Official Thread Sunset Overdrive

I liked the respawn scenes after your character dies

Exactly that man. I find this funny as hell and it is also original. It's the small things:


Lol at the Infamous claims!

Guy has a denim vest. "Infamous did it!" Did you people, i dunno, look at the gameplay? That is also just one of the playable characters, I believe. I just don't see the similarities that some are seeing.

Yeah it's bulls*** man. I am sure if this had been a multiplat or Sony exclusive that nonsense would not be said. And it has been said you can fully customize your characters.

By the 1:50 in the video where they talk about the see artwork of several different monsters. Good good, cause i was a bit worried it would be like Crackdown 2 where the enemies were just waaaaay too similar. I see some very cool looking enemies in that artwork.
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Before the video I was "meh" for the game, now I'm a bit intrigued. Can't wait to see more.
I was trying to put my finger on it, but I just realized that the whole art direction and sense of humor reminds me of a remake of Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Different plots/gameplay entirely, but just a similar vibe and style.
Game looks pretty wild and fun even though it looks like you would need good reflexes and mine are not what they use to be. Also I would say it looks like Dead Rising and Jet Set Radio had a baby while doing acid.
For those that find such things interesting, here are a few technical details:

According to Character Artist Gavin Goulden (that recently moved to Insomniac from the now shuttered Irrational Games, after working on BiosShock Infinite), basically every character in Sunset Overdrive counts 40,000 polygons, exactly like Elizabeth in BioShock, but the world is much busier than in the Irrational Games’ swan song, and shader support is more sophisticated.

We also learn that all the cloth is physically simulated and it even wrinkles when characters move.
Actually blown away. Game looks amazing.

3 minute video

I think I'm starting to see why some say it's the MS version of Infamous, but even then, from what I saw, it has more in common with Jet Set Radio Future mixed with Rachet & Clank. Looks incredible visually. I just love how it looks, the jumping, platforming, and sliding looks so much fun, movement is silky smooth, and the shooting mechanics seems to have a variety of devastating results. Looking forward to seeing more. Here's hoping they have platformer challenge rooms or something. Jumping mechanics are what impressed me the most about this game and this could finally be MS' big 3D platformer game if done right.
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Talk to me about the advantages of developing on the Xbox One.
This is a big game. There’s a giant city. There’s a lot to explore. We’re pushing things further visually than on any of our games previously, so you need powerful hardware for that. That’s the obvious answer. And I know a lot of Xbox One owners out there will tell you it’s a powerful machine. There are other aspects of it that I can’t get into right now, but we can talk about them at a later date that would be beneficial for us as a developer.

fyi I have heard the reason Xbox got this, is because Microsoft is letting them keep their IP
that's important to them.. I welcome them to the Xbox family!!
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I have to say, when this game was first teased at e3 it was definitely one of the most interesting looking games that I wasn't expecting. I've played plenty of Insomniac games in the past and enjoyed the vast majority, but clearly this one is an oddball, it's completely out there and just dripping with style and I'm happy to say that these new videos and screens are definitely living up to the insanity that I pictured in my head after it was revealed.

Hype has been fully achieved.

The game is a Day One for me, no questions about it.


This gif has me hypnotized, I can barely wait to play it!

No 1080p no buy, games just are not fun and worth playing otherwise.....

Science has shown through observation based analysis that gamers up until 2013, when only one real nextgen console was released, that gamers were finally able to have fun. Indeed, before that gaming only led to depression, hysteria, being a virgin and forever alone in most cases of playing sub-par resolution games.

Very serious. I'm an expert.

Lol at the Infamous claims!

Guy has a denim vest. "Infamous did it!" Did you people, i dunno, look at the gameplay? That is also just one of the playable characters, I believe. I just don't see the similarities that some are seeing.

The funny part is that this game is pure 'Create-A-Character'.
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I am getting the Day One edition !!
yep they are selling it
Sunset Overdrive Ignites the Awesomepocalypse with Day One Edition Details and First Gameplay Video

Microsoft and Insomniac Games unveiled the first look at the world, story and gameplay of “Sunset Overdrive” today through an action-packed video. Alongside the video, Microsoft announced the first details for the Day One Edition of the game.

Traverse Sunset City in Style with Exclusive Day One Edition Outfits and Weapons

With an exclusive gun, melee weapon and in-game character outfit, the “Sunset Overdrive” Day One Edition is the ultimate package for fans who want to fight through the end of days with flair. The “Sunset Overdrive” Day One Edition features the following exclusive digital content that you won’t find anywhere else:

•“Nothin’ but the Hits” gun: An overcharged version of the High Fidelity gun that launches limited edition, priceless, multi-colored vinyls that do increased damage.
•“It’s Me! Fizzie!” outfit: Fizzie is more popular than you because he has a great marketing budget. So, why not dress up as him and get in on some of that fame?
•“Hardcore! Hammer”: You ponder buying the Day One Edition of “Sunset Overdrive.” A spot check reveals that if you do, you can equip a mighty hammer made from a bat and spiked dumb-bells. You buy the Day One Edition of “Sunset Overdrive.”
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How often does an actual game shown for the first time actually live up to the CGI teaser trailer? How often is that CGI trailer for a video game an acurate representation of the game? I'd say the actual game looks just as good, if not better than what we saw at E3 last year!

Besides Dead Rising, I definately get a Dreamcast-era Sega vibe. Remember Outtrigger? Blue Stinger? Definately JSR, some Fighting Vipers, and absolutely Sonic Adventure 2, with the rails. Throw in some older Streets of Rage attitude.

To me, this game even harkens back in style to old arcade games like 720 and Paperboy. I'd love to see either re-imagined in this style.
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Game looks great, but i hope they were playing slow because of the trailer.

Looks like it would be a blast to play at a fast pace

I don't agree though that the game looks as good as the cgi trailer.
Looks pretty awesome and saying it looks a bit like Infamous is not a bad thing,that game is pretty fun as well...

Only thing missing now for me is a X1 lol...probably around September.
lol I am hearing from the different forums
this is going to be a system seller
people want this game

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