The memes, funny, weird, cool, random pic, gif, vids, etc. thread!

I am just the messenger, but if you disagree, you can convince me by shouting really loud. 😁 Anyway, there is a running joke about loud Americans. The stereotype is that Americans think by being louder & act angrier, people will take them more seriously or more convincing.

They’re just passionate, have you not seen any of the speeches from leaders around the world, especially the ones in black and white or during the Second World War...but people gonna stereotype ;) :p

I don't know if this is the right place. I am on Holidays, & been watching Vomnic legend Jim Lee Draw along series & inspired me to make a Wonder woman fanart.
Hope you guys like it, but do feel free to critic.

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Just to be clear now, you drew that?
Yes, from scratch.

Anyway, I can explain a little the workflow (if anyone interested)

I thought of a cool pose, then do a quick sketch to get the feel & proportion(1). Then I made a larger sketch (2) to get closer to the final line art.

Then I put another paper over the original paper & traced what I like & redo area I dislike. I decided the squat pose is a bit static so I redo the legs for a more dynamic pose (3). After which I add draw enough details in preparation for line work in Clip art studio. Once I am happy. I took a photo & upload to my PC.

Then I use the sketch as ref & draw the linework in clip art studio, then color & add a background. There are more than 100 layers when done.
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Anyway, since I am talking about Jim Lee, this is one of his many drawing sessions. If you are interested to draw better, or just want to see a master at work.

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Some random Jpop band Scandal pop on my youtube recommend (for reasons). I thought the band is nice & share.

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