What's the buzz in real life?


TXB Join Date: 02/2002
Sep 11, 2013
Though the battle of the consoles rages on in forums and the like, most people aren't engaged with the console wars.

What has the word been around folks you speak with outside of the internet?

My nephew, who is a high schooler, said that all of his friends are getting X1 (they like their Gamerscore and they will kill for the next Halo).

Adults don't seem to know much about the differences (graphically, games, etc), but they do get quite excited about the X1's integration with TV. They don't like the Netflix paywall on Xbox however.

What have your experiences been?
I haven't seen nearly the obsession with the new consoles that I did just last time when the current systems launched. People are excited, sure (some much more than most), but overall, I don't get the sense of impending pandemonium that was in the air when the 360 and PS3 launched. It might have to do with a lack of must-have launch titles, but a lot of people, myself included, seem to be set on waiting a few months before picking up a new machine.
Ultimately, with the talk of more power and a $100 lower price tag, people are going to sway Sony's way. As for the uniformed public, they just remember what the mainstream media covered of the E3 debacle.
Haven't heard a thing.
Don't think I know anyone getting a next gen console. One may be on the fence but more than likely not. Not sure I've heard anyone talking about it either. I work in a school district, although mainly at elementary schools, but haven't heard any of the kids talking about them either.
Most of my friends that game are getting a XB1, like Freezasaurus said I haven't heard to much excitement over either console though
Only person I know getting an X1, everyone I know that's getting a new console is getting a PS4. Just like when the original Xbox came out. Feels good to be backing a underdog again.
Playstation 4(s) all round but again like I've stated in a previous post most of my circle (and beyond) aren't massive gamers they just love a good football (soccer) game a year and the Playstation has always been the preferred console.

I don't know anyone buying an Xbox One at launch.

People are saying they'll go with they have now. If they play and like the Xbox, they'll get the new one, etc...


I've overheard several people say they're not too impressed with the XBO. This even happened at the Xbox One tour event. For what exact reason I'm not sure but I gather it's either the $500 price point, lack of graphical power or maybe they heard the news about the flipflop on policies/E3 unveiling mess. So far, it's not boding too well for MS around these parts from what I have been seeing.

Edit: I should mention that one family member has the Xbox One preorodered. He has a 360 and enjoys it. An acquaintance whom I talked to recently said he's getting both PS4 and XBO at launch.
Of course there is no offline talk about this around me, but non-gaming communities are not even that aware of 'inferiority' of X1 or even if they know nobody really cares that much. Aside from a few that comes from gaming communities, it's even. Most who prefer X1 also mentions all the multimedia features and Kinect control.
Nothing really lately, nothing from anyone that isn't in my circle of gaming friends that is that stay apprised of the news and stuff like that. Interestingly enough though after E3 I was talking to my mom about getting the X1 and she replied with "isn't that thing bad?" lol so yeah the E3 stuff was hitting real life, but I think that pretty much died down for most people that moved on to other things in their lives.
Nothing really lately, nothing from anyone that isn't in my circle of gaming friends that is that stay apprised of the news and stuff like that. Interestingly enough though after E3 I was talking to my mom about getting the X1 and she replied with "isn't that thing bad?" lol so yeah the E3 stuff was hitting real life, but I think that pretty much died down for most people that moved on to other things in their lives.

This. Somehow the E3 debacle is forgotten nearly everywhere. Usually it's about games and functions. Even the 720P COD was not making that much of a fuss. Combined with solid pre-launch push, it's actually looking a lot better than what gaming communities are seeing.
I have around 9 family members getting a xbox one. All of my CoD friends are getting an xbox one. I have 4 guys at my work getting xbox ones....2 getting ps4 and i'm the only one I know that is getting both. Not one of then know sh1t about the resolution.....not even the ps4 guys.

would like to say that my local gamespot is pushing the ps4 hard so i'm sure the word is getting out.
When it comes to the more causal crowd....They seem oblivious about new consoles coming. The more core gamer(those who play a lot and generally more knowledgeable), seem unexcited.

I have to say though, over here in the UK the marketing doesn't seem to have started. I have yet to see any kind of advertising for either next gen systems or games. So the above may very well drastically change over the next 3 weeks or so.
When it comes to the more causal crowd....They seem oblivious about new consoles coming. The more core gamer(those who play a lot and generally more knowledgeable), seem unexcited.

I have to say though, over here in the UK the marketing doesn't seem to have started. I have yet to see any kind of advertising for either next gen systems or games. So the above may very well drastically change over the next 3 weeks or so.
Same here where I am in Canada, the only marketing I have seen thus far (outside of EB Games) is cardboard sheaths for the PS4 on the security towers at the doors of Wal-Mart
Yeah a Gamestop guy was hyping up the PS4. He said that Microsoft recently released more X1 preorders because no one was preordering them lol.
From what little the people in my day to day life know, they basically all say the same thing, which boils down to "I hear the PS4 is better and costs $100 less".
From what little the people in my day to day life know, they basically all say the same thing, which boils down to "I hear the PS4 is better and costs $100 less".

This. My room mate is getting the PS4 and the next door neighbor he plays online with feels the same. The same opinions are shared at work as well. As for me, I was a 360 fan boy, but I am in no hurry to buy any "next gen" console. I am already experiencing "next gen" on my PC and have been for awhile. I will,however, be getting the PS4 first as most of my PC friends on STEAM and on the TeamSpeak server I am on daily.

I'll admit that Ryse: Son of Rome is bothering me in a way that I should shed $500 from my wallet to get an X1. I love Crytek's talent as well as their engine.
real people who do NOT read gaming forums etc
moms and pops?? who do not buy at gamestop, but buy at walmarts etc

Xbox one, it is different, can do more with it
High prices can increase perception of value

and for some people the perceived value is if it costs more, it must be a better product
as an example
I had a boss who assumed the ps3 was a better product, just because of the price
so he owned the ps3, for himself, but
he bought the xbox 360,[ as, for him, the cheaper machine] for his kids to use [3 of them]
I mean by cheap, cheap, not price wise cheap
he based it on the cost of the machines, so never ever assume

and sonys bashing Microsoft can turn against Sony as well
people, in general do not like that
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At work the PS4 seems to be dominating the conversation, I think price has a lot to do with it. The guys I work with mainly play the big releases - GTA, COD, Battlefield, FIFA, AC etc but wouldn't know Neogaf exists or care about native resolutions of games.

Surprisingly, there are still many people that think the 'no used games and always online' thing still exists on Xbox One, so clearly Microsoft have got some work to do on that messaging.
well people I spoke with said they are staying with Xbox because they already invest money in many things beside games and all their friends are on XBOX. They are not going to split up their friends.

Those are going to the PS4 are people who are cheap and dont spend a dollar on anything.
Our store is a 55\45 split in favor of ps4, though half the people who pre-ordered were talking about flipping the ps4.

We have some three contests to win a ps4 or an Xbox one, if I win I'm selling either to a friend for $50 - $100 off retail so my friends can enjoy.
I haven't seen nearly the obsession with the new consoles that I did just last time when the current systems launched. People are excited, sure (some much more than most), but overall, I don't get the sense of impending pandemonium that was in the air when the 360 and PS3 launched. It might have to do with a lack of must-have launch titles, but a lot of people, myself included, seem to be set on waiting a few months before picking up a new machine.

Freezasama you said it all. My thoughts exactly. In my opinion no killer apps yet but that's to be expected. I'll be waiting to buy a new console for at least a year.