Batman v Superman

That first hour or so is pretty messy. Lots of jumping between scenes that are completely unrelated to each other, it felt like the film had no flow at all for the first hour. Once everything was "caught up" it got pretty damn good though. Great action, Batman was awesome, WW was good, Supes was good, music was great. It did have similar problems as Avengers 2 in that it clogged up with future film setups, but that's par for the course these days. I'm hoping that 3 hour long ultimate cut will help the pacing/editing a lot. We'll see.
Even V for Vendetta was DC, so it's gradually happening and I hope they pull more things from DC VERTIGO titles.


I'm aware, Vertigo is DC Comics independent label no? The movie was cool, but I enjoyed the book far more.
Needs about a billion WW to be a success. We shall see.

Is that internet silliness or something from the people behind the movie? I mean a billion is not that easy to achieve. Would seem silly for the suits to make that the point of success.
Sounds like someone's salty at the film doing well and audience's liking it much more than critics
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This place should be called SaltyVGF
Why would I be salty?

The man jumped from a $250 million dollar cost to $800 million just because he doesn't trust published figures. He states no reason as to why he suggests that amount other than his own pessimist view of published figures.
$250m to make and around $160m to advertise. Profit made not to mention all the merchandise
Saw it last night. First hour kind of sucked but the rest made up for it. I really want a solo Batman movie with Affleck now.
WTF "he's worked hard to build his credibility back up." Build his credibility up for what? He's one of the best directors going.
WTF "he's worked hard to build his credibility back up." Build his credibility up for what? He's one of the best directors going.

I can only assume they are talking about his rather average acting for many a year. Which, perhaps surprisingly, has improved since he started directing. I mean some of his latest films like Gone Girl, Argo, To the Wonder and The Town have all featured good performances by him.

His directing career is pretty much faultless, So no way they are talking about re-building credibility there.
Well despite the mixed reviews and the fairly negative word of mouth, I saw the movie for myself. I very much enjoyed it, and fall in line with the large disconnect between the Rotten Tomatoes "critic score" and "user score." I thought the movie was better than the majority of the Marvel films, and it was certainly better than "Man of Steel."

There is a lot going on in this movie that makes for good thought and reflection. The movie didn't make the most of it, but evidently there is a director's cut on the horizon.

If the rumors Marcellus Wallace is spamming this thread with are true, and they're looking to reboot everyone all over again, I feel it would be a waste. The movie is good, and sets up a string of movies that could have loads of interesting content.
Isn't this true of most movies? Even movies like Avengers and Nolan's Batman trilogy followed a very similar pattern.

yeah but you know.. Salty.

it's a bigger drop than the others but yes all saw big dips in the 2nd week
It's not a perfect comic book movie, but it's easily my most favorite out of all superhero movies. Saw it 5 times already. 2x IMAX 3D Laser, 1X IMAX 2D, 1x Cinemark XD, 1x regular 3D. I'm going to see it one more time. It's going to be my last, and it will be in 4DX format at the Regal LA Live in downtown LA. This is one of the only two 4DX theatres in the US.