NeoGaf: Halo 4, One Year Later: What Happened?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
I came across this thread and thought this was too good not to post here. The original post outlines in detail the timeline of Halo 4's launch to its soon to be death. I thought this was a great example of how a developer's inability to listen to their community can lead to the demise of the game. None of this post below this is mine, it is copied straight from the NeoGaf thread.

Well, it''s been about a year since Halo 4 released.

Halo 4 was 343's first full go at their own Halo title since Bungie left the Microsoft umbrella to go work on Destiny.

The reception of Halo 4 was thus. A graph of Halo 4's peak population, every day, for the last year:


(all graphs in this post provided by , by the way )


Let's go over the major events in Halo 4's run. Here's the big overview:


The First Two Weeks

In the run up to Halo 4's release, Microsoft seemed interested in getting as many people to play the game as possible. So they took the early perk unlocks from the LE and told people that everyone that played within the first two weeks would get the perk unlocks too. This sets the stage for a fairly big blow to this game, but it's not the first one.


A week into Halo 4's life span, Black Ops 2 releases. And half of Halo 4's population vanishes, never to return. November 12th - a whole six days after the game releases - is the last day Halo 4 will see more than 300k peak population. It won't take much longer - ten days after release - for Halo 4 to see the last time it goes above 200k, on November 16th.

14 Day Buy and Play

Everyone who has gotten their codes for the first two weeks either redeems them or hands them out. People that wants the perks use the code for themselves. A lot of people, including many GAFers, HBOers, and other Halo communities toss the codes to people that want them, since they're not too interested in the perk system. The population continues downward.


And then.. the Crimson Map Pack release happens. And something hilarious happens: everyone with the specializations code can download Crimson as if they have the map pack. For free. What? WHAT? Yep. Seems in their rush to get the specializations code out, Microsoft forgot that the software key that unlocked the specializations was the same one that unlocked the map packs for free download. Awwwkward. Okay, it's a f*** up though, they'll just fix it right?

Well, they did. But they did it in the worst way possible. Absolutely the WORST handling of a mistake I have seen, and destroyed absolutely any pretension in my mind (and other's minds) that 343 had any autonomy from Microsoft. So what did they do?

Lie through their f***ing teeth.

They goofed. We understand humans develop games, so whatever. Patch it up. In less than 24 hours, we went from 343 employees, Microsoft employees, and Xbox Support acknowledging it was a f***up to Microsoft outright pretending it was not actually a mistake at ALL. They invented a fake program called "14 Day Buy and Play" that supposedly ran at Halo 4's release (the term didn't even exist until that day), sent it out as a press release, and Kotaku and most other gaming sites happily regurgitated it as legitimate. So not only had Microsoft f***ed up, they then proceeded to tell us no, they didn't screw up, they meant to do it all along.

They then issued a patch a week later that fixed the bug and took the free Crimson map pack away from the people that redeemed it. Hrmm, for something intended, strange they had to patch the game to end the trial period.

To make it even worse, 343 could have at least poked fun at the whole thing, or acknowledged the screw up was a screw up and they were letting people play it for a bit before taking it away. Instead, they posted the 14 Day Buy and Play press release directly on their website. With a straight face.

343 lost a lot of good will on that day, with a lot of people. It definitively set the tone people treated 343 with after that.

Boltshots R Us

Halo 4 trucked along. At this point, players were getting frustrated. Big, annoying balance issues were identified, such as the DMR being overpowered and the go-to weapon for ranged kills, and the Boltshot being the CQB weapon above all others.. Content share was completely broken; you couldn't search for files nor could you initiate a download from the website. The game had menus and UI for it, but none of it worked. Along with a lack of campaign films and Forge features being dropped from Reach, this kneecapped the content creation arm of the community.

They would finally fix file search and tagging in late January, 3 months after release. These features worked day 1 in Reach.

Finally, 343 addressed the Boltshot with a title update on Feb 21, a couple of days before the Majestic map pack:


The title update + Majestic caused a minor uptick in Halo 4's population (the missing days were due to issues recording the numbers). Between the announcement of Majestic and the week after Majestic's release, Halo 4 would lose another 20,000 peak players.

Tune It Up

In late March/early April, 343 issued another title update. This title update implemented support for death indicators in game (previously relegated to a perk) and the ability for 343 to deploy weapon tuning via embedding the weapon data inside gametypes, allowing them to rebalance guns without a title update. And thus began what was a critical mistake by 343: sticking to the script and not acting like they were bleeding out players.


No, you're not reading that wrong. It took 343 two months to actually deploy a weapon tune update from the moment it became possible, when the original point of the update was that they could make changes instantly. They would lose 20,000 people in this time period. What did they spend it doing? Hyping up a Community day where they flew out people from the community so they could 'reveal' the weapon tune update on a big, advertised stream. Even though the update was in gametypes and could be shared with the community immediately, we had to wait for MS's marketing department to get their rocks off before we could feel like 343 was actually trying to salvage the sandbox. In a sensible world, the weapon updates would have been thrown in a beta playlist and updated weekly, with the community day just being a nice thing to celebrate the final version. 343 seemed to be intentionally ignoring their dire situation and did not act like they needed to address huge problems immediately. Because..

Stability Perk

The weapon tune update actually did legitimately address a lot of issues with the game. Halo 4's weapon tune update actually stopped the bleeding, and stabilized Halo 4's population.


A whole six months after the game came out. Six months of people showing 343 what was wrong with the game, that they could have all identified within the first two months. Unfortunately, 343 never seemed willing to deviate from their marketing and support script. People were walking out the door as 343 said "Trust Us", and didn't come back.

Soon after this, 343 would release the Bullseye Map Pack, which was 2 maps. One was a remake of The Pit from Halo 3! Yay! The population didn't get boosted at all. It also introduced armor that could be bought with Real Money Only and they dug in even more on perks, after backlash from the community over them. Then promised those perks would become available to everyone else, which still hasn't happened.


The Game of the Year Edition, which released at a reduced price point and includes all of the game's DLC, came out somewhere in the chart. See if you can find it.

It's in the second population valley from the left

Some points I didn't have a good way to write up or didn't care to:

* Halo 4 lasted a whole two entire months in the Top 3 of the Xbox Live activity chart. Halo 3 didn't fall out of the Top 3 until Halo Reach released - 3 years after it's release. Halo Reach didn't fall out of the Top 3 until 343's title update for the game after they took over the game, 12 months after release.

* Roughly a year after release, Halo 3 had a 1.1 million peak population day. Reach had a 900,000 peak population day after the same amount of time. Halo 4 clocks in at 20,000 peak for it's annual checkup.

* 343 attempted to require the Majestic DLC for Team Slayer. The DLC requirement took the playlist from the top 2 in population to almost the bottom. They removed the DLC requirement afterwards and removed the DLC requirements from their weekly playlists after the first weekly playlist struggled to maintain over 150 players in it. Keep in mind the Majestic map pack was included in the map pass...
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I couldn't even get past level 4 in Halo4; the game just wasn't fun to play.
No Bungie magic.
The multiplayer was just a mess, reasons being are described well somewhere in that thread, beginning with instant respawns.

OT but related: I can't wait to play DESTINY. :)
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I played the hell out of Halo 4 (Big Team Battle mostly) and Reach before that. I'll play Halo 5 as well. But yes, Halo 4 has some problems.
I couldn't even get past level 4 in Halo4; the game just wasn't fun to play.
No Bungie magic.
The multiplayer was just a mess, reasons being are described well somewhere in that thread, beginning with instant respawns.

OT but related: I can't wait to play DESTINY. :)

I think honestly, and I say this due to my years of reading video game industry news and talking to countless people in the industry, Microsoft created 343 industries to make Halo a yearly franchise like Call of Duty.

Halo 4's actual "Halo" core is barely there, the rest of it really is a re-skinned COD turned sci-fi. That's the issue with all of the FPS games in the market right now. Too many of the franchise games are losing what their original core was and turning into COD clones, all of this in hopes of getting a piece of the COD pie, and I don't understand why upper executive level people who call the shots and make the big money decisions are not seeing this.

Call of Duty is successful to an extent because they've branded their game to be what it is, it's never going to change and will continue to release yearly like Madden until the core fanbase gives up on it, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Halo's core fanbase has gone, you can see it in the population of the game. What does that tell you? It tells me that when Halo 3 came out and there was plenty of COD in the market at the same time as Halo 3, all was well in Halo land, but as soon as Halo starts to adopt COD-style mechanics/design, the fans walk away.

Battlefield took a hint at this when they made Bad Company 2. They used perks and very similar COD-style elements but then listened to the community outcry when they said they didn't want to play a COD-clone. Battlefield 3 and now Battlefield 4 are now their own games, they're night and day different from COD.

Meanwhile, Gears of War goes the way of COD, Halo goes the way of's just sad and pathetic.

A successful FPS does not need to have the gameplay and design of Call of Duty, period. The suits at Microsoft Game Studios, EA, and Epic need to all get this through their thick skulls.
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I think honestly, and I say this due to my years of reading video game industry news and talking to countless people in the industry, Microsoft created 343 industries to make Halo a yearly franchise like Call of Duty.

Halo 4's actual "Halo" core is barely there, the rest of it really is a re-skinned COD turned sci-fi. That's the issue with all of the FPS games in the market right now. Too many of the franchise games are losing what their original core was and turning into COD clones, all of this in hopes of getting a piece of the COD pie, and I don't understand why upper executive level people who call the shots and make the big money decisions are not seeing this.

Call of Duty is successful to an extent because they've branded their game to be what it is, it's never going to change and will continue to release yearly like Madden until the core fanbase gives up on it, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Halo's core fanbase has gone, you can see it in the population of the game. What does that tell you? It tells me that when Halo 3 came out and there was plenty of COD in the market at the same time as Halo 3, all was well in Halo land, but as soon as Halo starts to adopt COD-style mechanics/design, the fans walk away.

Battlefield took a hint at this when they made Bad Company 2. They used perks and very similar COD-style elements but then listened to the community outcry when they said they didn't want to play a COD-clone. Battlefield 3 and now Battlefield 4 are now their own games, they're night and day different from COD.

Meanwhile, Gears of War goes the way of COD, Halo goes the way of's just sad and pathetic.

A successful FPS does not need to have the gameplay and design of Call of Duty, period. The suits at Microsoft Game Studios, EA, and Epic need to all get this through their thick skulls.

I really hope MS/343 learned their lesson. It's going to be a real shame if halo 5 sucks.
My siblings and I still play Halo 4 every weekend or so, time permitting. But it is getting stale faster than the other Halos. We blame the lack of game modes present in other Halos like Rocket Race, SWatguns etc. We really miss ODST's firefight mode. That was really fun.
its just not enough once you level cap that was it, plus Blop2 was there. but sales wise Halo 4 did really good. Halo 4 was a really good game just not enough. 343 did very well.
It sucked that's what least the multiplayer. I bought it after getting tired of BlackOps 2, would sit in lobbies for more than 5 minutes sometimes.
True Xbox fanboy here and I have never played one single Halo game. Sickening isn't it?
But 343 is the bestest dev!

You can only beat a dead horse for so long. . HALO is stale...

Halo isn't stale, the core Halo can't be beat by any other FPS. Name one console arena-style game that trumps Halo.

Call of Duty has been going strong since COD2 launched on Xbox 360. That's almost a decade of COD and it's the same thing year after year with minor tweaks, and the fan base hasn't gotten bored of it yet.

Halo on the other hand changed so much from game to game, it started to lose what its core was originally with Halo Combat Evolved and Halo 2. Halo 3 was the last core Halo game sadly.
If you're going to straight up jack someones thread, you should at least provide a link first and foremost in the OP.
True Xbox fanboy here and I have never played one single Halo game. Sickening isn't it?

It's one of the series that I've made an effort to play despite not being a fan of shooters. That being said, I still haven't picked up 4, though I suppose I will at some point in the next year or two. Maybe.
If you're going to straight up jack someones thread, you should at least provide a link first and foremost in the OP.

I didn't straight up jack someone's thread. I thought I clarified that it's from NeoGaf and I clearly stated that I did not WRITE THE CONTENT. I said it was an interesting thread to spark discussion. I'm not claiming any credit whatsoever for the content.

But I'll add a link to the thread, not sure why that's needed when the discussion is meant to be here, thus the purpose of referencing where the content came from.
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Well hopefully 343i looks at these number and knows to go back to the roots of Halo and not further away. Saw this later in the thread at GAF and figured I would throw it here.

There has been some notable staff changes at 343i after Halo 4 released:

• Design director left to join Visceral Games (Read his thoughs about campaign);
• Lead campaign designer left to join Infinity Ward to work on CoD: Ghost;
• Lead campaign level designer left to join Naughty Dog;
• Lead multiplayer map designer left to join Bluepoint Games;
• Lead multiplayer producer left recently;
• The narrative director is now mostly working at Black Tusk (?).

Recent hires:

• Creative Director who worked on Tomb Raider reboot, Star Wars: First Assault (Was a test for Battlefront 3) and Repulic Commando.
• One of the writers of Bioshock Infinite is now lead Narrative Director.
• Lots of tech hires, mostly from Lucasart, Irrational Games and so on.
I didn't straight up jack someone's thread. I thought I clarified that it's from NeoGaf and I clearly stated that I did not WRITE THE CONTENT. I said it was an interesting thread to spark discussion. I'm not claiming any credit whatsoever for the content.

But I'll add a link to the thread, not sure why that's needed when the discussion is meant to be here, thus the purpose of referencing where the content came from.

I know you said you didn't write it, but it's just a common courtesy thing. Always link to the source. I hate going through threads with people posting stuff and then no linky. Pet peeve.

As for the topic, I think this was a great post and goes to show a lot of what went wrong and how the wrong mindset can completely derail a game.

343i has seen the thread, so that is reassuring to some degree.
they are crazy... Halo was a big ass name. There driving it into the dirt with these stupid ass changes.. If people want to play call of duty they'll play call of duty..

no one ever says " I want to play call of duty, so i'll just pop in halo 4."
To me, the two big problems are they are too slow to fix issues and balancing, plus they seem to always be tinkering with things that manage to alienate big parts of the community. The game seemed to play pretty well after the last big patch a few months ago. There was better balance, and the game had some speed to it. It was actually fun to play. The problem is it came way too late.

I remember there was something they changed about shield recharge and melee (don't even remember the details). Half of the community was up in arms and wanted it changed. They finally change it, then the other half complains, and a month later, they change it back.

The problem is they are trying to make the game for everyone, when nobody can agree on what Halo MP should be.

They need to make a Halo game, make it fun and balanced and then let people whine about it. People whine about tons of things in COD which never, ever get patched out.
To me, the two big problems are they are too slow to fix issues and balancing, plus they seem to always be tinkering with things that manage to alienate big parts of the community. The game seemed to play pretty well after the last big patch a few months ago. There was better balance, and the game had some speed to it. It was actually fun to play. The problem is it came way too late.

I remember there was something they changed about shield recharge and melee (don't even remember the details). Half of the community was up in arms and wanted it changed. They finally change it, then the other half complains, and a month later, they change it back.

The problem is they are trying to make the game for everyone, when nobody can agree on what Halo MP should be.

They need to make a Halo game, make it fun and balanced and then let people whine about it. People whine about tons of things in COD which never, ever get patched out.

This is honestly what lost me on the game. There were a lot of balance issues throughout and I played through the SP and thought that was decent enough, but once I dug into the MP this game didn't last too long with my circle and had absolutely nothing to do with BLOPS II I should note. If they were a bit faster to react, then maybe I'd still be playing it, but it just left a bad taste in my mouth and I bailed before the patch and haven't played since.
The series is still fun to me, both SP and MP.

The drama surrounding people liking it less cracks me up. There are far more options for multiplayer on the market than there were during Halo's heyday of popularity, and in particular wasn't anything like COD's dominance.

And holy s*** at the whining because you decided to give away a download code.. lol.
Halo was too popular to justify trying to be like COD. It never made sense to me and I am glad it has been rejected in the way that it has. I would like to think they will get it right next time but I can't really think of any good additions or changes they made with 4.

Plus every time they would announce something like the perks and people were upset because it sounded like a terrible idea 343 would respond with something like "Don't worry it still feels like Halo". They just could not recognize such obviously terrible ideas so it is hard to think they figured it out now.
they just need to make halo 2/ halo 3 anniversary and than just shut up..
I loved Halo 4. Thought the SP was awesome( deeper story/universe, connections with the books). The Campaign is why I buy it, though I didn't feel MP at all with this iteration. There is nothing like fighting the different aliens and their combinations. FireFight better be in H5...
I enjoy Halo 4 MP and I do agree they were trying to get some of that COD pie. I still feel it is a good game and the population is low due to the multitude of game options that are out there now. MW2,MW3,Blops,Blops2,now Ghosts,BF4,Etc...