Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition

Now Square Enix prays that GTA comes out as far away from October 10th as possible.

This was an awesome game and one I wouldn’t mind revisiting. Heck, Square could release a remastered version of Deus Ex Human Revolution and I’d pick that up too.

I wouldn't mind that, but they already did the Directors Cut version. If it was Capcom publishing Deus Ex, we'd be guaranteed another remake.
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I'm tempted to pick this up on the Xbox 360 for $12 with Prime delivery. Is it worth it? how does it compare to say GTA or other open world games?

I think it's worth $12 definitely. It's definitely not as varied as GTA, though the combat is really fun and the setting is cool. I really enjoyed it.

Talk about a bare minimum work money grab…it's $60 dollars for basically PC version's high res texture pack. :|

And before you ask, it's 30fps.
I'm still getting it but I'm buying it on PSN because it's 10% off. I really did enjoy this game and it was always fun to go back and just mess around with the NPC's and the cops. If I still had my original copy of sleeping dogs and 360 I wouldn't be buying this but I do think the game is worth the double dip even if it's just a port of the higher quality PC version.
Game was a piece of cake to run even with max SSAA never dipped below 60fps
I picked this up during the holiday sale and it was well worth the money for me. This was my third try, I had gotten it free with PS plus and couldn't get into it, and then again with gold. I tried playing but I was more into my Xbox launch titles. Third time was definitely the charm, I quite enjoyed the story and gameplay.
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I've heard nothing but terrible things about it. 20 fps to start...
not many reviewed it, but the more well known sites like.. IGN, Gamespot and OXM, gave it 85, 80 and 80.
i'd say 50 or more is worth a buy and in the sale SD is worth the asking price.

IGN's conclusion.

The Good
  • Plenty of visual enhancements
  • Lots of add-ons
  • Refreshing open world
The Bad
  • Some framerate issues
  • Combat still needs tweaking
  • Story expansions aren't that interesting
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is a good upgrade to the original game, managing to drastically improve its visuals over the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. While PC owners won't find that many upgrades, the game is still quite worth the investment for its stellar story. Bear in mind that the combat and the camera issues are still present.​
now if you went with Digital Foundry Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition face off, you may not buy.

On balance, United Front Games succeeds in creating the ultimate edition of its open-world crime drama, giving PS4 and Xbox One owners the most eye-catching console release so far. The only snag is that, in aspiring to the PC's top-end visual standard, the struggling 20-30fps performance is a high price to pay for this luxury. And with visible tearing creeping in too, the current-gen console experience doesn't feel quite as definitive as we'd hoped.

Compared to PC, the only visible console-side sacrifices are the lower-grade ambient occlusion - appearing faintly more intrusive on Xbox One - and a more prominent depth of field effect. But between the Sony and Microsoft releases, PS4's main advantage is undeniably on the performance front; Xbox One hitting the bottom end of the 20-30fps band during our tests, while segments of play unfold at 25fps at its worst on PS4.

The end result is that only the new PC version lives up to its Definitive Edition moniker. But are its extra touches worth the extra money for owners of the original PC release? While the broadened draw distances are a major plus, we'd argue many other tweaks are simply too subtle to justify another expense. Edits to character model designs, upped object density and new city atmospherics are welcome. But it's fair to say, for most developers, much of this falls into the territory of a courtesy, free post-release patch.

Be that as it may, for those arriving from the heavily stunted Xbox 360 and PS3 versions to this new release, it's a whole new world. On top of the ramp up in city detail, the Definitive Edition's inclusion of DLC missions, such as Nightmare in North Point, bolster the package's overall value. Neither PS4 nor Xbox One deliver the perfect playthrough - but if you can turn a blind eye to its performance lurches, there's still plenty to enjoy here.

you just need to decide if the occasional problem with the game is enough to spoil it. at the sale price, i can live with those occasional none game breaking faults.
I am so glad that I have never paid attention to digital foundry, I would have missed out on a great many games. Hopefully alot of folks picked it up when it was on sale for thirty. It was a great blend of open world and martial arts. Though I have beat the game I haven't touched the included single player dlc yet. Hopefully those are fun too.
The opening bit looked poor like they forgot to upgrade it but once you start exploring the city the difference between the new version and last gen are clear.