Xbox Rumors and Speculation

Let me just say something that SHOULD be common sense logic. Microsoft wants to work on their own IP. They're on record about that. There are a multitude of reasons why it makes sense to invest in IP you own as gaming success offers monetization opportunities beyond gaming...and why not capitalize on that with their own stuff that will get boosted in your service?

If Microsoft is making an exception, think about what it would take to make that exception. Nadella has gone on record that they need IP to drive Game Pass. He's well aware that Microsoft doesn't own enough gaming IP that would drive the mainstream to the numbers he wants Game Pass at. Ask yourself what IP's not named Indiana Jones have that sort of clout that would make sense for Microsoft to make an exception? There's really only a few IPs that might have huge mainstream potential (outside of already existing games). Marvel, DC, professional sports licenses, and....
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Sucks that he makes some tweets hyping something without revealing anything of substance yes but he is essentially an unofficial Microsoft employee so he is more than credible.
When he says something like my sources say that in 28 months Xbox will have a game out. Not his exact words but close to it. I mean really? It's kinda off-putting.
Does he work for Microsoft?
No. Astroturfing is illegal and Microsoft is very strict against it. Ever since he beat Kotaku to the punch about Obsidian, he scaled back. He still knows stuff but rather be known to the community for his art and info. I think he dealt with a lot of personal heat when he broke both the Playground and Obsidian buyouts.