The Order: 1886 (Official Thread)

I'm really looking forward to seeing it in action. I think it's going to be one of, if not THE, best looking console game of all time. It would be funny if it wins the same award Ryse won last year for graphics. That would make it one two sub 1080p games to take home the award in consecutive years, on consoles no less.
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Gameplay videos for this still haven't grabbed me. I like the Victorian setting though. But I'm at a point where a single player only game needs a bit more to get me to purchase. A 10-12 hour experience will need to be super good like Wolfenstein good for me to get excited. You know, a single player game that is so good I feel the need to replay it right after the first time. I guess I need more info before deciding.
Wasn't Wolfenstien closer to 20 hrs?
Um, I'll guess 75 to 80 average.
This will indeed, based on videos so far, be the best looking PS4 game to date.
Wasn't Wolfenstien closer to 20 hrs?

Yeah, it was a meaty campaign. But I was referring more to how good I felt the gameplay was throughout, not its length. It was a single player only game but it was done so well. I felt that almost everything was done with a level of quality not seen in most shooters.

I'll keep an eye on The Order in the hopes it shows me something that makes me believe I need it at launch. It looks cool but hasn't quite swayed me over to day 1 purchase it. My backlog of gaming doesn't help either.
More gaf impressions. IMO 75 avg on metacritic, mostly 7-8s with a few 6s (Polygon) and a few 9s

So yeah, the game picked up steam on my end. Graphics are absolutely bat s*** INSANE, it's crazy on so many levels. I mean, there are areas in the game which have crazy amount of high res detail, post processing and skin sss. The art in this game is amazing, great job by the level artists, naughty dog level of attention to detail.

I really liked the platforming bits, tough short and few but sweet. the character has really good weight and it feels great.

The gameplay, not so much on the other hand. There are a lot of questionable design and story structure decisions. I need to play more before i can asses it. overall solid.

The controls aren't perfect in a genre that has been perfected.
Cover based games like Gears or Uncharted or The last of us did really good job there.
I don't see why RAD just didn't copy the formula, there's no switching cover corners, getting out of cover is a different button then getting into cover, no option to change control layouts at all, no 180 quick turn option, friendly NPC get you out of cover or in you'r way etc...

I checked again, circle gets you into cover. once in cover pressing circle does nothing. Pressing cross or LS down release you from cover. You can however press side ways LS + circle to shift between two close covers.

I did manage to pull of corner cover transition ! It's clunky but it's the game (opposite to what i said), once in a corner you need to push LS to the side you wish to move (instead of pushing LS forward while face the side) and hit and HOLD cirlce, once the animation starts you need to release otherwise it will register as getting out of cover. They need to enable camera bias in cover to make this more easy i guess.

Amazing smooth frame rate with amazing graphics, good platforming, amazing sound work and voice acting, polished bug free game is very good.

The framerate is silky. The gunplay is responsive, the graphics are incredible , the sound is engrossing, the music and the atmosphere and the art direction are just... It's a simple game, but it does what it does extremely well.

AI looks very mobile. Some of stay out in the open a little too long, but they scurry about realistically.

I wish the walk about stages were used to more investigative effect. This game has such good atmosphere that I can't help but wish there some detective work involved. Finding clues, some branching paths in the story maybe. Could have been fun.

What's here is top notch, nonetheless. Excellent start by RAD.

What can I say, it's definitely not an emergent gameplay type of game. You can mix it up a bit during the encounters (which look so good), but for the most part it's RAD's show, and you're just along for the ride.

So far the characters are strong. There's a lot of intrigue surrounding the situation in London, although, again, I wish there was more detective work. Bit of a let down for me there, being used to TLOU, and all.

The game is surprisingly colorful, ofc within its own artistic vision. But it's got quite a range within its visual palette. Everything art wise is fine tuned and kept within the game's themes, nothing sticks out of the "era", which I appreciate.

Oddly enough the best I can compare it to so far, structure wise, is God of War III (no, seriously, hear me out).

It's got little platforming sections through beautifully rendered areas, then you fight baddies in arenas, then you get story.

Of course, like GOWIII it looks good doing everything it does. It's not the most brainy game out there but it's exhilarating and entertaining. Seriously, you do feel like you're playing your own movie. Those shootouts look and play awesome.

n addition to that (this is something not really in the tutorial), you can hold circle to move around the ends of cover to execute a 90 degree turn.

Also, for those that asked a few pages back, you can swap the triggers with the shoulder buttons, and swap the analog sticks, all available in the options.

In the options is also where (mentioning it again), you will find Camera Bias, which allows you to swap shoulders the camera is looking over. This is off by default, and once on, you activate it by pressing on the side of the touchpad you want the camera to move to. If you're fast enough, you can play a bit of camera pong.
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I can't even read some of the GAF comments without wanting to throw up. Those guys suck so much <insert here> over any good looking game that's a PS4 exclusive. Yea, the game looks really good.. but to marvel over QTE button presses for melee combat by saying:


"Oh my at the melee!!" is just going too far. That type of melee system is the least attractive of any kind of melee at all in a game let alone being praise worthy.
I can't even read some of the GAF comments without wanting to throw up. Those guys suck so much <insert here> over any good looking game that's a PS4 exclusive. Yea, the game looks really good.. but to marvel over QTE button presses for melee combat by saying:


"Oh my at the melee!!" is just going too far. That type of melee system is the least attractive of any kind of melee at all in a game let alone being praise worthy.
That doesn't really bother me, tbh. I liken it to the finishers in RYSE, which are fun to watch and execute. This isn't a melee based game, and it's no less engaging than the standard melee attacks in Gears.
I can't even read some of the GAF comments without wanting to throw up. Those guys suck so much <insert here> over any good looking game that's a PS4 exclusive. Yea, the game looks really good.. but to marvel over QTE button presses for melee combat by saying:


"Oh my at the melee!!" is just going too far. That type of melee system is the least attractive of any kind of melee at all in a game let alone being praise worthy.

I don't mind QTE's at all.
Game looks great and fun but probably will wait to pick it up. Too busy with other games right now.
This guy is def a massive Sony fanboy but still this sounds promising:

@isaparrot: Both friends have said: "The Order: 1886 is the best current gen game so far."
I can't even read some of the GAF comments without wanting to throw up. Those guys suck so much <insert here> over any good looking game that's a PS4 exclusive. Yea, the game looks really good.. but to marvel over QTE button presses for melee combat by saying:


"Oh my at the melee!!" is just going too far. That type of melee system is the least attractive of any kind of melee at all in a game let alone being praise worthy.

That's a really odd gif if you look at the placement of the columns before the grapple and during the throw. The right column looks about 9 ft away during the grapple, then when the camera spins, its suddenly only 2 ft away. They just warp to the right column.

That doesn't really bother me, tbh. I liken it to the finishers in RYSE, which are fun to watch and execute. This isn't a melee based game, and it's no less engaging than the standard melee attacks in Gears.

I agree.. but it's certainly not like it's glorious or anything. The hyperbole is at it's best there..
Lot of good impressions there, especially regarding atmosphere, sound, and visuals. Gameplay still seems like a question mark to me, though.

Anyone know when the review embargo lifts?
Lot of good impressions there, especially regarding atmosphere, sound, and visuals. Gameplay still seems like a question mark to me, though.

Anyone know when the review embargo lifts?

Thursday the 19th I believe.
I can't even read some of the GAF comments without wanting to throw up. Those guys suck so much <insert here> over any good looking game that's a PS4 exclusive. Yea, the game looks really good.. but to marvel over QTE button presses for melee combat by saying:

"Oh my at the melee!!" is just going too far. That type of melee system is the least attractive of any kind of melee at all in a game let alone being praise worthy.

Yeah, I have the same problem reading some of yours.
Well, looks like a bunch of GAFers got their copies early....and as expected, reviews are mixed. But this one is a little concerning:

"I'm now 4.2 hours in. The game has been 80%ish cutscene so far."

Also, MASSIVE spoilers here but if anyone wants to watch the final battle/boss scene/cutscene, here it is before it gets taken down.....lots of QTEs for a boss battle, no? And some people had a problem with Ryse?:

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Re. the amount of cutscenes, it does seem quite large, based on the GAF comments. I doubt it's 80% (another guy estimated a total of 3 hrs cutscenes, which would be about 30%, assuming a 10 hr game).

However, there is clearly a lot of cutscenes:

"Chapters 6, 7, 10, 12, 13 & 14 are all ~5 minute cutscenes."

Sheesh, 6 of the 18 chapters are just cutscenes. Now, whether you can interact at all (e.g., with a QTE) in the middle of that cutscene, I don't know. But still, that's a lot of cinema, even for a "cinematic" game.

Here's another impression posted by a GAF member:

"I would give it a 7.5. I enjoyed playing it but I find it pretty hard to justify the full price.

"There is nothing broken about the game, on the contrary, it's one of the most refined games I have played in a while. The graphics, acting, sound and production value are top tier. The story is good, but nothing memorable. I liked some of the characters, the atmosphere and the world they created. Unfortunately, the gameplay is just functional, basic. Also, the pacing in the first two hours of the game bothered me (the majority of those hours where walking and cutscenes). I and the fact that cutscenes cannot be skipped makes me think replaying the game will feel like a chore."

"I really expected more from the game. There wasn't much in addition to what was shown already in videos. I was really thinking before playing it that the developers where keeping a lot of things unknown, but it wasn't so. There were only 2 new locations we haven't seen before and one gun. I thought there would be more scientific weapons. I got excited when the
vampires where introduced, thinking maybe I will fight them and add some variety to the game,
but only to be disappointed afterwards. Instead I go through the same repetitive encounter."

"I look forward to a sequel, because I think the franchise has potential, but the developers have to come with a more fleshed out campaign that takes some risks and maybe some form of multiplayer to increase the game's replayability."
(note, this link is to a spoiler thread)
Just as I expected it is a rental at best def not worth a purchase.
Disappointing to read on gaf the game is around 5 1/2 hours including 2hrs of cutscenes. Will still pick it up day one and try and finish it over 2 days then sell. Should only lose about £10-15 so will still be worth it to me. The visuals look glorious though and I really don't mind QTE's so I'm still looking forward to it.
Its interesting how much backlash this game is getting. By the looks of it, I'd wager that many may be hoping that the game turns out bad.

Possibly. Or the fact that is has been hyped so much. I hate when that happens to games because it usually leads to a letdown. But this is a big AAA Sony exclusive, so I guess they wanted as much hype as possible. I think most people were excited for it, especially because there aren't too many big games coming anytime soon.
But you just have to know what you're getting into, apparently. Seems more cinematic than Ryse, but I'm sure some people will love it.
I'm really hoping the rest of game isn't like the final boss battle though. Why the hell would you end a game with that??
I think the franchise definitely has potential though. Gorgeous game, and I like the setting.
I am buying it. It's this or Evolve and there is no contest for me. Online only games, yuck.
Here's another opinion from GAF:

--- begin quote---

First off, the obvious. Visuals & Presentation:

The Order 1886 is has a very explicit goal. That is, to be an authentically cinematic experience, complete with richly detailed period "sets", "wardrobe", "props", expert cinematography, lighting, etc. The team at Ready At Dawn have succeeded in every respect in recreating all of these elements which ultimately come together in a way never before seen in a video game. No detail is left unrefined, everything has such an expert level of craftsmanship and polish that it quite simply sets a new standard for production values and artistic integrity. Needless to say, both the film industry and the games industry would do wise to look at The Order as the current shining example of what the medium can achieve.

Now for more sobering thoughts. Gameplay:

Every notion of what some of you may consider to be proper game design has to be suspended. The game will hold your hand. It will walk you through areas. It will funnel you. It will bombard you with simple context sensitive button prompts and loads of sharply directed and acted cutscenes. For many, this is the bane of "cinematic" games, and that's the divisive crux in The Order. But for all those criticisms which can fairly be leveled against it, The Order succeeds because the physicality and feedback of the gameplay sections (which are by no means scarce) are so well executed and consistent with the games overall quality, that not allowing it its quirks would be to completely miss the point.Personally, I think it harkens back to Metal Gear Solid in terms of pacing, to Killzone 2 for its gunplay theatricality, and to Vanquish, for its replayability. It is by no means a short game, either. It's pacing is dictated by the unskippable cutscenes and expository quasi-interactive sections.


NO. Do yourself a favor and experience it like it was meant to be.

Concluding remarks:

The Order 1886 is for lovers of old fashioned single player experiences. For those who want to see strong efforts in storytelling-focused games make a comeback. It's a highly curated museum piece for old-timey, story driven videogames, and if you cherish having a collection of finely produced games, then that's the value of The Order in a nutshell. If you're excited for a strong new IP with endless possibilities and want to see RAD put out new iterations of this level of quality, then give them the nod. I already have.

------ end quote ---------

p.s. He added this later:

"There's a wide variety of guns at your disposal, all of which sound and feel as tangible as their rendering looks. You can feel the gun powder making the metal snap against the battered, grainy wood of your rifles. Explosions leave believable carnage and destruction, both on the environment and the enemies. All of which is accentuated by various uses of on-screen effects like DOF and motion blur, especially as you take cover."
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Sorry guys.. skipping out on this game until it drops waaay down in price. I can't afford $60 movie games. Anyone else brave enough to buy it, I'll be listening on these boards.
I look forward to hearing what you think, Mangoes.

I'll be curious to see what the reviews say.

I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually. The developers are trying to do something unique. Visuals, atmosphere, and storytelling all sound pretty good. The gameplay (i.e., cover shooting) won't be anything special, but I wasn't expecting much in that department anyhow, based on earlier previews. I tend to like games that have a strong storytelling component, so I'll probably enjoy this one, even if it is heavy on the cutscenes.