85 people control more wealth than 3.5 billion people

Wow, that's suprising.. Not really. I've always said the biggest problem with this world is the greedy rich people that don't share their money. Where's all this money? Sitting in a mansion or in a bank doing nothing right?

It might sound like sour grapes but it's the truth. I'm all for earning your living and taking pride in it but nobody needs billions of dollars. Give me a break.
People hate the rich, but that's capitalism and I'm all for it. People hate seeing rich people in mansions and rolls royces, but chances are pretty good they earned it somehow. I don't think many are due to hitting that once a month lottery jackpot.

As for their money, most of it is in bank and tied up in investments, which in turn is recycled back into the economy as personal loans, credit, mortgages, business loans etc.... No millionaire or billionaire has all the cash stacked in an underground safe like in the movies. Also, rich people will buy up company stocks which in the long run drives up a company's worth. Banks don't have coffers of money out of thin air.

The thing about rich folks is that their money typically builds up over time because unless a millionaire or billionaire is spending the same or more than they make, their asset pool is getting larger even if the just leave their money in a 1% savings account.

Even for a rich guy, it gets to a point where you can't really spend anymore unless they force themselves to buy Ferraris every hour. For average people with little savings, they often don't save much because most can't control themselves and have to keep buying homes they don't really need, the next iPhone, fancy jeans and endless $5 Starbucks coffees twice a day. Mortgages and personal loans are basically at all time lows of around 3%, so better than ever to save money as only a small amount goes to interest. But I guess people interpret low mortgage rates = more money to buy crap and have to pay off 19% credit card bills. Pretty hard to save money if people are trying keep up with their neighbour buying useless crap.

I know so many people in similar age and salary than me. And guess what? I have more money than most of them when we talk dollars and cents. Why? I don't blow money on crap, I flip through the newspaper ads looking for deals and I don't force myself to take that 2 week vacation to Mexico every year. And these guys all wonder why I have so much money lying around to invest in stocks and real estate. It takes money to make money. And I budget myself to always pay off my monthly credit card bill. I've missed paying twice in my entire life..... once on a VISA and once on a Mastercard because I forgot. I paid the next day. Oddly, one charged me interest, the other gave it to me as a free grace day. lol. The interest I got charged was probably only a few dollars.

So for all the people in debt with 5 credit cards where 3 of them are maxed out with 19% rates, all you really need in life (assuming you can control yourself) is two cards. One VISA, one Mastercard. They are the two most accepted cards worldwide, so if one fails somehow or the shop only accepts one, you have a backup. If you're paranoid about coverage, then get an Amex too so you have three of them. But that's it. I only use my MC card, but I have my VISA in active status just in case.

Also, if have to have debt because you are a spend, spend, spend guy, then do in on line of credit where the interest is maybe prime + 3%. That equates to maybe 6%. If you have high assets, you can probably get prime +1%. If you do one of those "borrow and tie it against your mortgage deals", you can probably borrow for prime. Better than paying credit card rates. But not everyone knows this and some reason they prefer paying credit card rates. Lines of credit are easy to get. I got my first one at around 25 years old when I had pretty much zero assets. Banks give these away easy.
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People hate the rich, but that's capitalism and I'm all for it. People hate seeing rich people in mansions and rolls royces, but chances are pretty good they earned it somehow. I don't think many are due to hitting that once a month lottery jackpot.

As for their money, most of it is in bank and tied up in investments, which in turn is recycled back into the economy as personal loans, credit, mortgages, business loans etc.... No millionaire or billionaire has all the cash stacked in an underground safe like in the movies. Also, rich people will buy up company stocks which in the long run drives up a company's worth. Banks don't have coffers of money out of thin air.

The thing about rich folks is that their money typically builds up over time because unless a millionaire or billionaire is spending the same or more than they make, their asset pool is getting larger even if the just leave their money in a 1% savings account.

Even for a rich guy, it gets to a point where you can't really spend anymore unless they force themselves to buy Ferraris every hour. For average people with little savings, they often don't save much because most can't control themselves and have to keep buying homes they don't really need, the next iPhone, fancy jeans and endless $5 Starbucks coffees twice a day. Mortgages and personal loans are basically at all time lows of around 3%, so better than ever to save money as only a small amount goes to interest. But I guess people interpret low mortgage rates = more money to buy crap and have to pay off 19% credit card bills. Pretty hard to save money if people are trying keep up with their neighbour buying useless crap.

I know so many people in similar age and salary than me. And guess what? I have more money than most of them when we talk dollars and cents. Why? I don't blow money on crap, I flip through the newspaper ads looking for deals and I don't force myself to take that 2 week vacation to Mexico every year. And these guys all wonder why I have so much money lying around to invest in stocks and real estate. It takes money to make money. And I budget myself to always pay off my monthly credit card bill. I've missed paying twice in my entire life..... once on a VISA and once on a Mastercard because I forgot. I paid the next day. Oddly, one charged me interest, the other gave it to me as a free grace day. lol. The interest I got charged was probably only a few dollars.

So for all the people in debt with 5 credit cards where 3 of them are maxed out with 19% rates, all you really need in life (assuming you can control yourself) is two cards. One VISA, one Mastercard. They are the two most accepted cards worldwide, so if one fails somehow or the shop only accepts one, you have a backup. If you're paranoid about coverage, then get an Amex too so you have three of them. But that's it. I only use my MC card, but I have my VISA in active status just in case.

Also, if have to have debt because you are a spend, spend, spend guy, then do in on line of credit where the interest is maybe prime + 3%. That equates to maybe 6%. If you have high assets, you can probably get prime +1%. If you do one of those "borrow and tie it against your mortgage deals", you can probably borrow for prime. Better than paying credit card rates. But not everyone knows this and some reason they prefer paying credit card rates. Lines of credit are easy to get. I got my first one at around 25 years old when I had pretty much zero assets. Banks give these away easy.

I can tell you love these discussions haha. But i don't buy for one moment that no millionaire or billionaire doesn't have his money in a safe under his mansion. Give me a break. It's wasted assets. Yeah, it works both ways. The rich put their money in the bank and give us common folk the ability to take out a loan but most of the wealth in this world is being stashed away by the most greedy of people. Whether it's in a bank or in a safe in a basement is pretty irrelevant.

If this article said 85 people control more wealth than 3.5 million people fine but it doesn't. 85 people control more wealth than 3.5 billion people? That's a problem and it doesn't stem from people just being lazy. A lot of us bust our ass to make ends meat and should be making more money per hour than we do at our jobs but we don't because the rich people hoard all the money. If it was spread around like it should be everyone would make better money and we wouldn't have the need for credit cards and loans. You can blame all the lazy people who do nothing for themselves but it doesn't solve the problem. There's a much bigger picture.

I don't think anyone's asking for millionaires or billionaires to throw their money on the street for the poor here. Bumping minimum wage up to at least $12-13 dollars would be a start though. Not everyone lives in a bustling city with tons of jobs to snatch up. Some people do have to take that fast food job just to get by until they find something better. In the mean time, $8 an hour or whatever minimum wage is these days just doesn't cut it. Not everyone grew up in a wealthy family to get them started so not everyone is going to have a clear view on the matter. Like you said, it takes money to make money.
Also, Intellivision is only looking at the western, developed nation poor. The bottom half on this report is not white trash Americans spending welfare checks on cable TV. It's poor villagers working 14h days, 7 days a week, in the Congo.
I don't feel like (most) of the rich people have their money unjustly. The problem is just that too many people don't seem to have the opportunity to make a decent living for themselves. Yes, some people are just bums, but other people are trying incredibly hard and have next to nothing to show for it.
How does this compare to history? While 85 control the majority of the wealth, many centuries and millenniums ago the wealth was controlled by far fewer, i.e. the empires. I wonder how it compares to 100-200 years ago?
Also, Intellivision is only looking at the western, developed nation poor. The bottom half on this report is not white trash Americans spending welfare checks on cable TV. It's poor villagers working 14h days, 7 days a week, in the Congo.

And I'm sure if they work hard enough, they can be rich too.

People hate the rich, but that's capitalism and I'm all for it. People hate seeing rich people in mansions and rolls royces, but chances are pretty good they earned it somehow. I don't think many are due to hitting that once a month lottery jackpot.

This goes beyond capitalism. The more money a select few controls, the less money there is to go around for others, even if they tried to get more.

This is pure evil greed at it's greatest. I never understood how a nation of christians could defend so much an ideology that goes against christianity.

We all know the incredibly wealthy didn't just work hard for the money....they worked at making money at the expense of others.

Keep in mind that we're not talking simply about the rich....but about the extreme wealthy.
I'm going in to demand a raise right now!!! Wish me luck...
If you have $500 in your savings acccount and no debt, you ahve more net worth than the bottom 80 million amurikans!!!!

eat the rich!!!!
If you have $500 in your savings acccount and no debt, you ahve more net worth than the bottom 80 million amurikans!!!!

eat the rich!!!!
Don't have a problem with it( yes I'm poor) What I do have a problem with us lazy people on welfare who refuse to work, milk the system, and when everything is said and done end up making more than I do.
If you came up with a multi billion idea you deserve it. If you worked hard studied hard, and became a CEO you deserve it.
Those companies that took bail out money, no them CEOs deserve jack.
Story is typical NBC garbage that doesn't state the whole picture.They act as if 85 people all have slaves working for them and nobody gains buy their wealth. I guess Bill Gates is the only person that makes money from Microsoft and doesn't give any money to charity and nobody profits from what he has done.

In America we have had the freedom in the past to become one of those 85 people.... if NBC had their way they would rather us not have that freedom and be more like other socialist countries.