Man Eats Elephant! The journey of N Pfifer's (TFX) weight loss.

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Where do you evenfind elephant meat to eat? Never would have thought it to be lo-cal either. Congrats just the same! :);)
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It's terribly illegal. You have no idea how big my freezer is.
Where do you evenfind elephant meat to eat? Never would have thought it to be lo-cal either. Congrats just the same! :);)
Africa. He eats that sh1t raw. And by raw I mean still alive.
It's a workout just trying ta eat!
That's a revolutionary idea. Make people really work to eat, thus they lose weight and can eat as much as they want (if they can kill/catch it).
….Back in the ol' Team Xbox OTL days whenever you said something smarmy I would just chalk it up to fattleness. What am I supposed to do now?