived.
Planescape torment I completed at least 3 times.

Mass Effect 1 I have completed 3 times, one time as female Shepard, two times as male, after that I did only complete Mass Effect 2 two times and Mass Effect 3 only once.
This past generation:
-Mass Effect 1
-Devil May Cry 4
In recent gens, none. In old gens, endless games.... Contra, Axelay, Streets of Rage 2 etc...
Dark Souls. There are others I have completed several times but DS was the most memorable...
Deus ex:HR
Cod 4:MW
Uncharted 2
Bioshock 1
halo 1
various sports games ( franchise mode)
Both Shenmue games
Alan Wake
Mass effect series
Sonic megadrive games
Any Zelda up to and including Ocarina (at least 5 times each).
Fallout 3 (7 different characters, most at "100%")
Fallout New Vegas (9 characters, 5 of which are "100%")
Bioshock 1 (at least 30 times)
Bioshock 2 (well over a dozen times)
Mass Effect 1 (3 times)
Mass Effect 2 (5 times)
Batman Arkham Asylum (4 times)
Condemned (3 times)

There's more but those are the only ones that come to mind ATM.
In no particular order, probably with obvious and embarrassing oversights:

Mass Effect 1 and 2
KOTOR 1 and 2
Jade Empire
Zelda 1 and 2
Kid Icarus
Sonic 1 and 2
Shining Force
Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9 and Tactics
Assassin's Creed 2
Halo CE and 2
Fallouts 1-3
Alan Wake
Baldur's Gate
Starflight 1 and 2
Any Zelda up to and including Ocarina (at least 5 times each).
Fallout 3 (7 different characters, most at "100%")
Fallout New Vegas (9 characters, 5 of which are "100%")
Bioshock 1 (at least 30 times)
Bioshock 2 (well over a dozen times)
Mass Effect 1 (3 times)
Mass Effect 2 (5 times)
Batman Arkham Asylum (4 times)
Condemned (3 times)

There's more but those are the only ones that come to mind ATM.
Bioshock 1 30 times!? When do you have time for anything else? lol
Halo CE Co-op - Quite literally played through the first 1-5 maps 100's of times with a buddy.. we used to play on Legendary, start from the beginning.. and go as long as we could with ZERO deaths.. if either of us died, we re-started the entire campaign. We had so much fun doing that.. my buddy SUCKED too, which made it so much harder.

Got to the point where most of the time we could get to Assault on the Control room.. and ONCE we beat it, and then fairly easily got all the way to The Maw.. which was next to impossible to beat on Co-op Legendary.

Fallout 3 - I'm on my 4th or 5th playthrough right now.. absolutely love this game.
Fallout NV - Just finished my 4th or 5th playthrough.. also love this game, aside from some of the absolutely turrible DLC. I don't always finish the Fallout games but I consider throwing 50-100 hours at a character a more "complete" experience than "beating the last level" of most games.

Rainbow Six Vegas / Vegas 2 - Played a ton of these in co-op.. as well as beat them in SP at least twice on the highest difficulty. Love these games.. love being able to tackle levels/areas with different tactics, sending my squad or co-op partner to different doors, using stealth or going all out, etc.

I think that's about it for modern games.. certainly beat old Mario games and things like that a ton of times as a kid too, but that was a different era.. my parents would only buy me like 1 game a year so I'd play the crap out of the ones I bought.

Only one worth mentioning is the original Metroid. A buddy of mine and I had numerous 16 digit "codes" memorized where we could start the game at different levels we played it so much.
Bioshock 1 30 times!? When do you have time for anything else? lol

After the third or fourth time I knew the game backwards and forwards. I knew where to go and when to go there, I knew all the codes for secret rooms, which weapons to upgrade first and with which upgrade, etc..

So a play through could be done in a single day/night (about 9 hours on hard, no vita chamber). When I first got it I played it back to back to back 3 times.

Funny thing though? I still never got the achievement on 360 for getting all the tonics, I kept missing a different one every time.
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ME 1 & 2
Ninja Gaiden
Half Life 2
Halo:Combat Evolved

Some other but nothing springs to mind right now.
Too many over the years but from the last few generations:

GeOW 1, 2 & 3
Halo CE
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
GTA: Vice City, GTA IV & GTA V
Heavy Rain
Call of Duty (First)
oblivion 24 times, at least
across 3 platforms

fallout 4 about a dozen
fallout new vegas
mass effect 1 and 2
halo 3
dead rising 1 and 2
bioshock 1

the original COD games 1 and 2

and others
I never replay games or rewatch movies/tv shows
I don't replay that many games either, just a few that really stand out or that offer special incentives for going through multiple times. TV shows I'll watch over and over and over again though if I like them. For example I've gone through every episode of every season of every Stargate multiple times.
Absolutely none recently. From the past...

Double Dragon
Mike Tyson's Punchout

More proof the Original NES is Best Console of all time......

Now I must agree that there are several great games on SNES, XBOX, etc. BUT Nothing like NES as those games I beat countless times.

I think one of my most favorite games I beat countless times was "Life Force"

But I must agree with Plainview and I beat all those games multiple times.
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In recent gens, none. In old gens, endless games.... Contra, Axelay, Streets of Rage 2 etc...

In recent gens for me would be Uncharted and Uncharted 3. UC2 got repetitive for whatever reason.

I still play classic games on my PS Vita and 3DS. Still fun to play through those.