Official Battlefield 4 Discussion

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64 player rush can get alot of sh1t together at one They don't want to crash the servers.I'm sure it will be in later on. I can't believe how much that crappy 44 second video got me fired up to play this game. Silky smooth BF4 baby will probably own no matter which system you get it for.
One day I need to compile a list of those of us getting the game, what platform we'll be on, and gamertags so we can team up and max out our squad perks. :bang:

I'm really leaning toward getting it for both PS4 and X1 at this point. I did that last time, and only ever played on 360, but it seems there will be a lot more people getting this to play with.

This obviously is JACKFRAGS-not jackfrags cause I'm burnt.

Battlefield 4 - Playing on Xbox one
This was my tweet as i joined the line to play the game 'Wow first eyes on of battlefield 4 on xbox one. Silky smooth and the graphics are gorgeous'. I was seriously surprised by first it was running on xbox one (i expected pc) and second how polished it looked.
As i was queueing the power went out in the battlefield 4 section and although this delayed my play session it did give a chance to get the see some of the xbox one UI and prove it was actually running on xbox one hardware :-).
There where three modes being played in 32 player configurations i got to play essentially a capture a flag variant where you have to pick up a bomb and take it to a location.
This was my tweet afterwards 'Hands on with battlefield 4 was great'. After playing this i dont think i can bring myself to play the xbox 360 version i think i will wait for the xbox one launch.

Officially fuking awesome.<---my words not his
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This obviously is JACKFRAGS

Battlefield 4 - Playing on Xbox one
This was my tweet as i joined the line to play the game 'Wow first eyes on of battlefield 4 on xbox one. Silky smooth and the graphics are gorgeous'. I was seriously surprised by first it was running on xbox one (i expected pc) and second how polished it looked.
As i was queueing the power went out in the battlefield 4 section and although this delayed my play session it did give a chance to get the see some of the xbox one UI and prove it was actually running on xbox one hardware :-).
There where three modes being played in 32 player configurations i got to play essentially a capture a flag variant where you have to pick up a bomb and take it to a location.
This was my tweet afterwards 'Hands on with battlefield 4 was great'. After playing this i dont think i can bring myself to play the xbox 360 version i think i will wait for the xbox one launch.

Officially fuking awesome.<---my words not his
Don't think so, Jack Frags posts on Reddit as jackfrags.

Either way, it is encouraging news for the xbox one version. Lets hope we see/read more of similar note as the next gen launch approaches.
Well, 64 players on CQ really depends on the map. I wouldn't say that 64 players is over rated period. Have you ever played the Xbox version with 24 players on Caspian Border? It's nearly desolate.
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Someone posted this on Reddit. Apparently you get points as you capture now, not just if you finish it. Should help promote PTFO.

New pic of map Zavod311:

Zavod 311 puts players in a Soviet tank factory that dates back to the Cold War era. Long abandoned, Mother Nature has completely taken over the facility and now overgrown trees and bushes cover the compound. Deep within the factory is an active warhead, which players can detonate to send a towering chimney crashing to the ground. Doing this opens up gameplay paths and routes previously not available while closing others, and making the use of ground vehicles extremely difficult in the area. Players will also find munitions depots filled with highly explosive materials spread across the map that they can use to their advantage.


Because, it's lame that they had to do that. I mean, it doesn't bother me, but it's sad that in order to reinforce people to cap the conquest flags...they have to put a 10pt for every second (im assuming this) it's being capped. It's like COD-logic.

My theory behind why people dont cap flags in conquest has nothing to do with people not wanting to play the objective, more so it's to do with the mode itself. At the end of the day, people want to ply team deathmatch on a larger map, Conquest allows that so to speak. This is why you see max ticket games of conquest, it aint because they love playing conquest, it's because it allows them to rack up a crap ton of kills, it's basically a modified team deathmatch game they're trying to create.

I don't think this "additional" points as you're capping the flag is ever going to change that mentality.

What's the player cap in team deathmatch on BF4? Is it still 24 players?

EDIT: it's 20 players. Not enough for the avg gamer. You're going to see conquest games of 64 players where the tickets are maxed out, glorified team deathmatch right there.
Because, it's lame that they had to do that. I mean, it doesn't bother me, but it's sad that in order to reinforce people to cap the conquest flags...they have to put a 10pt for every second (im assuming this) it's being capped. It's like COD-logic.

My theory behind why people dont cap flags in conquest has nothing to do with people not wanting to play the objective, more so it's to do with the mode itself. At the end of the day, people want to ply team deathmatch on a larger map, Conquest allows that so to speak. This is why you see max ticket games of conquest, it aint because they love playing conquest, it's because it allows them to rack up a crap ton of kills, it's basically a modified team deathmatch game they're trying to create.

I don't think this "additional" points as you're capping the flag is ever going to change that mentality.

What's the player cap in team deathmatch on BF4? Is it still 24 players?

EDIT: it's 20 players. Not enough for the avg gamer. You're going to see conquest games of 64 players where the tickets are maxed out, glorified team deathmatch right there.

They're welcome to play that way if they want, more the fool are they. Anyone who has a clue knows stats are weighted as such: Score per minute > Win/Loss > Accuracy > KDR
This isn't COD where KDR is king, although a lot of the COD refugees seem to think so.
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I think you're missing the point entirely, Vapor. The point of this change is to reward people correctly for the part they played. There are no additional points for capturing flags / M-Coms, the purpose of this is to correctly reward players for the part they played. I'm sure we've all had situations in BF or COD where you run into the area of a flag at the last second and get the full amount of XP rewarded for capturing a flag, when you provided only a split second of assistance. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I'm sure we've all had instances where you helped cap 95% of a flag with a teammate before being shot at the last second, you still deserve something for the part you played. People have been complaining about these sorts of issues in objective modes for ages.

Regardless, I'm all for anything that gets people out of the mindset that kill to death ratio matters in objective modes. There are sooooo many other more helpful ways to get points in Battlefield games that will assist your team's success. That's one of the main reasons I, and many others, love the franchise. Properly rewarding players for taking part in these activities is great.
I think you're missing the point entirely, Vapor. The point of this change is to reward people correctly for the part they played. There are no additional points for capturing flags / M-Coms, the purpose of this is to correctly reward players for the part they played. I'm sure we've all had situations in BF or COD where you run into the area of a flag at the last second and get the full amount of XP rewarded for capturing a flag, when you provided only a split second of assistance. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I'm sure we've all had instances where you helped cap 95% of a flag with a teammate before being shot at the last second, you still deserve something for the part you played. People have been complaining about these sorts of issues in objective modes for ages.

Regardless, I'm all for anything that gets people out of the mindset that kill to death ratio matters in objective modes. There are sooooo many other more helpful ways to get points in Battlefield games that will assist your team's success. That's one of the main reasons I, and many others, love the franchise. Properly rewarding players for taking part in these activities is great.

I never thought about that part, in that case, I agree, this is a great thing. I've done that several times on my own, where I'm capping a flag with no assistance whatsoever and some fool around me doesn't want to help cap when he's fully capable of doing so and comes in at the last second to get the points....errrr
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Damn, someone wants in on this beta real bad.

Hell to the yeah.

Besides, I've been wanting to eventually get a 64bit OS to use more ram, just haven't had a need to do so yet.
The sooner the better, that's why I'm asking if MS sells a downloadable version.
Ah, that sucks. I take it you don't have 64?

I'm just glad BF4 doesn't require Win8.

Why is there so much hate for Win8? I got it earlier this year, installed it and ran a small program called "StartIsBack" and it's like Win7 but far more stable and noticeably faster, especially on boot up. I don't even have an SSD and my PC from pressing the power button to being able to load these forums takes > 30 seconds.
Why is there so much hate for Win8? I got it earlier this year, installed it and ran a small program called "StartIsBack" and it's like Win7 but far more stable and noticeably faster, especially on boot up. I don't even have an SSD and my PC from pressing the power button to being able to load these forums takes > 30 seconds.
My experience with Windows 8 is horrible. Bought a new PC and it has Windows 8 on it. It's slow, buggy, and a UI nightmare. I might reformat the computer as Ubuntu.
Wow my experience with 8 is actually amazing and even better than Windows 7. Also it supposes to be better for gaming.

There are some cool apps that will strip out all the clutter from Windows 7 and 8

I used them to make Windows lighter and more responsive. Basically it disables a bunch of services and features you don't need.

I recommend Windows 8 Manager :

And JV16 Power Tools:

Anyway some news about the size of the BF4 Beta

My experience with Windows 8 is horrible. Bought a new PC and it has Windows 8 on it. It's slow, buggy, and a UI nightmare. I might reformat the computer as Ubuntu.
Ubuntu is no better with it's Unity crap, at least on my netbook, lately Canonical has started to make Ubuntu feel bloated and slow compared to what it was like 5 or 6 versions ago (I have been using it since Edgy Eft), I would suggest something else based on Debian/Ubuntu like Mint.

I've been using Win8 on a new laptop and an old upgraded from Win7 laptop, never had any issues with bugginess or slowness, wonder if there is anything you can do to rectify that? The UI is personal of course, I tend to like it since I have been with WP for a few years, but of course it isn't for everyone. W8.1 is supposed to be out soon, should fix some things. Putting back in a start button...although there already is one if people knew about hot corners.
Is there a downloadable 64 bit version of either 7 or 8 that I can purchase?

If there's a downloadable version of 7 that's cheap as an upgrade from my 32 bit version, even better.

Not sure if it means anything, but my version is the student version.
I paid $15 to upgrade from Win 7 (64) to 8 (64) when Windows 8 came out.

I'm not sure if they have something like that right now.
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