Man Eats Elephant! The journey of N Pfifer's (TFX) weight loss.


I am a sinner.
Sep 11, 2013
Most may know TFX was a mod/admin at TeamXbox that many had butted heads with. I never saw eye to eye with him but that's neither here nor there. He's been doing a weight loss regime that seems to mostly consist of diet and running and he seems to be doing really good. He's also preparing for a marathon. He had ballooned to over 320lbs and now he's sitting at around 220lbs. That's fantastic progress by him and I wish him nothing good luck to get where he wants to be.

Does he have a goal weight? I ask because he's got 170 on the 2nd to last box and then another box after that. If I were him I wouldn't really want to go too far below 170. He's doing great though, looking a lot healthier.
I really like seeing results like this. So much better than the crap you see on TV or online. Where every '3 months later' is a more tanned with makeup slightly thinner but really sucking it up version from before.
Must suck to have to buy all new clothes though.
Good for him. Gives me motivation..
I stepped on the scale a couple weeks ago and was weighing 225 and that's the heaviest I have ever been. So I started a walking regiment and plan on working into running as soon as my body starts to get adjusted..
Does anyone know how old he is? Ive felt especially old lately and I think that's because I have put on a few pounds..
Seems like the weightloss has improved his eyesight too!

Good for him, though. There's an air of greater confidence in the later picture too.
I really like seeing results like this. So much better than the crap you see on TV or online. Where every '3 months later' is a more tanned with makeup slightly thinner but really sucking it up version from before.

f*** that s*** you can do it in a real 5 hours.

Now good on TFX I for the weight loss but now he is just an annoying bitch who weighs less.

f*** that s*** you can do it in a real 5 hours. The video will blow your mind.

Oh yeah, TFX. The guy who said last gen the PS3 was trash and you could play every good game and enjoy everything it has to offer by just borrowing the console from a friend. :laugh:

Always wondered what happened to him. Good to see he's doing good.
Oh yeah, TFX. The guy who said last gen the PS3 was trash and you could play every good game and enjoy everything it has to offer by just borrowing the console from a friend. :laugh:

I wasn't wrong ;)

Thanks, guys! I'd wanted to do something to get back into shape and lose weight and nothing ever worked out and I'd just balloon back up. So one day I decided I was going to run a marathon. So I learned how to lose weight, which let me walk. I walked so I could run. I run so I can do that marathon. And not just one marathon, but three to four within the next 12 months. I've been doing this all for myself and losing the weight alone has been a huge thing for me (90% diet, btw, the running came later).

I've let friends know and my Tumblr has some followers, but I've been doing it for me, just to do something that's a big deal. That people have said they've been inspired by my work and have started their own weight loss/workout regimes as a result has made the whole thing worth it.
I wasn't wrong ;)

Thanks, guys! I'd wanted to do something to get back into shape and lose weight and nothing ever worked out and I'd just balloon back up. So one day I decided I was going to run a marathon. So I learned how to lose weight, which let me walk. I walked so I could run. I run so I can do that marathon. And not just one marathon, but three to four within the next 12 months. I've been doing this all for myself and losing the weight alone has been a huge thing for me (90% diet, btw, the running came later).

I've let friends know and my Tumblr has some followers, but I've been doing it for me, just to do something that's a big deal. That people have said they've been inspired by my work and have started their own weight loss/workout regimes as a result has made the whole thing worth it.
You did a good job thus far. THIS would have made a good documentary.
Either or. Just as long as you're documenting it beyond a blog.

Yeah, I'm kinda hating how Tumblr handles long reads. I'm sure there may be a theme out there, but going reverse-chronological without a dedicated navigation bar suuuuucks. When I was reading a ton of other marathon training blogs when I started, they'd be on places like Blogger and I could read through them a month at a time. I guess this isn't very different from that.

Eventually, I'll have it editorialized and cleaned up. Between the Tumblr, Facebook, RunKeeper, Fitbit and a few other sources, I'll have plenty of notes to draw from.
Also: I'm a little disappointed no one registered as my name and went around trolling forums ;)
this guy walked up to me at the trade show I was at a few weeks back and said "Mr Ranknfile! How are you doin?
It took me a while but I finally recognized this skinny shap dressed dude. it was my 350 lb sloppy former co-worker! what a complete transformation! He looked great! probably 190 lbs.
Congrats to you TFX. good luck with the marathons!