2024 will bring more layoffs and closures than 2023

"Regarding why we have not reduced the number of the personnel, it is true that our business has its ups and downs every few years," he said, "and of course, our ideal situation is to make a profit even in the low periods, return these profits to investors and maintain a high share price.

"We should of course cut unnecessary costs and pursue efficient business operations. I also know that some employers publicize their restructuring plan to improve their financial performance by letting a number of their employees go, but at Nintendo, employees make valuable contributions in their respective fields, so I believe that laying off a group of employees will not help to strengthen Nintendo's business in the long run."

"If we reduce the number of employees for better short-term financial results, employee morale will decrease, and I sincerely doubt employees who fear that they may be laid off will be able to develop software titles that could impress people around the world."

"Our current policy is to achieve favorable results by continuously cutting unnecessary expenses and increasing business efficiency," he concluded.

Guy declined his bonus due to the Wii U.
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Fu*k embracer, seriously, just went on a spending spree now canceling games, closing studios, laying off employees left, right and center, what a POS company.
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One important lesson for any company is that HR is not your friend, nor on your side. HR is there to protect the company and "CYA". Never trust them with anything, same goes with management. HR won't help you, they will just cover the company.
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