Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The way they forced the Millenium Falcon in was lame, but guess what? If the ship wasn't in the show, everyone would be asking where it was and what happened to it.

I didn't have a problem with Rey beating Kylo. Kylo was shot in the chest my Chewie just before. Plus based on the new trailer it is obvious she's supposed to be really powerful.

Plus I always got the feeling that Kylo Ren was not supposed to necessarily be super powerful. He seems more like a Vader wannabe for lack of a better term.

Not only was he shot by chewie's really strong weapon and was bleeding out but he also took a glancing blow from the light saber while fighting Fin. At first I'll admit it pissed me off a bit too, there are other things that bothered me in the movie more though like Rey saying "let go of my hand" and her having to help Fin up later, it just seemed to push the feminist message a bit hard for my taste but now I just overlook it, they were trying to make her look strong not make him look weak and while I think they were a bit too on the nose with it it's not like it ruined the movie.
It all makes sense now



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Reviews will be hitting soon. Time to avoid the internet the best I can this week. Seeing it Saturday. My body is ready!
Good idea for everyone, though. Tweets are out already from the Saturday night Premier. They are extremely positive, but there are warnings in some tweets about avoiding spoilers at all cost! I even had to stop reading reaction tweets, because I was reading too much into one of them, and I got nervous that I was actually interpreting something big that was unintentionally implied. Not going to look at Twitter or anything again! I am warning all of you to be careful!

Got my tickets for Thursday the 14th at 7PM MST a few days ago, though! So friggin pumped for this movie! WOOHOO!
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I love all of the positive comments I'm seeing from people who've seen the movie.
Was alright but not amazing...6/10

f*** them for killing off Luke and s*** way to kill snoke
Saw it. Wasn't a huge fan of the "Marvel" level humor used in a Star Wars movie. Was good, but I feel a bit let down in some ways. I need time to process, but a few things that bothered me:

The DJ (Benicio del Toro) character seems kind of pointless. Maybe it's just a setup for the next movie?

Why was Cpt. Phasma such a disposable character after two whole movies?

OK, even after 9 SW movies, we still have no explanation on the disappearing Jedi thing or why it's important. Is it so you can come back and be a force ghost? Then how come Anakin is in RotJ?

Here's my last thing:
So who TF was Snoke? Where was he during the OT? They have said he isn't Plagueis, but why no explanation at all? I'm guessing we will never really know until they explain something kind of weak in a novel form.
I really enjoyed the movie. Some of the types of humor used was surprising to say the least but we all got a good laugh out of it. The movie checked off many boxes for SW fans but also felt it lacked depth to service the diehards who live for this stuff. But it's not like every movie in the series hasn't left us with gaping holes and questions unanswered. It is a space soap opera and not Tolkien-esque. Fill in the blanks yourself.

I was surprised how the movie wrapped itself up so neatly and thought it could have ended a couple scenes earlier w/ Luke and left us all hanging. It's almost like could have been the original vision and the suits demanded otherwise.

No major complaints from me. 9/10
I agree with many of the spoilers above, but I thoroughly enjoyed it 9/10. It was fun, it was smaller in scale but felt more personal and mature...anyone else see many other folk in Rey or Jedi attire?

My niece loved it, many times was she literally at the edge of her seat, mainly due to the porgs...and she cried for at least two scenes.
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And yeah Disney cut down on the bloody s***ty jokes. Totally out of place in this film to have everyone coming out with one liners
One more thing:


From The Force Awakens

I'm glad JJ is now making IX, since the Knights of Ren were completely absent, yet were made to be such a big deal in TFA. Maybe he should rap up some of his own contrivances, since it was omitted from TLJ completely.
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