PlayStation 4 discussion v2.0

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Just the haters. It is a very complete game in every sense, and by no means short.

f*** the haters! I hate you, haters! Go to hater hell!

Welcome to the PS4 family.

Thanks! I am hoping to use it more than I ever did my PS3. I would have bought the PS4 JUST for Uncharted 4...and sadly.....a new SOCOM game had the chosen to release one :(

Your mileage may vary when it comes to Killzone:SF multiplayer. I initially thought it would be something I would be hooked to. But that didn’t happen mostly due to annoying things like spawn camping which I’ve heard has since died down some. But the campaign was excellent in my opinion, a nice open world feeling with the freedom to tackle objectives when you feel like it. There are some high tension stealth moments and really incredible vistas to behold. I’m still holding on to the game for its co-op Horde mode which should be making its way to us soon I hope.

Ooohh horde that idea. No spawn camping for me, just camping!

Not sure if it was from you but I did decline a PS4 friend request recently because the name wasn't familiar. If it was you my bad and you should resend the request. You went from Bogey to Soldier and now to Kvally so its tough keeping track of who you are. ;)

That was me! Why you gotta be like that!?!? :) I will request you again.

They definitely changed the controls in K3, and I think for the better. I know a lot of "purists" are against that change, but whatever.

I am sure it was the new controls combined with my new controller that helped.

SF is definitely the best playing of the bunch, and that's in part to the improved framerate. If you're playing classic warzone, it is between 50-60 fps; if you're playing any of the 24 player matches, which is what I normally do, I'd say it is more like 35-45 fps. It still looks great, but less players, smoother experience. There is also no aim assist in this game, so it may feel hard as all s*** to start, since it is pretty unforgiving.

No aim assist....SAWEET. I always disable aim assist in my games, if they give that option. This saves me the headache...AND now I know others are disabled.

I wouldn't call it a tech demo at all. Campaign took me around 9 hours on hard, and I didn't even get 50% of the collectibles. It's very old school when it comes to hand holding, as in, there isn't any. I'm used to the "go go go!" campaigns of COD and BF, so having aFPS that insists I stop, look around, and figure s*** out is refreshing. They also curbed the difficulty on one of the more frustrating bits.

9 hours? That is my attention span for a campaign for the most part so I like that. No matter how good a game is, they can get to be too long for my taste. Probably why you never see me complete more than say 20% of an RPG.

The streamlined the classes, so it is Scout, Assault, and Support now. Each have two ability slots, though one ability is fixed per class: scout has scanning (to tag enemies); assault has tactical shield (think Reach's bubble shield, just not a bubble); and support has revive.

For the secondary abilities, scouts can deploy a stun drone, teleport (which is amazing/hilarious/frustrating), or cloak. Assault has speed boost, stun (unlike scout, which deploys a drone which hovers and waits for people to enter to stun, assault's stun is like an instant bomb going off around you, instantly stunning enemies), and drone buddy (follows you around and shoots enemies in its vicinity. Support has air drones, turrets, spawn beacon, and supply boxes.

All weapons are available from the start, which is great, and you can have four custom load outs per class. You unlock weapon attachments and ability improvements through play.

Thank you for the information! That is all great. I love that they give access to all weapons right away. I wish that was available in many other shooters that I play.

Yeah I don't get locking weapons away. I bought the damn game, give me the weapons. Attachments and s***, okay fine, but at least let me fire the damn gun.
BTW, I picked up my PS4 in Sun Prairie WI, at Target. Had PLENTY available, as usual. If you can't find one, try there!

After having my PS4 for 24 hours's ORGASMIC. Love this bad boy! Controller is literally 20 times better than the DS3. BOOM.
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BTW, I picked up my PS4 in Sun Prairie WI, at Target. Had PLENTY available, as usual. If you can't find one, try there!

After having my PS4 for 24 hours's ORGASMIC. Love this bad boy! Controller is literally 20 times better than the DS3. BOOM.

They're now in my stores as well (florida) and my cousin told me they have them by him (connecticut)
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I'm beginning to feel a pang of regret for selling my PS4.

Now to try to convince the wife that it's a worthwhile purchase again.
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Reactions: DriedMangoes
I'm beginning to feel a pang of regret for selling my PS4.

Now to try to convince the wife that it's a worthwhile purchase again.

Just in time for some scare time with Outlast coming out for PS+ in Feb.
The first thing I want to do when I get a ps4 again us play some bf4 with Val.
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Galak-Z Targeting 60 fps on the PS4, Dev Explains Why They Don’t Have Anything Planned For Xbox One

Galak-Z: The Dimensional is an upcoming indie shooter for the PlayStation 4. Developed by 17-BIT, the game was first announced during Sony’s press conference at E3 last year. We got in touch with CEO Jake Kazdal to talk how the game is shaping up on the PlayStation 4.

First of all, the developers are targeting to run the game at 1080P and 60 fps on the PlayStation 4. “Most likely. We’re actually asking a lot of the hardware as it is, but I love 60fps games!,” Jake confirmed to GamingBolt.

During our interview we also asked Jake the reason behind not developing Galak-Z for the Xbox One.

“Sony has been very proactive about securing amazing indie talent, and it’s a huge part of their push for PS4. They confirmed Unity support for PS4 long before Microsoft did, so we approached them first, and it’s just been fantastic ever since, no looking back,” he said.

We also asked whether they had any plans to develop any games for the Xbox One in the future given the recent success of the console and a revamp of Microsoft’s policies with ID@Xbox to which he replied:

“Right now our relationship with Sony is going very well, it’s probably too early to say just yet, but I assume we’ll continue with them for our future projects. We don’t have anything planned for Xbox at this time,” he revealed.

Galak-Z: The Dimensional is due for the PlayStation 4 and PC sometime this year. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

This game looks awesome and screams 60fps with its fast pace action. This is one of if not the only indie title I'm looking forward to.
Glad to see you love your new console. Give it more time and you'll enjoy it even more as you figure more things out. I suggest you link your smartphone up with it as well as you can do many cool things with it (Like Second-Screen keyboard function or just messaging friends much faster) If you happen to have a PS Vita as well i highly recommend syncing it up as the functionality is just awesome.

I too faced an issue with the downloads. But it was only with Ghosts. Thankfully it picks up where it's left off.

I just suck with the mouse.

Tell me about it. I have the R.A.T7 Contagion edition mouse and figured my skills would definitely improve. But i still suck as$ >.<. You just don't get a chance to improve especially when you dive right into Multiplayer games with crazy as$ PC gamers.
Glad to see you love your new console. Give it more time and you'll enjoy it even more as you figure more things out. I suggest you link your smartphone up with it as well as you can do many cool things with it (Like Second-Screen keyboard function or just messaging friends much faster) If you happen to have a PS Vita as well i highly recommend syncing it up as the functionality is just awesome.

I too faced an issue with the downloads. But it was only with Ghosts. Thankfully it picks up where it's left off.

Thank you! I didn't even know an app existed!
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Tell me about it. I have the R.A.T7 Contagion edition mouse and figured my skills would definitely improve. But i still suck as$ >.<. You just don't get a chance to improve especially when you dive right into Multiplayer games with crazy as$ PC gamers.

Yeah. and make no mistake about it, I've improved my mouse skills, but it's just nowhere near the skill level of some other pc gamers, and it makes for a frustrating experience sometimes.

I love playing BF4 on my pc at ultra settings, but hot damn, I miss just playing sitting back using a controller. My old man hands always fumbles using the keyboard to access certain keys.
Some PS4 games on sale at Amazon

Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, and More PS4 Games for $39.99 on Amazon

Picked up a PS4, but was too short on cash to pick up all the launch games you wanted? If so, you’re in luck, as three PS4 launch titles are currently on sale at for $39.99.

Of these titles, two are Sony-published PS4 exclusives, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack, both of which have been discounted to $39.99. Additionally,Madden NFL 25 is also on sale for $39.99 for the PS4.

Many other PS4 titles are available for reduced prices ($50 or less), including Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Call of Duty: Ghosts,Battlefield 4 and more. You can see all PS4 titles for sale here.
KZ definitely worth 40 bucks. I enjoyed Knack, which I bought at 40; I wouldn't pay more than that, though.
I want KZ digital. I might wait for a PSN+ sale on KZ.
I want KZ digital. I might wait for a PSN+ sale on KZ.

It's unfortunately like 40gb. Granted, same if you purchase a physical copy, but easier to reinstall if you decide to delete it later on down the road to make room for something else, then wan it back.
It's unfortunately like 40gb. Granted, same if you purchase a physical copy, but easier to reinstall if you decide to delete it later on down the road to make room for something else, then wan it back.
I wanted to go all digital this new gen, but it hasn't worked out for me yet on the X1. I got BF4 and COD Ghosts for the $10.00 upgrade cuz I had them on disk on the 360. Then Best Buy had a sale on Forza 5 disk for $39.99, and I had a $5.00 reward cert making it $34.99 for the retail disk. My son bought the Dead Rising 3 for the same deal, $39.99 on sale at Best Buy and he had a $5 reward cert. Only AC4 I could have got as digital, but bought it retail so that my son had another physical item to open at Christmas. It was hard to turn down those deals for digital convenience.

So I told myself to be patient and go all digital on the PS4....but I don't know if I have that patience. Seeing KZ4 on sale on disk for $20 less is so tempting.
I wanted to go all digital this new gen, but it hasn't worked out for me yet on the X1. I got BF4 and COD Ghosts for the $10.00 upgrade cuz I had them on disk on the 360. Then Best Buy had a sale on Forza 5 disk for $39.99, and I had a $5.00 reward cert making it $34.99 for the retail disk. My son bought the Dead Rising 3 for the same deal, $39.99 on sale at Best Buy and he had a $5 reward cert. Only AC4 I could have got as digital, but bought it retail so that my son had another physical item to open at Christmas. It was hard to turn down those deals for digital convenience.

So I told myself to be patient and go all digital on the PS4....but I don't know if I have that patience. Seeing KZ4 on sale on disk for $20 less is so tempting.

Target has a sale right now for KZ:SF, AC4, BF4 $34.99 but it's only in Canada.
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