Official Thread Playstation VR

Cockpit games do great, but not for any of the reasons he has mentioned. Cockpit games do well because you are both sitting in the game as well as in the real world, and thus less "disconnect" happens since the two actions emulate each other. And disconnect being that which makes you sick in vr games.

You are correct that cockpit games being seated does help but also having a stationary frame of reference (cockpit) for your eyes to focus on is also known to help with motion sickness.
For instance it has been found that if you had a virtual nose in VR, this can also help with motion sickness.
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I think that gizmag verdict is being very harsh on the PSVR. I've been visiting r/oculus religiously for the last 3 years and although it is the Oculus subreddit it covers all VR headsets and I've seen many peoples reviews after trying PSVR and they nearly all say it stacks up really well against PCVR. (and we all know how some PC gamers look down on console equivalents). The Move controllers might not feel as tactile as controllers made specifically for VR but I'm pretty sure the tracking is up to the job. I think they're being really unfair. Maybe if you're jumping from the Vive wands or Touch controllers they would seem that much inferior but most PSVR gamers won't be and won't know any different.
You are correct that cockpit games being seated does help but also having a stationary frame of reference (cockpit) for your eyes to focus on is also known to help with motion sickness.
For instance it has been found that if you had a virtual nose in VR, this can also help with motion sickness.
But you aren't backing any of up aside from just making speculation. No VR developer has ever mentioned this talk about "stationary frame of reference." Developers like CCP Games have gone on record and talked about what has reduced sickness in their games and what has not, and this is never mentioned.
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But you aren't backing any of up aside from just making speculation. No VR developer has ever mentioned this talk about "stationary frame of reference." Developers like CCP Games have gone on record and talked about what has reduced sickness in their games and what has not, and this is never mentioned.

Here. Good enough for you?

It was a stroke of genius," David Whittinghill, assistant professor at the Purdue University's department of computer graphics technology, told Wired Magazine.

"You are constantly seeing your own nose. You tune it out, but it's still there, perhaps giving you a frame of reference to help ground you."

The researchers had found VR games with a fixed point of reference, like the cockpit in an airplane or the dashboard in a car, are much less likely to induce sickness.

"Simulator sickness is very common. But you can't have a cockpit in every VR simulation," Mr Whittinghill added.

In games without a permanent reference-point – the computer generated nose provides a good alternative, the team discovered.
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I think that gizmag verdict is being very harsh on the PSVR. I've been visiting r/oculus religiously for the last 3 years and although it is the Oculus subreddit it covers all VR headsets and I've seen many peoples reviews after trying PSVR and they nearly all say it stacks up really well against PCVR. (and we all know how some PC gamers look down on console equivalents). The Move controllers might not feel as tactile as controllers made specifically for VR but I'm pretty sure the tracking is up to the job. I think they're being really unfair. Maybe if you're jumping from the Vive wands or Touch controllers they would seem that much inferior but most PSVR gamers won't be and won't know any different.

I think so, too. I saw this the other day but refused to post it:

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Here. Good enough for you?

It was a stroke of genius," David Whittinghill, assistant professor at the Purdue University's department of computer graphics technology, told Wired Magazine.

"You are constantly seeing your own nose. You tune it out, but it's still there, perhaps giving you a frame of reference to help ground you."

The researchers had found VR games with a fixed point of reference, like the cockpit in an airplane or the dashboard in a car, are much less likely to induce sickness.

"Simulator sickness is very common. But you can't have a cockpit in every VR simulation," Mr Whittinghill added.

In games without a permanent reference-point – the computer generated nose provides a good alternative, the team discovered.
Yeah, it is. sorry if I was accusing. I just have a real vendetta for that Gravity movie.
I think so, too. I saw this the other day but refused to post it:

Almost every review I have seen gives it to the Vive and I can see why, but for me there is no right or wrong choice for VR. Just what's right for you. I will be going for the Rift for the multitude of games at launch I want to play and what is imo a more refined hmd. Don't get me wrong, the Vive has bags of potential and is a magical experience but for me personally, the games that are coming out at or around launch don't justify me spending £1500 on VR and PC. I'm also slightly sceptical when reviewers say oh don't worry I'm sure Valve know a bit about games. Sure, but last time I checked, Valve haven't been knocking out games consitently for many years and all they'll be releasing at launch is a mini games demo that showcase the hardware.
Same goes for PSVR, imo that is where you're going to get by far the best bang for your buck. Not to mention it has the weight of SONY behind it who unlike Valve produce tonnes of games year in year out.
I don't think anyone can go wrong no matter what they choose, I want to see all of them sell great because it will only benefit us all in the long run.
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Almost every review I have seen gives it to the Vive and I can see why, but for me there is no right or wrong choice for VR. Just what's right for you. I will be going for the Rift for the multitude of games at launch I want to play and what is imo a more refined hmd. Don't get me wrong, the Vive has bags of potential and is a magical experience but for me personally, the games that are coming out at or around launch don't justify me spending £1500 on VR and PC. I'm also slightly sceptical when reviewers say oh don't worry I'm sure Valve know a bit about games. Sure, but last time I checked, Valve haven't been knocking out games consitently for many years and all they'll be releasing at launch is a mini games demo that showcase the hardware.
Same goes for PSVR, imo that is where you're going to get by far the best bang for your buck. Not to mention it has the weight of SONY behind it who unlike Valve produce tonnes of games year in year out.
I don't think anyone can go wrong no matter what they choose, I want to see all of them sell great because it will only benefit us all in the long run.

I've been seeing the same reviews, myself. I think this guy is just a little harsh.
Get the f*** out of here Gamestop. They want to charge a $10 handling fee plus $25 to ship it plus tax. Get bent. BestBuy preorder it is.

You're getting PS VR? Wow, look at you. Not long ago you were Xbox for life. Now you got a PS4, and you're jumping on the bandwagon of VR. Somebody get PV a Snickers, he's not himself.
You're getting PS VR? Wow, look at you. Not long ago you were Xbox for life. Now you got a PS4, and you're jumping on the bandwagon of VR. Somebody get PV a Snickers, he's not himself.
I'm gonna preorder it just in case. Right now I'm not really wanting it. If, in October, I get my stupid "OMG I WANT NEW TECH DAMMIT!" desire, I'll go through with the preorder.
PS VR, Rift, and Vive

PlayStation VR review

Ok, I check this the other day to see if i could spot the issue people seem to be having with the tracking, and yes, i still can't see it. In some cases, the latency seems to be a hair behind your actual movement (almost immediate but just shy of the mark) while in other cases it seems spot on even at very high speeds, and I'm talking full force here. I even tried it at super slow to see if I could find anything. I found absolutely nothing. These were two different games by the way. So I'm thinking the issue at hand is most certainly bug related rather than a technical hardware issue.

But because this is the PSeye camera rather than the PlayStation Camera, I thought maybe the issue had something to do with the Move being tracked by a higher resolution camera. But then London Heist checked out flawlessly, it seems:

"Not one point during the demo did the headset, nor the Move controllers lose calibration or have any problem handling the action of the game. No latency, no lag, just a truly enjoyable experience."
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"Not one point during the demo did the headset, nor the Move controllers lose calibration or have any problem handling the action of the game. No latency, no lag, just a truly enjoyable experience."

That's good news. Very different experiences. Keep an eye out for anything else along those lines. I'm curious if anyone else reports those kind of problems or whether that earlier previewer was an outlier.
Atrange, but it's worth pointing out that the negative review is from GDC, right. The other is from September last year. It should be better now, unless they were boosting it before.
Atrange, but it's worth pointing out that the negative review is from GDC, right. The other is from September last year. It should be better now, unless they were boosting it before.
London Heist is from Sony's internal studios, which means they had much longer to tweak their games compared to a lot of 3rd parties just getting around to showing theirs off, and I think this may lie the issue.

Makes me wonder if the HMD's launch was postponed because of this
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PS VR, Rift, and Vive

PlayStation VR review

Ok, I check this the other day to see if i could spot the issue people seem to be having with the tracking, and yes, i still can't see it. In some cases, the latency seems to be a hair behind your actual movement (almost immediate but just shy of the mark) while in other cases it seems spot on even at very high speeds, and I'm talking full force here. I even tried it at super slow to see if I could find anything. I found absolutely nothing. These were two different games by the way. So I'm thinking the issue at hand is most certainly bug related rather than a technical hardware issue.

But because this is the PSeye camera rather than the PlayStation Camera, I thought maybe the issue had something to do with the Move being tracked by a higher resolution camera. But then London Heist checked out flawlessly, it seems:

"Not one point during the demo did the headset, nor the Move controllers lose calibration or have any problem handling the action of the game. No latency, no lag, just a truly enjoyable experience."

I really disagree when he says about PCVR feels like a beta hmd. That's one label I don't think anyone could put to the Rift. It's a very refined headset.
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To me, it sounds like the PC is pulling ahead, but PSVR is holding its own as a decent competitor.

Pulling ahead?!? It was never behind. PSVR is and always was the console version of PC VR, virtual reality lite call it. There will likely be continued improvements in PC VR as systems are improved while the console VR will likely be in a holding pattern until the nextgen consoles come out.
OR and Vive can thank Sony for successfully bringing VR to the masses.

I agree with this statement.

If not for anything else Sony is helping to bring VR to the forefront and has the potential to introduce mass acceptance. The innovations for the tech though is going to be on the PC side.
They were never close enough to "pull ahead." Oculus and Vive were far beyond the PSVR in every way.

That went completely over your head.

I wasn't implying that the headset was ever equal to the others. Certain advantages that were mentioned of it, however, lets it hold it's own as far as the wider consumer goes. More specifically, duration and ergonomics rather than robust hardware. Despite this, though, the PC editions still seems to be pulling ahead as they are more tech centered but appealing to a smaller crowd.
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Oblong Lets see who sells better in 1 years time than choose if we laugh.
I will give you a prediction... PSVR in 1 year will outsell OR and VIVE combined.
So back to what I said that you think is funny PSVR will be highly successful and bring VR to the masses and some of those masses will get a taste and want more/buy VIVE/OR.So yeah they can thank Sony for this.