IGN Rumour: The Last Guardian cancelled (debunked). Won't be at E3?


We The North 🦖🍁
Sep 12, 2013
F this E3. The dream is almost dead (until Sony officially confirms it).

I'm kind of at a loss for words right now.

http://ca.ign.com/articles/2014/06/07/the-last-guardian-cancelled?utm_campaign=ign main twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social


This game needs to be finished. The world deserves to see this potential masterpiece.
only a rumour at this point. Although, it would not be shocking if turns out to be true. I hope this is bulls*** though.
Can you guys sense how E3 is upon us in the grandest of fashion right now?



I see Flynn tripped over his chair in a rush to post this to the PS sub-forum. Without even putting 'rumor' in the title.:crazy:
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And it's back? WTF is going on.


If true...


This is why Gaming media should tone down the silly titles. But what ever draws it the clicks, right. I also think gamers should take a bit more care and post thread titles based on what is said, and not copy & paste the click bait original title. Just adding one word like rumour does the trick.
The original story was based on some anonymous source's report to IGN Russia. What could be more reliable?
I hope this game is as good as everyone is expecting it to be when it finally arrives.
I stopped caring four years ago. Sony and Japan in general are notorious for delays, and I'm pretty much done caring.
Just drumming up exciting for a reveal at PS4. To be released this fall on PS4. Believe.