The 2016 United States Presidential Election Thread. v. 2

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By this logic, I am stupid also. Not that I will lose sleep.

Its not so much on what he can do, but that he can providing moral support. By the same logic, why bother to go to someone's funeral? You are not going to bring him back to life, are you? Waste of time. If your argument is moral support, that people hoping president showing up (or at lest not play golf or swim at beach) is not complete r****d either (unless they think having president will magically make disaster go away faster).

But what do I know. I am stupid because I think its good for president to be present.

He would just be in the way. It would be much better for him not to be their and let the people who are trained for it do there job.
He would just be in the way. It would be much better for him not to be their and let the people who are trained for it do there job.
I replied in another post if the moral support benefit do not outweigh the "get in the way", then its reasonable for him not to go. If I am president, I would not want to be caught playing golf though.
You asked if its the governor that do not want the president to go, is it a valid reason not to go? I answered, yes it is. I never contested this

What I am saying is (independently), it is good for a leader to be present, for moral support.

( Disclaimed, I picked the first decent article from google that is not CNN, I am not sure the political alignment of LAtimes)

As you can read from the article, most people are happy some form of leader are present, & they do lift the spirit of people. I would imagine if actual president Obama is there, they will be even more people that is morally boosted. We can argue if he actually cared or just to boost his campaign, but many people do feel good.

That's my main point. Moral support. Of course, if obstruction to help is greater than benefit of moral support, (if there are sufficient evidence), then for sure, I support him not going there. But he can surely not seen playing Golf. He doesn't have to obviously, but it would be nice not to IMO.

I agreed that it looked bad but if he wasn't playing golf it would have made zero difference so its a completely nonsense story. I don't know why you need to argue about why a President should go. Its obvious and that is why Obama went.

As for your article here is one of the people praising Trump

Trump promised a $100,000 donation to Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which lies to the northeast of Baton Rouge, in a zone affected by floods. Trump had visited the church on Friday and helped hand out supplies for a few moments as cameras rolled.

That church's interim pastor is Anthony Perkins, who is also president of the Family Research Council — a powerful and politically active Christian conservative group that condemns abortion, homosexuality and what it calls "transgenderism." In recent days, the Baptist church has organized volunteers to help clean out flood-damaged homes and has offered hot meals and supplies to those affected.

Its pure politics
More rock solid Trump support coming from upstanding people around the world..... Vojislav Seselj, an ethnic cleansing supporter from Serbia.

Now with Trump completely flip flopping on immigration, and spitting in the face of his base, one of his biggest supporters is none too pleased. I'm not sure who to laugh at more, Trump for flip flopping ot Coulter for thinking he meant what he said?

He really does have tiny hands. This isn't photoshopped.

Yknow they have a saying in Serbia. "May your house be live on CNN." Holler if you get the joke.
Let's all point, and laugh, at Katrina Pierson again.

Well, to be fair, when he says "work with them" he winks and nods to his minions of grumpy old white men and mumbles "work with them to throw them the f*** out of the country" so it truly isn't a change. :crazy:
Such a good speech

When Trump was getting his start in business, he was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent apartments to black and Latino tenants.

Their applications would be marked with a “C” – “C” for “colored” – and then rejected.

Three years later, the Justice Department took Trump back to court because he hadn’t changed.

And the pattern continued through the decades.

This is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like the user who goes by the name “white-genocide-TM.” Trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people.

His campaign famously posted an anti-Semitic image – a Star of David imposed over a sea of dollar bills – that first appeared on a white supremacist websites.

The Trump campaign has also selected a prominent white nationalist leader as a delegate in California, and they only dropped him under pressure.

When asked in a nationally televised interview whether he would disavow the support of David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Trump wouldn’t do it. And only later, again, under mounting pressure, did he backtrack.

And when Trump was asked about anti-Semitic slurs and death threats coming from his supporters, he refused to condemn them.

It’s what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones, who claims that 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs. He even said -- and this really, is just so disgusting -- he even said the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre were child actors and no one was actually killed there. I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heard must be to say things like that.

But Trump didn’t challenge those lies. He actually went on Jones’ show and said: “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.”

This from the man wants to be president of the United States.

The latest shake-up was designed to – quote – “Let Trump be Trump.” To do that, he hired Stephen Bannon, the head of a right-wing website called, as campaign CEO.

To give you a flavor of his work, here are a few headlines they’ve published:

“Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.”

“Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?”

“Gabby Giffords: The Gun Control Movement’s Human Shield”

“Hoist It High And Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage.”
Trump explaining why Hilary is a "Bigot" to Anderson Cooper.


The debates(if they happen) are going to look like me vs Mike Tyson in Punch Out.
Here's Hilary's speech video.

"He's had to fire so many campaign managers its like an episode of the apprentice" :laugh:

I amazed how she can keep her composure when talking about Trump, I would do nothing but crack up.
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The Sandy Hook conspiracy really bothers me. We were live posting when it happened when we were back at TXB Rollins was feeding us info from the front line. He knew someone there. I remember one of his posts vividly. He relayed what his friend said, "Be prepared. You're not going to believe what just happened here." f*** any conspiracy nut that thinks otherwise. f*** that reptilian overlord believing piece of s***, Alex Jones.
The Sandy Hook conspiracy really bothers me. We were live posting when it happened when we were back at TXB Rollins was feeding us info from the front line. He knew someone there. I remember one of his posts vividly. He relayed what his friend said, "Be prepared. You're not going to believe what just happened here." f*** any conspiracy nut that thinks otherwise. f*** that reptilian overlord believing piece of s***, Alex Jones.

The Sandy Hook conspiracy really bothers me. We were live posting when it happened when we were back at TXB Rollins was feeding us info from the front line. He knew someone there. I remember one of his posts vividly. He relayed what his friend said, "Be prepared. You're not going to believe what just happened here." f*** any conspiracy nut that thinks otherwise. f*** that reptilian overlord believing piece of s***, Alex Jones.

Yeah, that was my bro-in-law's friend. My BIL is a firefighter down there, and his buddy is a cop in that area and was a first responder there. My sister and BIL were living about 1.5 miles down the road from Sandy Hook when that happened, and were getting info from the guy before the intensity of everything was known. The last thing he told us before all the other people got there was one of the kids had been shot 12-16 times. One little kid. And that was just one of them. I didn't want to post that at the time.
My sis knows some of the parents who lost kids, and even knows that f*****'s hairdresser. Apparently the mother would always bring him in, and he would never talk, just stare straight ahead. When the hairdresser would ask him a question like 'how are you?' just to make conversation, his mother would always answer like 'he's fine.' He never said a word, and never looked at anyone.
It never ceases to amaze me that details like this come out after, and people are shocked when one of these guys goes nuts.
Sh*t's been brewing for a looooong time.
Yeah, that was my bro-in-law's friend. My BIL is a firefighter down there, and his buddy is a cop in that area and was a first responder there. My sister and BIL were living about 1.5 miles down the road from Sandy Hook when that happened, and were getting info from the guy before the intensity of everything was known. The last thing he told us before all the other people got there was one of the kids had been shot 12-16 times. One little kid. And that was just one of them. I didn't want to post that at the time.
My sis knows some of the parents who lost kids, and even knows that f*****'s hairdresser. Apparently the mother would always bring him in, and he would never talk, just stare straight ahead. When the hairdresser would ask him a question like 'how are you?' just to make conversation, his mother would always answer like 'he's fine.' He never said a word, and never looked at anyone.
It never ceases to amaze me that details like this come out after, and people are shocked when one of these guys goes nuts.
Sh*t's been brewing for a looooong time.
It was a very tough day. When I say my little nieces I broke down. It really hit me then. 9/11 didn't hit me like that. Alex Jones is a piece of s***.
The whole interview with Anderson Cooper.

"The wall will have tunnel technology."

It was a very tough day. When I say my little nieces I broke down. It really hit me then. 9/11 didn't hit me like that. Alex Jones is a piece of s***.

Thankfully I haven't had anything close to that, but one of our best friends was a CSI tech for the county sheriff who had to go in and interview the parents and look over the crime scene of a girl that was roughly the same age as our first (and at the time, only) son that was kidnapped on her way home from school, used and then killed. My friend kept talking about how hard it was because even though she didn't have children yet, our son was the ringbearer at their wedding and it just hit so hard that someone his age had something like this done to them. I'm two degrees of separation away from that and it's been years and it's still something that gives me pause when I remember it.

So yeah, f*** conspiracy theorists. If you've read me in this thread enough, you'll recognize another of my greatest hits: that is what happens when you devalue human life to the point that it has been (both for the shooter, and for the people who care less about the lives of dozens of young, innocent children than they do about making their political statement).
Could be my last post here. I noticed no one actually give a s*** about the election here.

Continuation of my posts of Scott Adam blog. Again, I am only messenger.

Finding the Political Bottom
Didn't get a chance to read it until now. He makes some valid points, but he all but claims Trump isn't a bigot, which he undoubtedly is. He was spot on in his alt-right analysis. It doesn't matter of Trump is one of them, I think he is especially since he hired the Grand Puba of the alt-right to run his campaign. Clinton's attempt at associating Trump with KKK falls short, it doesn't change the fact that Trump's response was awful since he had to correct himself later. Clinton is fibbing some, but not on par, not even close, to Trump. He's just lie after lie after conspiracy.
Shepherd Smith continues to show why he's the best hots at Fox.

SHEPARD SMITH (HOST): That was an extraordinary moment live from Reno, Nevada. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, Democratic candidate for the presidency, has just tagged her Republican rival as a racist, fearmongering conspiracy theorist who is tempermentally unfit to be president of the United States. The problem with any attempt to rebut her is that in this case she used Donald Trump's own words, was historically accurate on his policies, on all reviewed points. James Grimaldi is a Pullitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for the Wall Street Journal, where do you begin with this?

JAMES GRIMALDI: I don't know, it was pretty extraordinary and pretty hard-hitting, and as you pointed out used his own words agianst himself.

Grimaldi then tried to play it cautiously, but Smith pressed him.

SMITH: When you say she thinks they would be more documented, is she accurate?

GRIMALDI: Yeah, they appear to be more documented. Yeah he really trades in hyperbole --

SMITH: He trades in racism, doesn't he?​

Vid link
Shepherd Smith continues to show why he's the best hots at Fox.

SHEPARD SMITH (HOST): That was an extraordinary moment live from Reno, Nevada. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, Democratic candidate for the presidency, has just tagged her Republican rival as a racist, fearmongering conspiracy theorist who is tempermentally unfit to be president of the United States. The problem with any attempt to rebut her is that in this case she used Donald Trump's own words, was historically accurate on his policies, on all reviewed points. James Grimaldi is a Pullitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for the Wall Street Journal, where do you begin with this?

JAMES GRIMALDI: I don't know, it was pretty extraordinary and pretty hard-hitting, and as you pointed out used his own words agianst himself.

Grimaldi then tried to play it cautiously, but Smith pressed him.

SMITH: When you say she thinks they would be more documented, is she accurate?

GRIMALDI: Yeah, they appear to be more documented. Yeah he really trades in hyperbole --

SMITH: He trades in racism, doesn't he?​

Vid link

It's just that biased liberal media that tries to make Trump responsible for the things that Trump says, but they never hold Hilary responsible for the things that Trump says. (I feel like I need something like #ConfederateFlag #BlackLivesMatterThreeFifthsAsMuch to really top that one off).
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