Rumored "bad news" incoming about Sony review event, game reviews, or something completely different

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Well if their goal was to further discredit themselves and gain ire from their consumers, then they have succeeded. Again, I would love for these self-important drama queens to go the way of the dinosaur.
And who is then going to inform consumers about games pre-launch? Yeah sure the consoles have streaming but that doesn't do squat to helping gamers to not waste money on overhyped games that are not worth it.
Was Sessler not invited to the review event or something, why is he acting like his life has been ruined?
Because apparently Sony isn't allowing them to take their own capture footage for reviews (at least that is how it seems), and that apparently puts their specific type of game reviews in jeopardy. At least that's what I have gathered from the internet explosion last night
They can't just use official footage and talk over it? I understand it's not the same thing, but oh well. The rest of us have jobs where we have to cope with unexpected changes on a daily basis, f***ing deal with it, "journalists".
I'd just buy a HDCP bypass device and be done with it personally.

I post Youtube videos here and there, when I get my PS4, that is exactly what I'll do.
They can't just use official footage and talk over it? I understand it's not the same thing, but oh well. The rest of us have jobs where we have to cope with unexpected changes on a daily basis, f***ing deal with it, "journalists".
Because apparently Sony isn't allowing them to take their own capture footage for reviews (at least that is how it seems), and that apparently puts their specific type of game reviews in jeopardy. At least that's what I have gathered from the internet explosion last night

Guy spends more time filming him self doing OTT hand movements anyways so really whats the issue?

Go to the event and if something is wrong with the console and its games report it.
Uh, wut?o_O

Journalists will still get an early copy/review event of a game and review it before any consumer gets their hands on it. Thus, business as usual.

You don't care one bit but try to imagine this industry without them? Just sayin.... The written word has power. Good or bad, journalists are necessary.
I 100% respectfully disagree with you. Reviews have become a joke and I don't think we need them at all. With the new media streaming that will be available, you will be able to watch real gameplay of new games on release day(if not earlier) and be able to make your own decision on whether a game is for you or not. I hold next to no regard for these media shills who are so scared to tell the truth less they lose favor with the corporate machine. It is truly despicable what these "journalists" have become. Honestly, game reviews (most) are such a joke and so obviously biased and moneyhatted, I don't know why anyone reads them anymore. It's ok to come to your own conclusions about games, really it is.
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Guy spends more time filming him self doing OTT hand movements anyways so really whats the issue?

Go to the event and if something is wrong with the console and its games report it.

Thats the thing though. If you receive controlled information, then you are ultimately swaying the journalists review to say what you want it to say. Versus just sending them a game and allowing them to come to their own professional opinion in which their fanbase count on and agree with.
And who is then going to inform consumers about games pre-launch? Yeah sure the consoles have streaming but that doesn't do squat to helping gamers to not waste money on overhyped games that are not worth it.
How about we right this industry and stop doing pre-orders and if publishers want to hide their games from us until release, well then lets wait until release(and watch them squirm) and have the thousands of amateur reviewers and regular gamers who are taking a chance on the game inform us through actual gameplay. It makes so much sense, why cant everyone see that. Of course I know this will never happen because of all the sheeple out there, but I can dream of a better way can't I?
I 100% respectfully disagree with you. Reviews have become a joke and I don't think we need them at all. With the new media streaming that will be available, you will be able to watch real gameplay of new games on release day(if not earlier) and be able to make your own decision on whether a game is for you or not. I hold next to no regard for these media shills who are so scared to tell the truth less they lose favor with the corporate machine. It is truly despicable what these "journalists" have become. Honestly, game reviews (most) are such a joke and so obviously biased and moneyhatted, I don't know why anyone reads them anymore. It's ok to come to your own conclusions about games, really it is.

Reviews are heavily relied upon by most consumers. They see the pull quote on the box or ad, and it helps them make a decision on purchasing the game.

You are an enthusiast, which makes up perhaps only about 15%-20% of purchasers.

Online reviewers rely on hits, so they're going to want to show up within the first few results on a google search by that impressionable consumer. That consumer will be doing the searches a few days prior to a game's release.

Now, the question is whether the reviewer is biased when he/she receives a free copy of the game, or gets swag or gets treated well. I think no, for the most part. Reviewers want to be credible, and so they'll criticize a game's shortcomings, if they notice them. However, they will be less inclined to review a game if they don't get an advanced copy (they usually have other games to review). Of course, this means they won't get the hits for that popular game, and the publisher might not like that there was a lack of coverage.
I also read that some journalist are upset because Sony isn't giving them free PS4s.
Was Sessler not invited to the review event or something, why is he acting like his life has been ruined?

Sessler is an odd fellow, capable of some very thoughtful pieces but also prone to histrionics. He can be a real drama queen sometimes.
Sessler is an odd fellow, capable of some very thoughtful pieces but also prone to histrionics. He can be a real drama queen sometimes.

He can be a diva, but at other times, he can come across as incredibly intelligent, gracious, and introverted.
If these guys/gals were truly journalists, they would not be so beholden to the requests/restrictions publishers and console makers put on them and they would actually deliver news would they not? I'm not naive and I understand that may be career suicide in the current climate, but wouldn't a true journalist disregard all of that and let the truth win out?
I 100% respectfully disagree with you. Reviews have become a joke and I don't think we need them at all. With the new media streaming that will be available, you will be able to watch real gameplay of new games on release day(if not earlier) and be able to make your own decision on whether a game is for you or not. I hold next to no regard for these media shills who are so scared to tell the truth less they lose favor with the corporate machine. It is truly despicable what these "journalists" have become. Honestly, game reviews (most) are such a joke and so obviously biased and moneyhatted, I don't know why anyone reads them anymore. It's ok to come to your own conclusions about games, really it is.

Not sure what your getting at, but regardless of a review I make my own decision ultimately. However, reading some reviews has saved me a lot of money in the past and I for one appreciate the effort. Most reviews I don't agree with be it more in line with the opinion piece or against, it still makes for an entertaining read. Ultimately thats what its really about.

I would rather not take the word of a random gamer who lacks the experience (professionally, mentally and emotionally) attempting to give me their opinion on a game I'm interested in as their perspective has the potential to be greatly skewered. Any form of writing on a professional level is a discipline mate, and a hard earned one to boot. Don't hate because journalists get paid to do so. They've earned it.

What we could do without (imho) are game demos...
How about we right this industry and stop doing pre-orders and if publishers want to hide their games from us until release, well then lets wait until release(and watch them squirm) and have the thousands of amateur reviewers and regular gamers who are taking a chance on the game inform us through actual gameplay. It makes so much sense, why cant everyone see that. Of course I know this will never happen because of all the sheeple out there, but I can dream of a better way can't I?
That makes perfect sense, and it would be a great solution, but sadly it won't ever get there. And while yes some journalists are shills and their word is garbage, the footage speaks for itself. Personally I like to watch various footage content from reviews that are as different as they can be to base my purchasing decision, there are some reviewers whom I read because I often find my sentiments after playing a game match what they have said. My issue is the lack of available footage pre-launch. Twitch integration will help things a lot but is limited until the game launches in the majority of cases (at least for a robust ability to see footage).

With existing consoles it isn't so much of a worry as you can always just forgo day one and watch feeds after and play other games until then. But with system launches and launch games where people want to have a game with their day one console it becomes more important. As such, the games I am interested in are the ones that have had footage in some regard being shown already.
If these guys/gals were truly journalists, they would not be so beholden to the requests/restrictions publishers and console makers put on them and they would actually deliver news would they not? I'm not naive and I understand that may be career suicide in the current climate, but wouldn't a true journalist disregard all of that and let the truth win out?

It's not just about "career suicide." It's about being sued. Breaking an embargo or terms of use is breaching a legally binding contract.
You ever watch a movie review? The only footage they use from the film is from the trailers, or released footage. Same thing here.
Yeah..and movie footage is often deceiving, just like this would be. The content creator has an incentive to only provide good footage and not bad footage, this is not the best solution for the consumer. We should be able to get unfettered footage, not whatever they want us too see.
Seriously why isn't Sony getting more slack for this? If MS did this the press and forums would be rip them a new one.
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Yeah..and movie footage is often deceiving, just like this would be. The content creator has an incentive to only provide good footage and not bad footage, this is not the best solution for the consumer. We should be able to get unfettered footage, not whatever they want us too see.

If the reviewer gives an honest review the footage shouldn't matter as much.
You ever watch a movie review? The only footage they use from the film is from the trailers, or released footage. Same thing here.
Nnnot really. The review is based off of the entire film. When my team and I have a pre screening we allow our VP members to see the entire feature and then give their opinion. We wouldnt know what to change or if there needs to be a re-shoot if we only showed what we wanted them to see. Most reviews are based on the master edit or in the can.

Previews maybe. Not reviews....
Yeah..and movie footage is often deceiving, just like this would be. The content creator has an incentive to only provide good footage and not bad footage, this is not the best solution for the consumer. We should be able to get unfettered footage, not whatever they want us too see.
That's why reviewers aren't restricted in terms of being able to express criticism. They are fully capable of doing so, and they don't need video footage to criticize.
Seriously why isn't Sony getting more slack for this? If MS did this the press and forums would be rip them a new one.
Because nothing's been officially disclosed; all we have is a bunch of innuendo.
Seriously why isn't Sony getting more slack for this? If MS did this the press and forums would be rip them a new one.

.....because Sony can do no wrong.
They are the Noble proprietors of truth and justice in the console world. Using transparent and truthful tactics is what they are known for.
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