Report: Xbox One received more positive sentiment at launch than PS4

for as little as I thought i would use the voice commands... i sure use them a lot.

Yeah, it's nice to walk out to the kitchen in the morning, start with an "XBox On" and then "Watch NHL Network" or "Watch NFL Network" while I'm taking medicine, and go right out into the living room and start my day. If they get DVR integration any time soon, that'll be awesome.
Yeah, it's nice to walk out to the kitchen in the morning, start with an "XBox On" and then "Watch NHL Network" or "Watch NFL Network" while I'm taking medicine, and go right out into the living room and start my day. If they get DVR integration any time soon, that'll be awesome.

the mere fact that if I forget to shut down the console with the controller, or decide after getting up to be done, i can say "xbox turn off" without having to be right there, is pretty nice.
the mere fact that if I forget to shut down the console with the controller, or decide after getting up to be done, i can say "xbox turn off" without having to be right there, is pretty nice.

I don't know if I've ever shut the console down with the controller.
Many years from now after everything becomes voice activated, humans will mutate to not having fingers as they will become obsolete from not having to use remote controls.
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I'm confused, did the tomb raider thread get merged into this one?

If so, then...

Grats "next-gen" consoles!

/goes back to playing Tomb Raider @ 2560x1600

If not, then read the Tomb Raider thread then read this post.
All I can tell you peoples is this. Yesterday eve I sat down in my recliner to watch some football. I executed these commands with the power of my voice:

xbox on
xbox watch nbc
xbox volume up
xbox volume up
xbox turn off

I didn't use a controller or remote at all.

So what. The ps4 can do that in 1080p.

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