Paul Walker - dead at 40

Very bummed to hear this. the Fast and the furious movies were very enjoyable to me.

Only 40 too. So young.
Just read Guy was living the life! Wonder if any substances were involved, and who was actually driving? That car must've been moving pretty fast to burst into flames like that :/
Yeah report was that he was taking friends out for rides in the Porsche GT he just bought, and that he was the passenger. 40 year old child I guess.. seemed like a good dude other than the whole "takes friends out for joyrides on public streets" aspect, big into charity and whatnot.
For a car to burst into flames like that the Porsche had to be traveling easily 100 mph.
Not his car. He was at a charity event? Sucks all around. While not the greatest actor, and the F&F movies were cheesy, but fun, movies, it's still a loss that was too young. It's ironic that he went that way. He survived many a car chase and car accident in his films.
Not his car. He was at a charity event? Sucks all around. While not the greatest actor, and the F&F movies were cheesy, but fun, movies, it's still a loss that was too young. It's ironic that he went that way. He survived many a car chase and car accident in his films.

Walker was on a racing team, and they were a block from the garage that Walker races out of, but yeah I guess it was a charity event. I don't know if the event was at the garage but they died what seems like blocks from it. Potentially even within earshot of the event considering the wreckage (car was completely ripped into pieces.)

I've read it suggested it was basically his car, and potentially also the car of the driver.. that part is way less confirmed but I read it was his business partner for the garage basically.
Too Fast Too Soon.

Can I please employ some dark humor into this? I've never taken death with any seriousness. I just make fun.
I have some mutual friends that knew him, everyone pretty much said the same thing that he was a class act, very polite to strangers and just a great attitude overall. Wasn't too "Hollywood" for anyone.
Yeah the back is just.. gone.. you can kind of see the entire back half of the car somewhere behind the wreckage, looks like a good 10-15 feet.

edit: Actually, I think in the picture in the OP you can tell there are 2 distinct parts to the wreckage, one is QUITE a distance from the main wreckage. To the right edge of the dark smoke, notice the intense flames.


Can see it in the background here:


And to the left, here:

It's a Facebook video, and all I did was post the link. Forum made it into an embed that works fine for me. Time to upgrade your flash.

But let me see if I can link without the media embed:

Does anyone know how the hell it got into mess? Either Paul was driving (or was it his friend?) driving too fast or lost control and got messed up. Even if I own the fastest car in the world, I wouldn't speeding more than limit speed. Usually I drive 5mph faster than limit speed and that's that.
Hopefully this doesn't make me sound like too much of an asshat, but when a celeb dies I usually don't give two flips, mainly because it's usually due to drugs or my feeling that why should they get more attention than anyone else that dies in this world. That said, reading comments on Jalopnik from people that have met him or have more knowledge of him, he seemed like a great down to earth, good person compared to the rest of Hollywood. Really is a bummer.
Also, as a general observation, I don't understand why rich people with expensive sports cars like this feel the need to drive reckless on public roads, when access to a closed road course should be easily available. Sure there is a chance of crashing, but there isn't going to be trees or poles to wrap yourself around.
Does anyone know how the hell it got into mess? Either Paul was driving (or was it his friend?) driving too fast or lost control and got messed up. Even if I own the fastest car in the world, I wouldn't speeding more than limit speed. Usually I drive 5mph faster than limit speed and that's that.

Paul wasn't driving.