Hilary Clinton Will Be The Next Democratic Presidential Nominee

regarding Hillary I think the only current Republican that could beat her is Christy, any Tea party backed candidate will not have a chance in a national election.
I'm going to make a bold prediction. Who ever is nominated, not much will change and everyone will still complain.
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It doesn't matter who wins they are all playing for the same team---> $ and POWAH!

Giving us the illusion that we can pick who wins "for the better" is probably comedy for them.
Two sides of the same coin. I actually would've voted for her about 10 years ago.
It doesn't matter who wins they are all playing for the same team---> $ and POWAH!

Giving us the illusion that we can pick who wins "for the better" is probably comedy for them.
Kind of like when you were younger and your mom would tell you that you could either have a bath before supper or after supper. Either way you were still getting wet, but at least you felt like you had a choice.
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Oh, easily.

Everyone knows she has the experience already and can handle it. The other guys have no one that could beat her.

That and the fact all she really has to do to win this is simply state she cares for: blacks, Hispanics, Asians, middle easterns, women and homosexuals.
That and the fact all she really has to do to win this is simply state she cares for: blacks, Hispanics, Asians, middle easterns, women and homosexuals.
are you so sure that the 'o' is really leaving office??:txbcool:
got some bets on the side.. and so far I have been 100% right
So instead of accusing a Christian president of being Muslim, we'll accuse a woman president of being a man. Did I win?
what does this mean? thatyou think Obama is going to remain in office for the next term?
It's a prevailing rumor by those who....know absolutely nothing about our political system past what Fox news tells them. I think the major one is that he's going to take over the army and extend his term via...no clue, but he will...because he's muslim socialist.

Whoa whoa whoa, what about us neglected white people?!
Depends, how do you feel about the groups previously mentioned? Like them? She'll mention ya. Hate'em? Republican party has you covered.

So instead of accusing a Christian president of being Muslim, we'll accuse a woman president of being a man. Did I win?
You're going to see soooooo many "kitchen" jokes. Imagine if she was a black female; the south would absolutely loose their s***!
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It's a prevailing rumor by those who....know absolutely nothing about our political system past what Fox news tells them. I think the major one is that he's going to take over the army and extend his term via...no clue, but he will...because he's muslim socialist.

Depends, how do you feel about the groups previously mentioned? Like them? She'll mention ya. Hate'em? Republican party has you covered.

You're going to see soooooo many "kitchen" jokes. Imagine if she was a black female; the south would absolutely loose their s***!
Michelle Obama should be her running mate.. lol
Ted Cruz can't run.. he isn't a naturalized citizen. He was born in Canada.

I like Rand Paul... but truth is sad, the Reps have not much to go with.

If hillary wins... we can just sit back and watch the US burn to the ground

He believes he is illegible.

Yeah... Before we get there, we have to get through elections next fall, and with Obama care currently making health insurance less affordable, rather that more affordable, with no end to that phenomona in site, after Ted Cruz making sure that Obama and the Democrats totally own Obama Care...

Gonna make 1994 look like a cake walk. Chris Christie is more likely to be the Democratic nominee than Hillary Clinton in that environment...

If the Republicans win it's because the Democratic voters who voted for Obama were too lazy and just decided to stay home. It doesn't really matter what anybody does at this point. Everybody is just too partisan for it to really matter.

Jed Bush doesn't stand even a remote chance. Not even in the primary.

Chris Christie is the only Republican one who polls well against Hillary. Last poll I saw he was around just 4 points behind her in a direct vs poll for president. He's also polling second place in a Republican primary.

If Republicans want to be smart, they'll pick him. Play their cards right, and they might even steal New Jersey. But I doubt it.

This is where the truth is revealed. Nobody will want Jed Bush to be the Republican Nominee and he will end up the Republican nominee because he will have all the money and backing from the big government republicans. All this other stuff is trivial.
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If the Republicans win it's because the Democratic voters who voted for Obama were too lazy and just decided to stay home. It doesn't really matter what anybody does at this point. Everybody is just to partisan for it to really matter.

Every campaign has been waged in independents. Independents generally vote republican. Bush alienated this group of people pretty badly, clearing the way for Obama to win his first term. However all indications are right now that Obama has alienated this group of people. That is going to matter in the election next year. I really can't predict multiple years down the line... But short of a massive reversal on the apparent fortunes of Obama care it is not looking good for Democrats...
Every campaign has been waged in independents. Independents generally vote republican. Bush alienated this group of people pretty badly, clearing the way for Obama to win his first term. However all indications are right now that Obama has alienated this group of people. That is going to matter in the election next year. I really can't predict multiple years down the line... But short of a massive reversal on the apparent fortunes of Obama care it is not looking good for Democrats...

Everything Obama has tried to do has been blocked. So he hasn't really had a chance to alienate anybody. Had Obama been able to pass carbon credits and all that other crap THEN he would have alienated people, but everything was blocked except Obamacare.

None of that is going to matter. Republicans will be disappointed in the Republican nominee again for the third straight election and they will stay home. McCain, Romney, Bush. They won't come out for Jed Bush. Now if Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, or Chris Christie won then it would be different, but Jed Bush will be the nominee because he has ALL the money pouring in. Presidential elections are different now since they changed the laws on financing. These other guys won't be able to raise enough money to compete with Jed Bush.

Unless the next Ronald Reagan emerges Jed Bush will be the nominee.
Everything Obama has tried to do has been blocked. So he hasn't really had a chance to alienate anybody. Had Obama been able to pass carbon credits and all that other crap THEN he would have alienated people, but everything was blocked except Obamacare.

None of that is going to matter. Republicans will be disappointed in the Republican nominee again for the third straight election and they will stay home. McCain, Romney, Bush. They won't come out for Jed Bush. Now if Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, or Chris Christie won then it would be different, but Jed Bush will be the nominee because he has ALL the money pouring in. Presidential elections are different now since they changed the laws on financing. These other guys won't be able to raise enough money to compete with Jed Bush.

Unless the next Ronald Reagan emerges Jed Bush will be the nominee.

We have three years before the election. 2 years before the primary. I simply don't think you can predict events that far out. In 2005 ~no one~ would have predicted an Obama win in 2008.
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